
As the US military marched into the eastern Mediterranean, Israel annexed Palestinian territory, and China warned of the situation between Lebanon and Israel

author:Li Dahua

The U.S. Navy amphibious assault ship USS Wasp went to the Eastern Mediterranean to prepare for the evacuation of nationals from Lebanon; The mainland embassy in Lebanon also issued a security reminder announcement, asking citizens in Lebanon to enhance their security awareness and avoid traveling to conflict or sensitive areas. People have seen that the situation in the Middle East is already "ready to fly." Netanyahu's government, which has the full support of the United States, has not only accelerated preparations for war against Lebanon, but has also begun to further encroach on Palestinian territory.

Last week, the US amphibious assault ship USS Wasp sailed into the eastern Mediterranean, intending to evacuate US citizens before a full-scale conflict between Lebanon and Israel. The amphibious assault ship USS Wasp was accompanied by surface ships such as the USS Oakhill dock landing ship and the 24th Marine Corps Expeditionary Force.

As the US military marched into the eastern Mediterranean, Israel annexed Palestinian territory, and China warned of the situation between Lebanon and Israel

It can be said that the US maritime formation put on a full posture in this operation, and it is nominally preparing for the evacuation of Lebanese nationals, but in fact it also intends to cheer up and support Israel. Washington has made it clear that the purpose of the USS Wasp's amphibious assault ship approaching the waters near Lebanon is to "deter."

As early as last year, after Hamas launched Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, the United States sent the amphibious assault ship "Bataan" into the eastern Mediterranean and stayed in the waters near Israel for several months. Now, the reappearance of the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp, which is of the same class as the "Bataan," in these sensitive waters cannot but make people worry about the current situation between Lebanon and Israel.

You know, the F-35B stealth fighter carried by the "Wasp" amphibious assault ship can achieve vertical take-off and landing, and this air power is enough to form a "crushing-level advantage" over Lebanese Allah and other local forces; The USS Oakhill dock landing ship, which coordinated the operations of the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp, carried a large number of American soldiers, as well as landing craft and combat vehicles. In a sense, the United States can carry out an "amphibious operation" off the coast of Lebanon.

As the US military marched into the eastern Mediterranean, Israel annexed Palestinian territory, and China warned of the situation between Lebanon and Israel

Although it is understood that the United States is unlikely to send ground troops to fight Allah in person, the arrival of the US ocean-going fleet still puts a lot of pressure on Lebanon. Judging from the confrontation between the Houthis and US maritime ships, there is a possibility that the United States will dispatch carrier-based fighters to cooperate with Israel in launching air attacks on Lebanon, and the US and Israeli forces are likely to join forces to attack various important targets of Allah.

Right now, Allah is facing a test. Over the past few weeks, Allah has not only fired thousands of rockets into Israel, but also launched drones and other weapons to attack the headquarters of Israel's 91st Division, an Israeli army based in Lebanese territory illegally occupied by Israel.

If Allah stops its attacks on Israel at this time, Israel will think that Allah has "cowered", and Netanyahu will launch "retaliation" against Lebanon even more brazenly; If Allah continues to maintain its attacks on Israel, it must also take into account the US fleet that has come to support the Israeli army, and be prepared to respond to both US and Israeli attacks.

As the US military marched into the eastern Mediterranean, Israel annexed Palestinian territory, and China warned of the situation between Lebanon and Israel

According to the character of Allah in Lebanon, it is highly likely to choose to fight Israel to the end. However, Israel has begun to become arrogant and is prepared to "confiscate" more Palestinian territory in defiance of international law and pressure from international public opinion.

Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich noted that Israel will push for the construction of new Jewish settlements in the West Bank, which is Israel's "punitive measure" against the Palestinian National Authority, according to reference sources.

It should be pointed out that the party led by Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich is a "radical main war" party in Israel. The party has consistently called for the expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and even in Gaza, and has consistently demanded that Netanyahu's government take "tougher measures" against Hamas and Allah.

As the US military marched into the eastern Mediterranean, Israel annexed Palestinian territory, and China warned of the situation between Lebanon and Israel

Nine new Jewish outposts have emerged in the West Bank earlier this year, and the Israeli government has reportedly "confiscated" Palestinian farms and villages. Displaced Palestinians took action to protest against the Israeli government, and Israel quickly sent troops to suppress it, which is the direct cause of what Israel calls a "surge in violence in the West Bank."

Previously, the West Bank was home to about 3 million Palestinians and 490,000 Israelis. Today, the proportion of Israelis in the West Bank is rapidly increasing. The international community has made it clear that all Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank are illegal and that they impede the implementation of the two-State solution and the Middle East peace process.

From here we can see that Israel has always had the ambition of illegal expansion. As the Israeli Government's crimes become more and more public, it will be the subject of long-term condemnation by the international community.

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