
Regret it? The three people who were let go by the Lakers 3 years ago became the core, and two became the championship puzzle pieces!


Regret it? The three people who were let go by the Lakers 3 years ago became the core, and two became the championship puzzle pieces!

The three people who the Lakers let go recreate the championship dream

As fate would have it, three players that the Lakers let go of three years ago to save salary space are now making their mark on their respective teams, with two of them even lifting championship trophies. Looking back on this journey, it can't help but make the Lakers management feel a lot of emotion, but it also makes fans look forward to the future.

Three years ago, the Lakers were eliminated in the first round of the playoffs, and the team began a round of adjustments. In order to seize James's final golden period, the Lakers brought in Russell Westbrook, the then triple-double king, at any cost, and also let go of a number of rotation players as a result. At the time, it seemed that this was a necessary choice, but who would have thought that three years later, this decision would become a big regret for the Lakers.

During their time with the Lakers, these three players were in second place, but they all made great contributions to the team in key moments. Now they have gradually become the core of their respective teams, but also helped the team win important honors. This can't help but make people wonder, did the Lakers miss a rare opportunity?

Regret it? The three people who were let go by the Lakers 3 years ago became the core, and two became the championship puzzle pieces!

On a whim, or in the long term?

For Kuzma, leaving the Lakers may be a blessing. In the Lakers, although he once played alongside James and Davis and won the championship, he has never been able to break free from the role player position. When he was traded to the Wizards, he finally got his own stage.

In the Wizards, Kuzma not only became the team's iron-clad starter, but also improved his statistics in an all-round way, and this season he set a new career high. Burdened with the rebuilding of the team, he has shown great leadership qualities. Despite the team's poor record, Kuzma's performance was impressive.

For Pope, leaving the Lakers has also made him brilliant. With the Nuggets, he became an indispensable "3-and-D" player in Malone's eyes, playing an irreplaceable role on the defensive end. Last year, he won the first championship in team history with the Nuggets, completing his redemption. Although he has not been able to defend his title this season, Pope is bound to make a lucrative offer in the upcoming contract year, which undoubtedly proves his worth.

Regret it? The three people who were let go by the Lakers 3 years ago became the core, and two became the championship puzzle pieces!

As for Caruso, his departure is perhaps the most regrettable for Lakers management. With the Bulls, he has grown into a great "3-and-D" player, and his impact on the defensive end should not be underestimated. This season, he was even named to the First Defensive Team of the Season, showing his quality. Now that he has been poached by the Thunder, he will surely form a strong outside defensive lineup with Alexander, Williams and others, which will become a nightmare for many opponents.

The experience of these three people undoubtedly shows that there are certain problems in the Lakers' decision-making back then. In order to meet the needs of the moment, they gave up some of their potential, and these players found a stage in their respective new teams and eventually grew into great NBA players. This is undoubtedly deeply regrettable for the Lakers management, after all, these three people have reproduced their championship dreams without exception at this moment.

Grasp the present VS long-term layout

For an NBA team, there is a need to balance the present with the future in terms of management. At that time, the Lakers chose to bring in Westbrook in order to seize James's last moments and focus on the results in front of them. Doing so did bring immediate results to the team, but it also created some hidden dangers that should not be ignored.

Regret it? The three people who were let go by the Lakers 3 years ago became the core, and two became the championship puzzle pieces!

The experience of these three players highlights the importance of long-term planning. Kuzma, Pope and Caruso were not the protagonists of the Lakers at the time, but they all showed great potential and room for development. If the Lakers could have given them more trust and opportunities at that time, I believe they would have been able to shine as soon as possible and bring long-term value to the team.

But it turns out that the Lakers chose the immediate interests and ignored the future. This is undoubtedly a typical case of trade-off. Immediate interests are important, but if you aim for them all, it's easy to lose your way at some point and miss out on a rare opportunity. On the contrary, if they can take into account the present and the future, and formulate a more complete development plan, I believe that the Lakers will be able to regain their former glory under the leadership of James.

What's more, the outstanding performances of these three players have also brought inspiration to the current Lakers team. While they have become the core of other teams, the Lakers still have a chance to rediscover their potential. As long as they can be given enough trust and development space, I believe that they will be able to play for the Lakers in the future and become an indispensable and important part of the team.

Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. For the Lakers, the road ahead may not be smooth sailing, but as long as they can learn lessons and plan for the long term, I believe they will eventually return to the top with their own strength.

Regret it? The three people who were let go by the Lakers 3 years ago became the core, and two became the championship puzzle pieces!

The frustration of the present will eventually be exchanged for glory in the future. The three people the Lakers let go may be a footnote in this process. Now that they're at the heart of their respective teams, the Lakers may still have a chance to welcome them back someday. At that point, they will be able to add to the Lakers' glory.

Looking to the future, the Lakers' road to rebuilding

While the Lakers let Kuzma, Pope and Caruso go, we shouldn't dwell too much on regret. Instead, we should pay more attention to where the Lakers go in the future and see if they can learn from this lesson and open a new chapter for the team's rebuild.

Regret it? The three people who were let go by the Lakers 3 years ago became the core, and two became the championship puzzle pieces!

First of all, the Lakers must face up to their own problems and objectively recognize the mistakes of previous decisions. The decision to drop these three outstanding players not only dealt a short-term blow to the team, but also missed some gratifying long-term development opportunities for the Lakers. It can be seen that it is an extremely dangerous practice to simply pursue immediate achievements and ignore potential cultivation.

Therefore, the Lakers need to pay more attention to the cultivation and development of young players in their future planning. They should learn to be patient and give young people enough time and space to continue to improve and grow in real combat. Only then will the Lakers be able to have a truly sustainable luxury roster after the James era is over.

At the same time, Lakers management also needs to be more cautious and long-term in talent recruitment. Bringing in star players can have an immediate effect, but if they don't fit in well with the rest of the team, it can be a pitfall. It is better to spend more energy to explore the potential stocks, and through training and running-in, let them become an indispensable and important part of the team.

Regret it? The three people who were let go by the Lakers 3 years ago became the core, and two became the championship puzzle pieces!

In addition, the Lakers should also learn to make the most of trade opportunities. When you find that certain players are not bringing the value they deserve to your team, don't rest on your laurels and make decisive adjustments. But at the same time, we must also maintain rational thinking and avoid easily giving up excellent young talents for the sake of immediate interests.

By all indications, the Lakers are at a critical turning point. How to build a strong team that can compete for a long time after the end of the James era is an important issue in front of them. Only by facing up to the lessons and weighing them carefully can the Lakers regain their former glory in the future.

I believe that as long as the Lakers can learn the lessons of this experience and carefully formulate long-term development plans, they will be able to return to the top of the NBA in the near future. At that time, those players who have left may also be able to return to the Lakers and write a new chapter for the team. After all, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. Let's look forward to the future of the Lakers together!

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