
What would happen if an astronaut peed on the moon? Far scarier than you think

author:Smile and watch entertainment


In 1969, the American "Apollo 11" successfully landed on the moon, and the astronauts who landed on the moon also carried out a series of experiments, and left some experimental equipment on the surface of the moon.

What would happen if an astronaut peed on the moon? Far scarier than you think

Although the astronauts stayed on the moon for a short time, they accidentally dropped some "garbage" on the moon near takeoff.

At that time, the astronauts even rubbed the moon and the surface of the moon a few times for the convenience of operation, and what happened as a result?

Peeing on the moon can cause pollution.

From 1969 to 1972, the United States successfully launched a total of six lunar spacecraft, not only sending astronauts to the moon, but also placing some scientific research equipment on the moon in an automatic working state, which carried out autonomous operation under the guidance of drones and carried out a wide range of exploration of the lunar surface.

What would happen if an astronaut peed on the moon? Far scarier than you think

The United States has placed a total of 34 exploration devices on the moon, including probes similar to deep pits, seismographs, magnetometers, etc., which eventually brought us a lot of valuable information about the moon.

Peeing can contaminate existing lab equipment.

In some Mars exploration programs, American scientists have suggested that if you want to experiment on Mars, it is not safe to directly carry astronauts to Mars for experiments, because astronauts' bodies will metabolize at any time, and once the microorganisms on Mars are brought back to Earth, it may cause catastrophic damage to the ecological environment on Earth.

What would happen if an astronaut peed on the moon? Far scarier than you think

Therefore, American scientists believe that the experiment on whether life can be carried out on Mars can be transferred from humans to robots.

In October 2017, the United States successfully sent a robot called "Bangkok" to Mars, which has been conducting experiments on Mars for a long time, and if the experimental results confirm the existence of life on Mars, it will not affect life on Earth.

What would happen if an astronaut peed on the moon? Far scarier than you think

The delivery of this robot indicates that the United States is expected to send more robots to Mars for scientific exploration in the future, but use Mars as a laboratory and conduct a small amount of investigation and analysis, after all, the conditions on Mars are far from the living conditions on Earth.

However, when the American Apollo carried out the moon landing program, the astronauts conducted a series of experiments on the moon, bringing a visible pollution-resistant zone to the lunar surface, although the astronauts landed on the moon for a short time, but the activists stranded on the lunar surface still extended the astronauts to stay on the lunar surface for several days, so it is inevitable that the astronauts will pee on the moon.

Severe contamination caused by urinating.

The Apollo moon landing program of the United States is the most successful moon landing in history, not only only the most advanced detection technology in modern times, but also experienced astronauts to control the entire spacecraft, but even so it is inevitable that there will be some accidents, some probes fail during operation, which is also inevitable in the case of insufficient development of robot detection technology.

What would happen if an astronaut peed on the moon? Far scarier than you think

This situation is also something that American scientists have long thought of, after all, there is still a certain risk in remote control, so American scientists have a set of methods to deal with the out-of-control situation.

Although the experimental equipment on the moon was lost, a team of professionals from the US space agency closely monitored the equipment and conducted an all-round analysis of the operation of the equipment, thus obtaining the images produced by the "Apollo Program" on the experimental equipment on the moon.

What would happen if an astronaut peed on the moon? Far scarier than you think

From the feedback, the scientists learned that the missing experimental equipment had been operating on the surface of the moon for many days, and finally confirmed that the original data fed back by these devices was real and valid, and after disconnecting, the data was synchronized to Earth.

As a result, U.S. scientists were able to determine that the missing probe had accurately displayed a series of experimental data on the lunar surface.

What would happen if an astronaut peed on the moon? Far scarier than you think

After the American scientists made a detailed comparison of the data, they paid close attention to some of the gas-releasing devices, and within 60 days, the specially trained researchers released the gas again to observe what kind of impact the gas released by these devices had on the surface environment of the moon.

American experimenters evaluated the moon after the experiment.

The first was the first release, in which the experimenters used a compound called aluminium gas, and after placing them on the surface of the moon, they recorded in great detail on the ground, and found that after the release, some unusual conditions appeared in the rubble on the lunar surface.

What would happen if an astronaut peed on the moon? Far scarier than you think

The surface of the aluminium gas has the same form as the surrounding gravel surface, and the surface of the aluminium gas also has some silvery particles that appear to be produced after the release of the aluminium gas, and after research, scientists have confirmed that these particles are the aluminum chips that fall from the surface of the aluminium gas.

In the end, the scientists came to the conclusion that with the evaporation of aluminum, the temperature of the surface of the aluminium gas decreased, thereby cooling the aluminium gas and the surrounding air, and aluminum, which is a substance that is easy to evaporate, when it evaporates, all the surrounding water vapor is evaporated, so that the water vapor in the air and the hydrogen in the aluminum gas react in the air, and finally produce water and aluminum, and the formation of aluminium water causes the surface temperature of the crushed stone to drop, and finally produces snowflake-like aluminum chips.

What would happen if an astronaut peed on the moon? Far scarier than you think

But in the second release process, American scientists used a compound called plastic gas, and because plastic is an easily burning substance, when plastic gas is released, it can be burned, and finally only lime and some colorful gases are left.

After two experiments, American scientists came to the conclusion that since none of these gases left any obvious traces, it means that they have not had a substantial impact and there is no pollution in the air.

What would happen if an astronaut peed on the moon? Far scarier than you think

However, when these experimental equipment is releasing gas, it is strictly guarded and does not allow a small error, but if the astronauts pee on the moon, it is difficult to avoid small mistakes.

Although there is no air on the moon, astronauts' urine also contains gas, and some urine generates some heat as it falls, making it evaporate more fully.

What would happen if an astronaut peed on the moon? Far scarier than you think

Although the astronauts only stayed on the moon for a few days, every drop of their urine will cause a lot of pollution, and although the urine contains water, it still cannot meet the conditions on the surface of the moon, resulting in pollution that will only become more serious.


In the future, if the lunar mission is to be carried out again, the pollution of the lunar surface will become more and more serious, but the astronauts must insist on cleaning up the pollution on the lunar surface and contribute to the environmental protection of the moon.