
No wonder the old people say that men are sensible when they get married, and netizens commented and laughed to death

author:Sydney views the world

The old man said: "After a man gets married, he begins to be sensible", and it is said that when a man gets married, he is like a different person, becoming mature and stable, and considerate. But what is the reason why men are instantly "sensible" after marriage? After reading the sharing of netizens, I realized.

Before getting married, the man said to his mother: How many times have I said it, don't cook my food in the morning, don't disturb my sleep.

Mom I changed my dirty clothes on the couch, don't forget to wash me, I'm out playing.

Mom got me some money, and I'm going to take my girlfriend out to play.

Mom and friends have cars, and I want to have them too, you guys are working hard.

After getting married, the man said to his daughter-in-law: Can't you get up to cook something, our mother has a bad stomach and can't skip meals in the morning.

Our clothes have been sitting for a few days, and you can't wash her when you have time to play with your phone.

Since I was a child, I knew that it was not easy for my parents to raise me, and now that I am older, we will give some living expenses together.


No wonder the old people say that men are sensible when they get married, it turns out that filial piety is outsourced, some netizens said that she gave birth to a child and hemorrhaged, and was rescued for three hours, her husband's first sentence when he talked about this was, "You know now that it is difficult to have a child, you will be better to my mother in the future"

After reading the replies of netizens, I really laughed to death.

Well, you can be filial piety and outsource, lying down to call people.

No wonder the old people say that men are sensible when they get married, and netizens commented and laughed to death

It's not easy to, it's not easy because of him.

No wonder the old people say that men are sensible when they get married, and netizens commented and laughed to death

There is a debtor who is wronged, and who is not easy to make up for it.

No wonder the old people say that men are sensible when they get married, and netizens commented and laughed to death

As soon as the bride marries home, it is time for the old lady to retire.

No wonder the old people say that men are sensible when they get married, and netizens commented and laughed to death

I didn't know that it was not easy for his parents before I got married, and I said that it was not easy for his parents every day after I got married.

Marriage should be a "rite of passage" for men, allowing them to transform from an ignorant teenager to a mature and stable husband, rather than letting the wife bear everything alone.

After getting married, a man should take on the responsibilities of the family, care for his wife, take care of the children, take care of the housework, and learn to communicate with his wife in order to make the marriage longer.