
US military aircraft have repeatedly ridden Russian air defense systems, and Moscow has begun to counteract, and entering the no-fly zone will be shot down

author:Li Dahua

After Moscow warned to retaliate against the United States, Washington is increasingly feeling Russia's murderous spirit. Since US military aircraft have repeatedly "ridden" the Russian air defense system, suspected of collecting intelligence over the Crimea region over the Black Sea and helping Ukraine launch attacks, Russia is planning to establish a "no-fly zone" over the Black Sea. At that time, if the US military plane dares to break through again, it will face the fate of being shot down.

The Ukrainian army's attack on Crimea has caused more than 150 deaths and injuries on the Russian side, and the Russian defense department noticed that before the attack, a US "Global Hawk" unmanned reconnaissance plane was hovering over the Black Sea, suspected of providing intelligence for Ukraine. A few days ago, some Russian media announced an astonishing news that the Russian army shot down a US RQ-4B "Global Hawk" unmanned reconnaissance aircraft over the Black Sea.

US military aircraft have repeatedly ridden Russian air defense systems, and Moscow has begun to counteract, and entering the no-fly zone will be shot down

This news quickly aroused widespread concern in the international community, and the Washington authorities flatly denied that the US military plane was shot down by Russia, and the Kremlin also said that it did not know about it. Whether this incident exists or not, it is clear that Russia will not give up on the fact that the United States has helped Ukraine launch an attack, and the Black Sea region will become an "outpost" for Russia to counter the United States.

According to reference news reports, the Russian Ministry of Defense has made a characterization of the American drones over the Black Sea, saying that the purpose of these military aircraft flying over the Black Sea is to reconnoiter Russia, provide target guidance for high-precision weapons in the hands of the Ukrainian army, and help Ukraine strike targets on the Russian side.

Russian Defense Minister Belousov has already sent instructions to the General Staff to develop a plan for a quick response to provocations by American military aircraft. Russian sources note that Russia is preparing a tougher response to American strategic reconnaissance drones over the Black Sea, and one of the options is to impose a no-fly zone over the Black Sea and warn that military targets in it will be destroyed.

US military aircraft have repeatedly ridden Russian air defense systems, and Moscow has begun to counteract, and entering the no-fly zone will be shot down


If the U.S. military plane ignores Russia's warning, it will face the fate of being shot down; The other option is much the same as the establishment of a no-fly zone over the Black Sea, which is to use long-range air defense systems or use Russian Aerospace Forces fighter jets to prevent U.S. drones from entering the reconnaissance zone over the Black Sea.

In terms of cost and legitimacy, it is necessary for Russia to establish a "no-fly zone" over the Black Sea. You know, American military aircraft have been collecting intelligence over the Black Sea more than once, and Russia has paid a heavy price many times. On September 22 last year, Ukrainian military missiles and drones launched an attack on the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy, and a missile hit the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, causing serious damage to the historic building and the disappearance of a Russian serviceman.

Had it not been for the emergency evacuation of the top admirals of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the consequences of this attack would have been unimaginable. The Russian Ministry of Defense noted that at the time of the missile attack of the Ukrainian army, a Boeing P-8A "Poseidon Poseidon" reconnaissance aircraft of the US Navy appeared in the southern waters of the Crimean Peninsula and has been circling over the Black Sea, completely ignoring the presence of Russian troops.

US military aircraft have repeatedly ridden Russian air defense systems, and Moscow has begun to counteract, and entering the no-fly zone will be shot down

Russian military scholars made it clear that the appearance of the US military reconnaissance plane over the Black Sea at this time can only show one point: the military plane is locating and monitoring the Russian air defense system, and even guiding the Ukrainian missile to attack Russian targets. Washington will certainly hand over the results it has gathered to the Zelensky government, and in this sense, the United States has become "a party at war with Russia."

In addition, the US military reconnaissance plane can also take the opportunity of the Ukrainian army to attack Russian targets to observe the combat effect of the Russian air defense weapons at close range, and further find out Russia's air defense strength. In the eyes of the Moscow authorities, this action of the US military has seriously endangered Russia's security, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has unabashedly pointed out that the United States has "de facto launched a war against Russia."

US military aircraft have repeatedly ridden Russian air defense systems, and Moscow has begun to counteract, and entering the no-fly zone will be shot down

In fact, since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the US Navy has become "unprecedentedly active" over the Black Sea, with P-8A "Poseidon" reconnaissance aircraft, E-3A "Watchtower" early warning aircraft, and RQ-4 "Global Hawk" unmanned high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft taking turns to spy on Russian intelligence over the Black Sea. What makes Russia even more unbearable is that more than a dozen large capital ships in the Russian Black Sea Fleet have been sunk and destroyed by the Ukrainian army, including the former flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the "Moskva".

Russia has no faith in Ukraine's ability to carry out these attacks on its own, and it has long been intensely concerned about the role played by the United States. Russian intelligence believes that the reason why the Ukrainian army was able to dispatch drones and suicide unmanned boats to launch precision strikes on the Russian Black Sea Fleet many times can be described as "indispensable".

People clearly know that the United States has provided Ukraine with the "Starlink" satellite service to help the Ukrainian army fight the Russian army, which is the most direct evidence that the United States provides intelligence for Ukraine. Today, Russia has decided that it will no longer be patient. Once the Black Sea "no-fly zone" is really established, the US military planes that intrude into it will be driven away by Russia or even shot down if they do not turn back.