
Choi Kang-hee: The results in the previous game were not very meaningful, and playing Guoan was a very important game


Choi Kang-hee: The results in the previous game were not very meaningful, and playing Guoan was a very important game

Coach Choi's big test

In the face of this upcoming critical battle, Taishan team coach Cui Kangxi feels a lot of pressure. It has been some time since the team won the Chinese Super League championship last time, and the current results are not ideal, and the overall form of the team has also been affected to varying degrees. As a seasoned coach who has been coaching for many years, Choi Kang-hee knows that this game is very important for the team, which is not only a tough battle, but also a rare opportunity.

Past results no longer matter

In an interview, Choi Kang-hee admitted that the previous results were not very meaningful to the team. It has been a while since the team left the Jinan base, and the physical and mental state of the players has been affected. In this critical period, Coach Cui is more concerned about how to adjust the team's state and be fully prepared for the upcoming key battle.

The track record and data that many people value are no longer important in Choi Kang-hee's view. In such a team that has been developing steadily for many years, Coach Cui knows that it is difficult to maintain the status quo by relying solely on past results. The challenge now is how to adjust the overall form, boost morale and be fully prepared for the upcoming game.

Regarding the performance in the previous league, Choi Kang-hee did not express too much of his position, but focused on how to adjust the team's state. He knows that in order to achieve good results in the upcoming games, the key is how to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the players and play to their overall strength.

Do not shy away from difficulties and challenges

In an interview with reporters, Coach Choi did not shy away from the difficulties and challenges that the team is currently facing. He admitted that due to the long-term absence of players from home training, injuries and many other reasons, the overall state of the team has indeed been affected to a certain extent.

The seasoned coach did not shy away from or gloss over this, but confronted the issues head-on. He is well aware that in order to do well in the upcoming competition, the difficulties that the team is currently facing must first be resolved.

Regarding the injuries of Wang Tong and Cressan players, Coach Cui also made a truthful explanation. He said that Wang Tong is actively adjusting his physical condition and hopes to recover as soon as possible; Cressan has returned to training, but he is not yet fully in top form. These are undoubtedly the problems that the team is facing at the moment.

Coach Cui's sincere attitude not only won the recognition of reporters, but also enhanced the confidence of fans in the team. They believe that under the leadership of the veteran coach, the team will be able to get out of the situation as soon as possible and regain its former glory.

Focus on the present and plan for the future

In the face of the upcoming key battle, Coach Choi did not look back too much on the team's past brilliant achievements. Instead, he focuses more on the difficulties that the team is facing at the moment and how to overcome them and be fully prepared for the upcoming games.

In the interview, Coach Choi repeatedly emphasized that this is a very important game, a derby. He wants both teams to be at their best and give a good game to the crowd. This emphasis on the current game undoubtedly reflects Coach Cui's professional ethics and responsibility.

At the same time, Coach Cui is also planning the future development of the team. He said that although the team is facing some difficulties at present, as long as the players can work hard to overcome them, he believes that the team will be able to regain its former style. This confidence and determination for the future is undoubtedly the strong mental support that the team needs in the coming difficult period.

Choi Kang-hee: The results in the previous game were not very meaningful, and playing Guoan was a very important game

Whether it is the importance of the present or the planning for the future, Coach Cui has shown the professional quality and responsibility that a senior coach should have. Under the leadership of this experienced coach, I believe that the Taishan team will be able to overcome the current predicament and regain the center of the Chinese Super League stage.

Boost morale and unite you

As the coach of the team, Choi Kang-hee knows that the key to winning the upcoming game is how to boost the morale of the players and unite the overall strength of the team.

In an interview, Coach Cui expressed this opinion. He said it was a very important game and a derby and hoped that both teams could play their best and give a good game to the crowd. This expression of anticipation and determination for the upcoming game undoubtedly conveys Coach Choi's expectations and trust in the players.

At the same time, when Coach Cui talked about the team's current injury situation, he also showed his care and support for the players. He said that Wang Tong and Cressan are actively adjusting their physical condition and hope to recover as soon as possible. This focus and patience with injuries will undoubtedly boost the confidence and motivation of the players.

In the face of the upcoming key battle, Coach Cui must not only do a good job in tactical layout and strategic deployment, but also fully stimulate the morale of the players and unite the overall strength of the team. Only in this way can the Taishan team stand out in this tough battle and regain its former glory.

All in all, in the face of this upcoming critical battle, Choi Kang-hee, as the coach of the Taishan team, is facing a major test. However, the seasoned coach did not shy away from the problem, but faced the difficulties head-on and actively sought solutions. He not only attaches importance to the current game, but also plans for the future development of the team; At the same time, he also strives to boost the morale of the players and unite the team as a whole. I believe that under the leadership of Coach Cui, the Taishan team will be able to stand out in this tough battle and regain its former glory.

Coach Choi's big test

On the eve of this crucial battle, Tarzan fans are undoubtedly paying special attention to the team's performance. They are eager to see this team regain its former glory and shine again on the Chinese Super League stage.

Given the team's current predicament, fans will inevitably be worried about the team's future. However, when they learned about Coach Choi's honest perception of the current situation of the team and his positive plans for the future, they couldn't help but be shocked.

Coach Choi did not shy away from difficulties, but faced problems head-on, which not only won the recognition of the media and fans, but also strengthened everyone's confidence in the team. They believe that under the leadership of this experienced coach, the Taishan team will be able to overcome the current difficulties and show their due strength again.

In addition, Coach Cui's care and support for the players also made the fans feel the cohesion of the team. He patiently analyzed the injuries of Wang Tong and Cressan and expressed his hope for their speedy recovery, which will undoubtedly greatly stimulate the fighting spirit of the players and enhance the team's combat effectiveness.

I believe that under the careful training of Coach Cui, the Taishan team will regain its former style. They will be able to come out on top in this tough battle and give the fans a great game.

When the fans cheer in the stands, they will be proud and proud of the veteran coach's outstanding performance. They believe that as long as there is such an outstanding leader as Coach Cui, the Taishan team will be able to create more glory.

Such confidence and determination will undoubtedly inject strong motivation into the team and make them even more courageous in the next games. As long as we work together, I believe that the Taishan team will be able to win this tough battle and bring joy and pride to the fans.