
The boy who failed in the high school entrance examination experienced the life of sending express delivery and realized the happiness of reading

author:Migrant workers, engineers

In the scorching summer, a poignant piece of news has attracted widespread attention. A boy who failed the high school entrance examination, in order to experience social life, resolutely decided to deliver couriers. However, in less than half a month, he deeply realized the importance of studying and hoped to return to school. This story not only touched the heartstrings of countless people, but also provoked deep thought about education and life choices.

The boy who failed in the high school entrance examination experienced the life of sending express delivery and realized the happiness of reading

The boy's story is not unique. In today's society, many young people have lost interest in learning and think that entering social work early is a better way out. However, reality often slaps them in the face. This boy's experience just shows that leaving the protection of the school and stepping into society rashly is not as beautiful as imagined.

The boy who failed in the high school entrance examination experienced the life of sending express delivery and realized the happiness of reading

The boy's father told his son in an interview. It turned out that the boy unfortunately suffered a muscle strain before the high school entrance examination, which led to poor sports performance, coupled with the weakness of cultural textbooks, and finally failed the list. After the exam, the boy did not have fun like other classmates, but took the initiative to deliver couriers at the post station downstairs. At first, he was excited to make money and run around.

The boy who failed in the high school entrance examination experienced the life of sending express delivery and realized the happiness of reading

However, reality soon hit him in the face. I go out early and return late every day, eat irregularly, and am physically and mentally exhausted. In just half a month, the boy tasted the hardships of society. He confided in his father: "It's too hard to send couriers, and now I want to go back to school to study, and I still feel happier to study." These words made my father's heart like a knife, and countless netizens were moved.

The boy who failed in the high school entrance examination experienced the life of sending express delivery and realized the happiness of reading

The news sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Some parents felt the same way and said that their children had similar thoughts. A netizen said: "My daughter is in her second year of junior high school, and she doesn't want to study anymore. I tried everything, but she just wouldn't listen. She wanted to go to work, but she didn't know that it was difficult for adults to go to work now, let alone teenagers. "

The boy who failed in the high school entrance examination experienced the life of sending express delivery and realized the happiness of reading

There are also people who share their own experiences. A netizen recounted: "My child has been in vocational high school for three years, and he said that he wants to go to high school. We started again from the first year of high school and worked hard for three years, and this year's college entrance examination exceeded the undergraduate line by 69 points. As long as the child wants to learn, it is never too late. "

The boy who failed in the high school entrance examination experienced the life of sending express delivery and realized the happiness of reading

Faced with such a situation, education experts suggest that parents and schools should work together to help children establish a correct outlook on life and values. On the one hand, it is necessary for children to realize the importance of learning; On the other hand, we should also respect children's interests and hobbies, teach them according to their aptitude, and help them find their own development path.

The boy who failed in the high school entrance examination experienced the life of sending express delivery and realized the happiness of reading

For those children who are temporarily on the learning track, the experts have a few suggestions:

  1. Communication: Parents should listen patiently to their children's ideas, understand why they are reluctant to continue learning, and work together to find solutions.
  2. Set an example: You can introduce the struggles of successful people to make children realize the importance of knowledge.
  3. Set goals: Help your child set short- and long-term goals so that they feel meaningful and accomplished in their learning.
  4. Diversified development: Encourage children to participate in various interest classes and social practices, broaden their horizons, and cultivate comprehensive abilities.
  5. Psychological counseling: If necessary, you can seek professional psychological counseling to help your child overcome learning disabilities and psychological stress.
The boy who failed in the high school entrance examination experienced the life of sending express delivery and realized the happiness of reading

For a situation like the boy in the article, experts suggest that the following two paths can be considered: one is to choose to repeat and continue to take the route of physical education; The second is to find a suitable private high school. Although the latter may be more expensive, it can satisfy the child's desire to continue his or her studies. After experiencing the tempering of society, I believe that this boy will cherish the opportunity to learn more and work hard for his future.

The boy who failed in the high school entrance examination experienced the life of sending express delivery and realized the happiness of reading

Education is an eternal topic. Every child is a unique individual who needs to be nurtured and guided by family, school and society. Let's work together to create a better environment for the next generation to grow up and help them find their own wonderful life on the road.

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