
The gap between having grandchildren and not having grandchildren is really big, and when people are old, they still have to have grandchildren

author:Migrant workers, engineers

In this era of personal freedom, more and more young people are choosing to live a dink life. They enjoy the romance of the world of two, but ignore the loneliness they may face in the future. Gao Xiaofeng's story may give us some inspiration.

The gap between having grandchildren and not having grandchildren is really big, and when people are old, they still have to have grandchildren

Gao Xiaofeng is 57 years old this year, and he and his 56-year-old wife live a seemingly peaceful retirement life. The monthly pension of more than 6,000 should have allowed them to enjoy their old age in peace. However, life is always full of surprises. Their only daughter married abroad, leaving two old people to depend on each other.

The gap between having grandchildren and not having grandchildren is really big, and when people are old, they still have to have grandchildren

At first, Gao Xiaofeng and his wife tried to fill the emptiness in their hearts in various ways. They traveled to most of China and saw all the beautiful rivers and mountains. But as I get older, the short-term happiness brought by travel cannot offset the loneliness in my heart. When night falls, only the sound of TV and mobile phones is left in the empty house, which sets off the coldness of life.

Gao Xiaofeng often recalls the laughter and laughter of his daughter when she was a child, when the family was always lively. Now, he and his wife can only imagine that happiness through the joyous scenes of other families in the video. Every now and then, Gao Xiaofeng couldn't help but shed tears, and his heart was full of longing for his grandchildren.

The gap between having grandchildren and not having grandchildren is really big, and when people are old, they still have to have grandchildren

"It would be nice to have a grandson," Gao Xiaofeng often thought. He doesn't expect his grandson to be good, he just hopes to have a little life by his side. This regret and loss became a shadow in his later life.

Gao Xiaofeng's story has sparked thinking about the "grandson economy". While it is hard to take care of grandchildren, many seniors feel that the effort is worth it. Watching little lives grow day by day, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is irreplaceable.

The gap between having grandchildren and not having grandchildren is really big, and when people are old, they still have to have grandchildren

Some might say that retirement is about enjoying life to the fullest and traveling everywhere. But as Gao's experience shows, long trips can be exhausting. In contrast, the company of family members and the laughter of children are the most precious.

Of course, not all seniors need grandchildren to fill their lives. Some people may prefer a quiet two-person world or devote themselves to their own hobbies. But for people like Gao Xiaofeng who crave the warmth of family, the presence of grandchildren can indeed bring infinite joy.

The gap between having grandchildren and not having grandchildren is really big, and when people are old, they still have to have grandchildren

It is important to note that we should not use having children as a tool for providing for the elderly. Everyone has the right to choose their own way of life. It's important that we strive to create a fulfilling, meaningful old age, with or without grandchildren.

Perhaps, the solution is not to have grandchildren, but to build a better social support system. Community activities, universities for the elderly, volunteering, etc., can all be ways for seniors to live their lives to the fullest. At the same time, we also need to reflect on how to pursue personal development without neglecting the maintenance of family relationships.

The gap between having grandchildren and not having grandchildren is really big, and when people are old, they still have to have grandchildren

Gao Xiaofeng's story tells us that the definition of happiness varies from person to person. For some people, teasing their grandchildren is the greatest joy; For others, it may be more rewarding to pursue personal ideals. In any case, the key is to find your own path to happiness.

In this era of rapid change, we need to balance personal pursuits and family responsibilities, and work together to create a warm and supportive social environment on the basis of respecting everyone's choices. Only in this way, with or without grandchildren, everyone can enjoy a happy old age.