
The coal seam is 55 meters thick, China's first open-pit coal mine, after 118 years of continuous excavation, what is happening now?

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Classification of open-pit mining.

Open-pit mining refers to the extraction of coal from the ore seam by the method of mining, which is a very common and traditional way of mining coal mines.

Open-pit mining can be divided into open-pit mining, large-scale open-pit mining, and very large-scale open-pit mining according to its size.

According to the different ore depths, open-pit mines can be divided into surface open-pit mines and deep open-pit mines.

The coal seam is 55 meters thick, China's first open-pit coal mine, after 118 years of continuous excavation, what is happening now?

According to the different forms of ore layers, they can be divided into thin-bed open-pit mines and thick-bed open-pit mines.

According to the different strike and dip angle of the mine, it can also be divided into flat open-pit mine, inclined open-pit mine, etc.

The Shouyu open-pit coal mine happens to be a thick-bed open-pit coal mine, and the average dip angle of the deposit exceeds 30 degrees.

Due to the overall deflection, the shaft of Shouyu open-pit coal mine is a folded form.

The depth of these mines is very shallow from the surface, and although it is not a surface open pit mine, the average height of the coal and the surface is only 200 to 1,000 meters.

The coal seam is 55 meters thick, China's first open-pit coal mine, after 118 years of continuous excavation, what is happening now?

The veins of the Shouyu open-pit coal mine have most of the coalfields in the upper and lower walls of the ore.

The upper wall of the coal field is below the ore, and the bottom wall of the coal field is above the ore.

From the surface to 200 meters, it is a layer of surface water and earth and rock.

Between 200 and 1,000 meters underground, there is a layered composition of coal seams and ore seams.

Comparison of open pit mine and underground mine.

So what are the differences between open-pit mines and underground mines?

The first is the difference in coal production.

Because underground mines are mined underground at tens of meters to hundreds of meters deep, underground mines can only mine coal two or three meters thick, and the efficiency of coal mining is far less than that of open-pit mines.

The coal seam is 55 meters thick, China's first open-pit coal mine, after 118 years of continuous excavation, what is happening now?

Moreover, the mining of underground mines has very high requirements for mines, and the phenomenon of coal inclusion and gangue is more serious, which greatly increases the loss of coal mines.

As a result, underground coal mining is not very efficient, but open-pit coal mining in open-pit coal mines completely avoids this.

Due to the large thickness of the coal seam, a large coal output can be obtained at one time, which reduces the cost of coal production and improves the efficiency of coal production.

The coal seam is 55 meters thick, China's first open-pit coal mine, after 118 years of continuous excavation, what is happening now?

Of course, there is another aspect, which is the gap in production safety.

Although the depth and hidden dangers of underground mining are large, the working environment of underground mines is relatively stable and not affected by the external environment.

However, the working environment in the open-pit mine is relatively dangerous, and the working environment is affected by the climate change of the four seasons.

Especially during the melting season, workers in the mine can easily slip and fall.

In addition, due to the steep terrain of the work site, it is also prone to the risk of falling accidents and mudslides.

Mining methods of Shouyu open-pit coal mines.

Open-pit mine can be said to be a mining resource developed on the shoulders of giants, and because the mining method of open-pit mine is very simple, it is suitable for the era of backward technology at that time.

The coal seam is 55 meters thick, China's first open-pit coal mine, after 118 years of continuous excavation, what is happening now?

However, with the development of science and technology, with the improvement of mainland industry and people's living standards, many open-pit mines have been replaced by underground mining technology.

The Shouyu open-pit coal mine occupies a very important position in the history of coal resource mining in mainland China.

The Shouyu open-pit coal mine is the second open-pit coal mine in the world after the Newcastle coal mine in the United Kingdom in 1889.

This also marks the maturity of the mainland's open-pit coal mining technology and is at the forefront of the world.

The coal seam is 55 meters thick, China's first open-pit coal mine, after 118 years of continuous excavation, what is happening now?

The construction of the Shouyu open-pit coal mine was planned to begin in 1964, and it was only in earnest in 1968 that it was finally completed in February 1970 after more than two years.

The Shouyu open-pit coal mine has improved and perfected the coal mining process of the open-pit mine.

The Shouyu open-pit coal mine has a four-story platform, and the geological team is responsible for exploring the veins and determining the breadth and depth of the veins.

The first platform carries out the initial development of the ore vein, mainly to unload and dredging the ore vein.

The second layer of the platform is mainly to unload coal from the ore veins that have been developed, mainly using bulldozers to unload coal, and forklifts to transport coal.

The coal seam is 55 meters thick, China's first open-pit coal mine, after 118 years of continuous excavation, what is happening now?

The third level of the platform is mainly used to transport coal, which is transported to various livestock sites and then loaded into trucks for transport.

The fourth platform is used for the maintenance and inspection of various equipment.

From the coal mine to the coal unloading site, and then from the coal unloading site to the coal transport site, the equipment and machinery of the Shouyu open-pit coal mine are first-class, using the most advanced technology and technology.

The coal seam is 55 meters thick, China's first open-pit coal mine, after 118 years of continuous excavation, what is happening now?

Of course, there is a coalfield in the southwest of Shouyu open-pit coal mine, and there is a small coalfield in the northwest, and the geological conditions of these coalfields are relatively good.

The equipment in the mine mainly includes bulldozers, rollers, excavators and mine trucks, which can be said to be a very complete set of mechanical equipment.

The technology of Shouyu open-pit coal mine is very advanced, especially in the era of backward technology, the mainland has been unremittingly exploring, and finally explored a mining technology exclusive to the mainland.

Mining at the Shouyu open-pit coal mine began in 1970 and was suspended until 2017, a full 118 years ago.

The coal seam is 55 meters thick, China's first open-pit coal mine, after 118 years of continuous excavation, what is happening now?

It can be said that it has contributed to the development of coal industry production in the mainland, and it is the first open-pit coal mine equipment in the mainland and the first super-heavy equipment in the mainland.

Changes in the Shouyu open-pit coal mine.

As a 114-year-old huge open-pit coal mine project, it is not surprising that the Shouyu open-pit coal mine has been cut off grass, but in these days after the cut grass, there are still stormy waves in the Shouyu open-pit coal mine, which makes people frightened.

The state has previously required the closure of all open-pit mines, but there are more than a dozen Shouyu open-pit mines that have caused a sensation in the entire industry, especially as of now, hundreds of huge abandoned reservoirs have been found in Shouyu open-pit coal mines.

The coal seam is 55 meters thick, China's first open-pit coal mine, after 118 years of continuous excavation, what is happening now?

When the Shouyu open-pit coal mine began to mine that year, it transported coal while mining coal, and the technology at that time was not very advanced, so during the coal transportation, it was afraid that the coal would be broken into carbon blocks, so the coal was transported to the safety zone and polished again.

Of course, there is also a method of mining coal in Shouyu open-pit coal mine, which is through brewing.

At that time, the coal produced by the Shouyu open-pit coal mine was a scientific and technological product supplied to the mainland for development, so the coal quality requirements of the Shouyu open-pit coal mine were very high.

The coal seam is 55 meters thick, China's first open-pit coal mine, after 118 years of continuous excavation, what is happening now?

Therefore, the Shouyu open-pit coal mine allows workers and machinery to carry out synchronous operations, and directly discharge the gangue in the coal through the method of boiling, so as to discharge the gangue while digging.

However, in the process of coal mining in Shouyu open-pit coal mine, the powder of coal is also very common, so in order to reduce the impact of dust and restore high-quality coal, after the coal is transported out of the mine, the Shouyu open-pit coal mine will pile the coal in the open space near the open-pit mine, and remove the coal to keep the coal seam moist and increase the toughness of the coal, so as to make the coal more quality.

The coal seam is 55 meters thick, China's first open-pit coal mine, after 118 years of continuous excavation, what is happening now?

However, when the Shouyu open-pit coal mine is mining, it has also been improved and improved many times, so as to ensure the coal quality and work efficiency of the Shouyu open-pit coal mine.

With the continuous progress of the times, the open-pit mining technology of Shouyu open-pit coal mine has been gradually eliminated, but Shouyu open-pit coal mine still faces challenges from environmental and resource aspects, so the state gradually requires the closure of all open-pit coal mines.

The coal seam is 55 meters thick, China's first open-pit coal mine, after 118 years of continuous excavation, what is happening now?

In order to alleviate the problem of rainwater discharge, these reservoirs collected the discharged rainwater and then discharged it centrally, until July 17, 2019, the environment of the Shouyu open-pit coal mine was improved, and the environment and reservoirs near the Shouyu open-pit coal mine were dredged for more than a month.


In the past 114 years, the Shouyu open-pit coal mine has made great contributions to the development of coal industry production in the mainland as a huge project.

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