
Xin Zhilei's retro magic: from curly hair to the era of "Li Lee".

author:Hobbies and entertainment

Storm of curly hair, Xin Zhilei's retro password


On this day, Xin Zhilei posted a photo of her new look on social media, which instantly sparked heated discussions among netizens. In the photo, she has retro curly hair, as if she has traveled through time and space, returning to the era of "Li Li", which is peerless. This is not an ordinary retro, it is a retro style that hits the depths of the soul!

Xin Zhilei's retro magic: from curly hair to the era of "Li Lee".

Imagine Xin Zhilei standing at the entrance of the alley of old Shanghai, wearing a cheongsam, her curly hair swaying lightly in the wind, and every strand exudes the smell of old times. As soon as this look came out, netizens said: "Xin Zhilei, did you directly take the script of 'Li Li'?" Some netizens ridiculed: "Is this curly hair a secret weapon turned out from the bottom of grandma's box?" For a while, Xin Zhilei's retro curls became a hot topic after dinner.

Netizens opened their brains, and Li Li's identity was guessed

Xin Zhilei's retro magic: from curly hair to the era of "Li Lee".

With the popularity of Xin Zhilei's retro curly hair style, netizens began a big conjecture about the identity of "Li Li". Someone said: "Li Li must be Xin Zhilei's long-lost twin sister!" Someone else analyzed seriously: "Li Li may be a female star with an unsolved mystery in the last century, and Xin Zhilei has found her fashion soul." What's more, he directly made up the story: "Li Li is actually Xin Zhilei's name in her previous life, and she is here to retrieve her fashion memory this time." ”

Xin Zhilei's retro magic: from curly hair to the era of "Li Lee".

Looking at these mind-blowing comments, I can't help but want to laugh. Netizens are so talented, they can all be screenwriters. But then again, it's really a mystery who this "Li Li" is.

The retro style is back, and Xin Zhilei leads the new trend

Xin Zhilei's retro magic: from curly hair to the era of "Li Lee".

In fact, the reason why Xin Zhilei's retro curly hair style can cause such a big response is not only because of her personal charm, but also because the retro style is quietly resurging in the current fashion circle. From the retro costumes to the makeup to the hairstyle, everything looks so charming and intriguing.

Xin Zhilei's retro magic: from curly hair to the era of "Li Lee".

Xin Zhilei's operation undoubtedly added another fire to the retro style. Netizens have expressed that they want to follow the trend and try retro styling, and for a while, various retro-style outfits and hairstyles have emerged in an endless stream on social media. Some netizens even shouted to Xin Zhilei: "Come out of the tutorial, we also want to become 'Li Li'!" ”

Xin Zhilei's retro magic: from curly hair to the era of "Li Lee".

Fashion has no boundaries, the collision of retro and modern

Of course, retro is not about imitating the past, but about finding a balance between tradition and modernity. Xin Zhilei's retro curly hair style is a good example of this. She didn't completely copy the hairstyle of the old era, but incorporated a modern aesthetic and fashion sense while retaining the retro elements.

This collision of retro and modern makes Xin Zhilei's style look like it has a sense of history and a modern fashion atmosphere. This kind of cross-border integration fashion concept is exactly what young people are pursuing.

Xin Zhilei's retro magic: from curly hair to the era of "Li Lee".

A collection of funny comments from netizens, and the joy continues

Speaking of Xin Zhilei's retro curly hair style, how can you not mention those hilarious netizen comments? Some netizens said: "Xin Zhilei's curly hair, did she use an ancestral perm stick?" Someone else said, "I seem to see the shadow of my grandmother when she was young." Some netizens directly P picture, putting Xin Zhilei and the stars of the old era together, with the text: "Sister flowers across time and space!" ”

Xin Zhilei's retro magic: from curly hair to the era of "Li Lee".

These comments not only make people laugh, but also show the love and recognition of netizens for Xin Zhilei's retro style. It seems that Xin Zhilei really "dreamed of returning to Li Li" this time, and she also gained a large number of fans and laughter.

Controversial summary: retro style, is it feelings or following the trend?

Although Xin Zhilei's retro curly hair style has sparked widespread attention and discussion, it has also sparked some controversy. Some people think that retro style is a manifestation of feelings, nostalgia for the good old days; There are also people who believe that retro style is just a phenomenon of following the trend and a hype method in the fashion industry.

Xin Zhilei's retro magic: from curly hair to the era of "Li Lee".

In fact, whether it is feelings or following the trend, the existence of retro style has its rationality and value. It allows us to find a sense of tranquility and nostalgia in the fast-paced modern life, and also makes our fashion choices more diverse and rich.

So, let's look at the retro style with an open and inclusive mind. Try it if you like it, and keep your style if you don't like it. After all, fashion is the most important thing, and the most important thing is to make yourself happy!

Xin Zhilei's retro magic: from curly hair to the era of "Li Lee".

Well, having said all that, what do you think of Xin Zhilei's retro curly hair style? Do you think it's incredibly beautiful? Or do you think it's just a game of following the trend? Come and leave a message in the comment area to share your views! Maybe your comment could become the next hot topic!

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