
A woman complained that "if you don't want to take your grandson, don't marry your son's daughter-in-law", netizens fryed

author:Sydney views the world

Recently, a woman complained that "if you don't want to bring your grandson's in-laws, don't marry your son's daughter-in-law", or after marrying a daughter-in-law, she directly said that if she doesn't have children, don't give birth, which sparked discussions among netizens.

The woman said that many people say that after giving birth to a child, they can see whether their husband and in-laws are good or not, but there are traces to be found before marriage, and looking for a husband must find a high family status, because a woman is not looking for a husband but the father of the child, and a man who can't protect his shortcomings or is pinched by his parents will suffer a lot. If a man's parents do not care about his son, then the daughter-in-law he marries has no status.

A woman complained that "if you don't want to take your grandson, don't marry your son's daughter-in-law", netizens fryed

Netizens have mixed opinions on this. Some netizens think why do you have to be brought by your in-laws when you give birth to a child? Of course, it is best that the in-laws can help, but it is not an obligation! Some netizens also feel that the in-laws don't show the children, and it is best to explain it to the daughter-in-law in advance, after all, it is really too hard to watch the children alone, and the daughter-in-law has nothing to do with the in-laws when she gives birth to a child.

A woman complained that "if you don't want to take your grandson, don't marry your son's daughter-in-law", netizens fryed
A woman complained that "if you don't want to take your grandson, don't marry your son's daughter-in-law", netizens fryed
A woman complained that "if you don't want to take your grandson, don't marry your son's daughter-in-law", netizens fryed

After reading it, I summarized a few points:

1. Girls have to find a way to figure out the status of boys in their original families, because they love the house and Wu, and hate Wu;

2. It is necessary to clarify whether the man's parents can provide financial or human support after marriage. It's not that if the in-laws don't give economic and human support, the two won't get married or have children, but to know the in-laws' plans and prepare accordingly in advance. Because if the in-laws do not give some support to the small family, it is best to wait until the young couple has saved enough money or the career has a stable period before having children;

3. If the understanding before marriage is inconsistent with the actual situation after marriage, the living arrangements should be adjusted in time.