
finally understood why the 40-year-old with a baby was called a grandmother

author:Zhitong writes stories

Recently, an 18-year-old temporary worker worked as a waiter in a restaurant, calling a 48-year-old female customer aunt, the customer was very angry and refused to pay, and finally the waiter apologized and the customer was free of charge.

Some netizens commented: "I am 41 years old, and my daughters are 21 years old, so it's normal to call me Auntie."

Some netizens also said: "I am still single at the age of 35, and it is not appropriate to call me an aunt."

In the past 10 years, most young people are busy with work, have no time to fall in love, and some are unwilling to settle, but they have not gotten married.

For example, my grandmother is 85 years old, she was only 20 years old when she got married, and my mother was 65 years old and 23 years old when she got married.

Like me, I am 40 years old, my second child is just over 1 year old, and I have been called grandma twice when I take my baby out

That morning, I took the baby to play next to the community, by the way to buy some food on the side of the road, there are many stalls on the side of the road, there are local grandmothers selling home-grown vegetables, there are middle-aged uncles with a tricycle pulling a large iron cage, which contains chickens, pigeons, partridges, there are gas canisters next to the car, water and buckets, there is a place of chicken feathers on the ground, there is an aunt waiting for the uncle to burn the chicken, and a grandmother is choosing chickens, the uncle takes out every chicken, grandma is either too thin or too fat to pick left and right.

The middle-aged eldest sister next to her is also selling chickens, this piece of land was originally her first to set up a stall, the eldest sister just came here to sell chickens and the business is very good, and now after the middle-aged uncle comes, the eldest sister's business is very miserable.

finally understood why the 40-year-old with a baby was called a grandmother

Grandma picked all the chickens from the uncle, and each of them said that there were shortcomings, but she still chose to buy them from the uncle.

The place where many people buy must be good, I also choose to buy it from the uncle, I pointed to a white-haired pigeon, just buy this, the uncle said: "The pigeon is 30 yuan a piece." ”

I said, "The market is only 25 yuan a piece, you are too expensive, right?" ”

finally understood why the 40-year-old with a baby was called a grandmother

The uncle said: "Of course, it is cheap to buy more in the market, but it is expensive if I buy less." ”

We had a lot of language exchange during the buying process, and while I was waiting for the pigeon, my daughter was playing peek-a-boo with me around the tree next to me.

At this time, the uncle said, "Little sister and grandma have a good time." ”

I said that I didn't make a sound, thinking that maybe the uncle was wrong, and after a while, the uncle said that the pigeon had been made.

I let go and took the pigeon, and then the uncle said, "Go home and ask grandma to make pigeon soup." ”

I was wearing a red design top, black straight-leg pants, and white shoes, which didn't look like my grandmother, and my voice didn't look like my grandmother.

When I met a friend in the afternoon, I asked, "Is this dressed like grandma?" ”

A friend said: "This is not like dressing, but now grandma is dressed younger, and many people can't tell the difference between grandma and mother." ”

What my friend said also makes sense, the grandmothers in several communities around us are walking their babies in front of their homes, all wearing the kind of doll tops of girls in their 20s, with a pair of straight-leg jeans and a big hole in the knees, and a pair of small white shoes.

And mothers take their babies to help with homework, to do hygiene, to do laundry and cooking, but also to think about making money, but also to be diligent and thrifty, unless they want to go to a farther place to play, otherwise there is not much time and energy at the door of the house to dress themselves.

finally understood why the 40-year-old with a baby was called a grandmother

Not only that one grandmother, but also several grandmothers are all dressed up exquisitely and fashionably, but mothers walk their babies to pay attention to comfort and nature.

Now there are many people who get married and have babies when they are more than 35 years old, and the middle-aged babies are still very young, and the pressure of life has made these post-80s tired and haggard, and many middle-aged people are mistakenly called grandmothers.