
He was a former minister of foreign affairs who was angrily criticized by Deng Gong for "nonsense" in 1985 at the age of 98

author:Shi Zai has no money

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He was a former minister of foreign affairs who was angrily criticized by Deng Gong for "nonsense" in 1985 at the age of 98

Text | Edit: Shi Zai has no money


Huang Hua is a veteran of the mainland's diplomatic field for many years, who has stepped from the campus of Yenching University in Peking to the world stage, and has been involved in many international negotiations, shaping China's new image in the world. His career spanned war and peace, and witnessed China's historical transformation from isolation to openness. How did Huang Hua's story begin? How did he defend his national interests in the midst of various international turmoil and maintain his personal principles in a high-pressure political environment? Let's take a little history to learn about it.

He was a former minister of foreign affairs who was angrily criticized by Deng Gong for "nonsense" in 1985 at the age of 98

Born in 1913 in an ordinary farming family in Cixian County, Hebei Province, Huang Hua showed extraordinary curiosity and thirst for knowledge from an early age. His thinking always draws new ideas from traditional perspectives, which made him stand out as a teenager.

At the age of 19, Huang Hua was admitted with honors to the Department of Economics at Yenching University, a prestigious private university that teaches in English. There he quickly improved his English skills and was heavily influenced by Western economic theory and Marxist thought.

He was a former minister of foreign affairs who was angrily criticized by Deng Gong for "nonsense" in 1985 at the age of 98

During his time at Yenching University, Huang Hua was active in student politics, serving as student president, leading and participating in many protests and strongly demanding that the Nationalist government end the civil war and fight the Japanese invaders with all its might. In 1935, Huang Hua joined the Chinese Communist Youth League and officially became a member of the Communist Party of China a year later. In the same year, he accepted the arrangement of the party organization and accompanied American reporters to Yan'an in northern Shaanxi to gain an in-depth understanding of the anti-Japanese base areas under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

In 1936, when Huang Hua had the idea of going to Yan'an to participate in the anti-Japanese national salvation movement, his fate was turned around by the arrival of American journalist Edgar Snow. Snow needed a translator to travel to Yan'an for an interview, and Huang Hua did not hesitate to join the historic trip.

He was a former minister of foreign affairs who was angrily criticized by Deng Gong for "nonsense" in 1985 at the age of 98

After arriving in Yan'an, Huang Hua met Chairman Mao for the first time. Chairman Mao expressed his appreciation for his participation in the student movement and assigned him to accompany Snow to the front for in-depth reporting. At the same time, Chairman Mao also gave Huang Hua a special task to publicize the spirit of resisting Japan and saving the country in Yan'an and on the front line, so as to boost morale and enhance the people's enthusiasm for the war of resistance.

Huang Hua and Snow's journey was full of hardships, as they traveled through the war zone and witnessed the heroic resistance of countless Chinese soldiers and civilians. However, the situation developed rapidly, and the Red Army soon faced a new large-scale encirclement and suppression. At this critical juncture, the Central Committee decided to safely withdraw international journalist Snow from the war zone in consideration of his safety. Although Snow was evacuated, Huang Hua decided to stay and stick to his post in the face of the impending crisis. Snow respects Huang Hua's decision and says goodbye after hugging him affectionately.

He was a former minister of foreign affairs who was angrily criticized by Deng Gong for "nonsense" in 1985 at the age of 98

Soon after Snow's departure, he completed the writing of "Red Star Over China", which caused great repercussions in the international community and greatly enhanced the image and influence of the Communist Party of China in the international community, and refocused the world's attention on China's revolutionary movement.

After Snow left, Huang Hua continued his work in the revolutionary base areas and became the main translator of the Central Committee. In 1937, he was officially sent to Yan'an to communicate with journalists and revolutionary colleagues from all over the world, and his language skills and diplomatic prudence became an important bridge between the Chinese Communist Party and the international community.

He was a former minister of foreign affairs who was angrily criticized by Deng Gong for "nonsense" in 1985 at the age of 98

In 1939, Huang Hua returned to northern Shaanxi, where he worked as a teacher at the School for Young Cadres. In 1941, he was appointed political secretary to Commander-in-Chief Zhu De, where he participated in a number of military and political decisions. In 1946, as the peace talks between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party unfolded, Huang Hua was transferred to Beiping to assist Ye Jianying and Zhou Enlai in negotiating with representatives of the Kuomintang. After the full-scale outbreak of the Liberation War, he was forced to evacuate Beiping and briefly worked at the headquarters of the North China Military Region before returning to Yan'an.

From the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Huang Hua devoted himself to the key work of the international diplomatic department under the guidance of the central leadership. During this period, he attended two influential international conferences in history: the Geneva Conference and the Bandung Conference. At these two conferences, Huang Hua successfully held many press conferences and handled hundreds of visits by foreign journalists, and performed brilliantly without any mistakes.

He was a former minister of foreign affairs who was angrily criticized by Deng Gong for "nonsense" in 1985 at the age of 98

These two international conferences have greatly enhanced the image of New China on the world stage, and Huang Hua has played an irreplaceable role in them. In 1960, Huang Hua was appointed Chinese ambassador to Ghana, and shortly thereafter, in 1966, he was appointed Chinese ambassador to the United Arab Republic (now Egypt).

In these key positions, Huang Hua demonstrated his diplomatic skills and successfully executed Premier Zhou Enlai's diplomatic strategy: deepening relations with African countries through extensive friendly exchanges. His visits were not limited to North Africa, but also extended to Central and East Africa, including Congo, Benin, and Tanzania, and these visits have significantly strengthened China's friendly relations with these countries.

He was a former minister of foreign affairs who was angrily criticized by Deng Gong for "nonsense" in 1985 at the age of 98

In 1971, Huang Hua played a key role in Kissinger's visit to China, which opened the door to the normalization of relations between China and the United States. In the same year, at the 26th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Huang Hua was active in the meeting as the deputy head of the Chinese delegation, helping to restore China's legitimate seat in the United Nations. Since then, he has also served as China's first permanent representative to the United Nations and the Security Council, and has used this international arena to conduct in-depth diplomatic negotiations with more than a dozen countries, promoting the establishment of formal diplomatic relations between these countries and China.

Early in the autumn morning of October 1976, Huang Hua received an urgent telegram. He was in New York dealing with the tension between China and the United States, and the telegram at this time was like a wake-up call, quickly pulling him out of his tense work state. The telegram was short and urgent: "Comrade Huang Hua, please immediately terminate all current affairs and return to the country as soon as possible. This sudden order made the battle-hardened Huang Hua feel a little unusual.

He was a former minister of foreign affairs who was angrily criticized by Deng Gong for "nonsense" in 1985 at the age of 98

At that time, due to Qiao Guanhua's mistakes in his work, the central government decided to dismiss him from his post as foreign minister. The central government's decision to choose Huang Hua to replace Qiao Guanhua was not out of temporary necessity. As early as when Huang Hua was a representative to the United Nations, Chairman Mao had paid close attention to his performance. Huang Hua's outstanding work at the United Nations has won high praise and trust from the central authorities. Therefore, when it was necessary to urgently replace the foreign minister, Chairman Mao undoubtedly believed that Huang Hua was the most suitable candidate.

Huang Hua has a deep respect and friendship for Qiao Guanhua, and Qiao's sudden removal makes him confused and sad. After returning to China, when Huang Hua was greeted at the airport, he subconsciously asked Li Xiannian about the reason for Qiao Guanhua's dismissal. Li Xiannian silently pointed to his ear and gave Huang Hua a look, and Huang Hua immediately understood that this was a hint to ask him to keep a low profile when he took over as foreign minister.

He was a former minister of foreign affairs who was angrily criticized by Deng Gong for "nonsense" in 1985 at the age of 98

After Huang Hua succeeded him, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under his leadership ushered in new vitality and direction. He not only succeeded in consolidating Sino-US relations, but also promoted diplomatic relations with more countries and strengthened China's reputation and influence on the international stage. His wisdom and firmness have made China's foreign policy clearer and more powerful, and have effectively enhanced the country's international status.

Diplomatic work is not just about talking on paper, but requires diplomats to be comfortable in the complex international situation, and Huang Hua is such an outstanding diplomat. Through his unremitting efforts and ingenuity, he has not only opened the door to the world for China, but also allowed the world to better understand China.

He was a former minister of foreign affairs who was angrily criticized by Deng Gong for "nonsense" in 1985 at the age of 98

Huang Hua witnessed a historic breakthrough in U.S.-China relations, including a milestone in the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between the two sides in 1979. In 1980, Huang Hua was promoted to vice premier, marking a new peak in his long career in the diplomatic field. Huang Hua's diplomatic journey spanned almost all key international events, making him a prominent representative and veteran leader of China's diplomatic community.

Huang Hua's foreign policy focuses on dealing with the complex relations between China and the United States and China and Japan. He not only played an important role in the process of establishing diplomatic relations between China and the United States, but also firmly pointed out and criticized the US arms sales to Taiwan and upheld China's sovereignty and national interests. At the same time, he was also a first-hand witness of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and actively promoted and improved Sino-Japanese relations after the war, striving to achieve reconciliation and cooperation between the two countries.

He was a former minister of foreign affairs who was angrily criticized by Deng Gong for "nonsense" in 1985 at the age of 98

During his diplomatic career, Huang Hua has visited dozens of countries to promote China's reform and opening-up policies and to raise China's profile on the international stage. During every diplomatic visit, he promoted China's concept of peaceful development with a high degree of professionalism and enthusiasm.

Huang Hua also had regrets in his career, not being able to meet his old friend Edgar Snow again in the final stages of his life. Snow died shortly after Nixon confirmed his visit to China, which became an eternal pain in Huang's heart. Despite this, Huang Hua delivered a touching speech at Snow's memorial service, expressing his deep nostalgia and respect for this old friend.

He was a former minister of foreign affairs who was angrily criticized by Deng Gong for "nonsense" in 1985 at the age of 98

In 1983, as he advanced his age, Huang Hua felt that his physical strength was not as good as before, so he decided to take a back seat and asked to be transferred to the National People's Congress to reduce his work burden. During a visit to Deng Xiaoping, Deng Xiaoping advised him to go out more, to which Huang Hua said that he could no longer bear the fatigue of the long journey, and Deng Xiaoping laughed when he heard this, ridiculing him for suffering from "laziness".

In 1984, before Huang Hua fully retired, he founded several Sino-foreign friendship organizations, actively established contacts with overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese, and encouraged them to invest in China to support the development of the motherland. Huang Hua also founded a society focused on the study of foreign revolutionaries who had a significant impact on the Chinese revolution, dedicated to commemorating and learning from figures like Bethune and Edgar Snow.

He was a former minister of foreign affairs who was angrily criticized by Deng Gong for "nonsense" in 1985 at the age of 98

In 1991, under his leadership, the society published a book detailing the lives of these revolutionaries, which was widely acclaimed for its informative and data-rich content. In 2007, Huang Hua published an informative personal memoir detailing his experiences in the diplomatic field, including tense moments in the United States as ambassador and anecdotes from his reception of Kissinger.

He was a former minister of foreign affairs who was angrily criticized by Deng Gong for "nonsense" in 1985 at the age of 98

This memoir is not only a testimony to his personal journey, but also a reflection of the development of China's diplomatic career. In the family, although his children sometimes ask sensitive questions, Huang Hua always answers cautiously, and he chooses to remain silent when it comes to state secrets, showing his last respect for national loyalty.

He was a former minister of foreign affairs who was angrily criticized by Deng Gong for "nonsense" in 1985 at the age of 98

In 2008, Kissinger visited China again and made a special trip to visit Huang Hua to express his respect and friendship for this old friend. In this reunion, Huang Hua presented Kissinger with a special gift - a DVD recording Kissinger's first visit to China, which is not only a review of past historical moments, but also symbolizes the deep friendship between the two old friends and precious memories of common experiences.

On November 24, 2010, this distinguished diplomat passed away in Beijing at the age of 97. Huang Hua's legacy is his unwavering diplomatic strategy and tireless service to the country, which have profoundly influenced China's international stance and global relations.

He was a former minister of foreign affairs who was angrily criticized by Deng Gong for "nonsense" in 1985 at the age of 98

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