
Analyzing the Olympic List - Why is the P card her? There are hidden dangers in the 3rd position of the women's volleyball team, and Cai Bin may stay behind


Analyzing the Olympic List - Why is the P card her? There are hidden dangers in the 3rd position of the women's volleyball team, and Cai Bin may stay behind

The Chinese women's volleyball team won gold at the Paris Olympics

For the Chinese women's volleyball team, the 2024 Paris Olympics is undoubtedly a highly anticipated major event. As a traditional strong team in the Olympic Games, the Chinese women's volleyball team will face new challenges and opportunities this time. In the latest 12+1 Olympic roster, it is not difficult to find that the national team's squad as a whole has maintained relative stability, with both experienced veterans and rookies emerging from the scene. However, there are also some hidden worries and unknowns reflected in this list, and there is a certain amount of uncertainty in the three key positions of receiver, setter and free man, which have attracted much attention.

First of all, let's pay attention to the "main force" of the Chinese women's volleyball team Olympic team. As a leading figure in the national team, Zhu Ting will undoubtedly become the core and main attack point of this team. In the past three Olympic journeys, Zhu Ting has shown her extraordinary strength, not only on the offensive end, but also an important part of the team's offensive organization. Fighting alongside her are Zhang Changning and Li Yingying, two main attackers who also have rich experience in international competitions. The trio will undoubtedly deal a heavy blow to their opponents when they play together. Of course, the outside world also expects Wu Mengjie, a rookie, to adapt to the rhythm of the national team as soon as possible in the Paris Olympics and inject new vitality into this main offensive line.

In the secondary offensive position, the national team also reserves two main forces - Yuan Xinyue and Wang Yuanyuan. Both players have made great contributions to the Chinese women's volleyball team in many major competitions, and their re-inclusion in the Olympic roster this time fully demonstrates the trust of the head coach. However, another "suspenseful character" about this position is Yang Hanyu. The youngster's impressive performances at the World League Finals have raised expectations about whether she will be able to squeeze into the Olympic squad. Unfortunately, in the end, she was not selected, the main reason may be that her shortcomings in blocking the net are slightly obvious, and it is difficult to completely replace a well-rounded secondary attacker like II-VI.

Let's take a look at the important position of the response. Here, Gong Xiangyu and Zheng Yixin will take on important responsibilities. As a senior national player of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Gong Xiangyu's rich experience in international competitions is undoubtedly an important confidence for the team. And Zheng Yixin, the new main force, bears the burden of succession. It is worth noting that although Zheng Yixin has excellent offensive ability in recent competitions, his performance in the back row defense is still unstable, which is also a problem that head coach Cai Bin needs to focus on.

The two key positions of setter and free man also highlight some hidden concerns. In terms of setters, Diao Linyu and Ding Xia are the choice of the head coach, both of whom have made great contributions to the Chinese women's volleyball team in international competitions. However, it should be noted that these two players are still slightly lacking in technical consistency, which may affect the operation of the entire offensive system. As a free agent, Wang Mengjie's experience in competitions is undoubted, but it is also worth paying attention to whether she can fully perform at the Olympic Games.

For this Chinese women's volleyball team, the biggest "wild card" is none other than P card Zhuang Yushan. Although the rookie has performed well in the World League Finals, she still has a significant disadvantage compared to her national players in key metrics such as height and reach. However, the reason why head coach Cai Bin listed her as a P card may be in the hope that she can give full play to her all-round strength at critical moments and bring unexpected surprises to the team.

In general, although the overall strength of the Chinese women's volleyball Olympic squad should not be underestimated, there are still some uncertainties in some key positions. However, we believe that under the leadership of Cai Bin, this team will be able to bring joy and glory to the Chinese people again at the Paris Olympics. They will rely on their own hard work and fighting spirit to win glory for the country and continue the glory of the women's volleyball dynasty.

Analyzing the Olympic List - Why is the P card her? There are hidden dangers in the 3rd position of the women's volleyball team, and Cai Bin may stay behind

After the Olympic list was announced, the outside world also spoke highly of the overall strength of the Chinese women's volleyball team. As a traditional powerhouse that has won many times on the world stage, they are undoubtedly the favourites to win gold at the Paris Olympics. However, a closer look at this lineup is not difficult to find some issues and hidden dangers worthy of attention.

First of all, from the perspective of the core position of the main attacker, Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning and Li Yingying are undoubtedly the absolute main force of this team. Not only do they have excellent technical skills and explosiveness on the offensive end, but they are also an important hub of the team's tactical organization. In contrast, although rookie Wu Mengjie also has good strength, it must take some time to run in and adapt to stand out in such a strong main offensive lineup. Therefore, how to give full play to the maximum potential of these three main attackers, and on this basis, integrate the strength of rookies will become the top priority for head coach Cai Bin.

Let's talk about the secondary attack position. Yuan Xinyue and Wang Yuanyuan, as experienced national players, will undoubtedly be the main fulcrum of the Chinese women's volleyball team. They have shown excellent all-round strength in past tournaments, with good performances in both the offensive end and the blocking link. However, Yang Hanyu's regrettable defeat also makes people wonder if there are other equally outstanding secondary rookies worth paying attention to and cultivating? However, this list does reflect the trust of head coach Cai Bin in Yuan Xinyue and Wang Yuanyuan, and I believe that in the Paris Olympics, they will contribute their due strength to the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Attention has also been paid to the matching position. Gong Xiangyu is undoubtedly the main receiver of this team, and his rich experience in international competitions is undoubtedly an important support for the team. However, Zheng Yixin, as a representative of the new generation, can complete his transformation at the Paris Olympics is also worth paying attention to. Although Zheng Yixin's offensive ability has been fully demonstrated in some important matches recently, he still needs to be further improved in the defensive link of the back row. In this regard, head coach Cai Bin will undoubtedly devote a lot of energy, hoping that before the Paris Olympics, Zheng Yixin can make up for his shortcomings as soon as possible and form a more tacit match with Gong Xiangyu.

The two core positions of setter and libero have also become the focus of attention from the outside world. In terms of setters, Diao Linyu and Ding Xia undoubtedly have a wealth of experience in the competition, but they are slightly lacking in technical stability, which may affect the operation of the entire offensive system. In contrast, libero Wang Mengjie has a lot of experience in competitions, but there is still some uncertainty about whether she will be able to fully unleash her potential at the Paris Olympics. In this regard, head coach Cai Bin will undoubtedly pay close attention to and conduct targeted training, hoping that the two players can play at the most critical moment.

It is worth mentioning that P card player Zhuang Yushan has also attracted widespread attention from the outside world. The outstanding performance of the new national player in the World League Finals has already attracted a lot of attention. Although there is still a certain gap between her and the national players in some key indicators, the reason why head coach Cai Bin listed her as a P card may be because she hopes that she can give full play to her all-round strength at a critical moment and bring unexpected surprises to the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Although the Chinese women's volleyball team is undoubtedly the favorite to win gold in terms of overall strength, there are still some uncertainties in some key positions. How to maximize the potential of the main players and make up for the shortcomings in a timely manner will become an important topic for Coach Cai Bin. However, we believe that under the leadership of Cai Bin, this team will be able to write glory again in the Paris Olympics and win glory for the country.

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