
Israel finally tasted the consequences of disobedience, and less than one day later, the Houthis sent bad news

author:Liu Zhenqi's view

A few days ago, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant embarked on a visit to the United States, and before he left for the United States, he made a special statement saying that Israel is ready for a multi-front war and expects to have in-depth and substantive dialogues with the United States on issues of common concern.

Israel finally tasted the consequences of disobedience, and less than one day later, the Houthis sent bad news

Against such a background, I believe anyone with a discerning eye can see that one of the core goals of Gallant's trip to the United States is nothing more than to ask the United States to unfreeze a batch of ammunition that is ready to be shipped to Israel. And earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had publicly expressed his frustration with the US detention of armaments, believing that this practice had seriously affected the readiness of the Israeli army. Therefore, Gallant's visit to the United States should be Netanyahu's diplomatic strategy carefully prepared for Gallant's trip, and if the United States can release this batch of armaments, it will undoubtedly inject new vitality into the relations between the two countries.

Seeing this situation, many netizens ridiculed that they had seen the urging order, but they had never seen the door-to-door urging order, and it seemed that they really couldn't wait. So the question arises, why is Israel so desperate for U.S. arms assistance? This makes it necessary to refer to the situation that Israel is facing today. At present, as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict continues, the risk of conflict spillover is increasing, and the armed forces of the six countries take turns fighting Israel, and the escalation of the melee in the Middle East is visible to the naked eye. For some time now, Allah and Israel have been fighting in northern Israel, and missiles from Yemen's Houthis and Iraqi militias have also flown into Israel.

From this, it is not difficult to see that if the United States does not lend a helping hand, then Israel will soon be out of play, but even so, the United States has not relented this time. After Gallant held talks with a number of senior US officials, a US official revealed that the batch of heavy bombs they had previously seized was still under review.

Israel finally tasted the consequences of disobedience, and less than one day later, the Houthis sent bad news

In other words, Gallant traveled thousands of miles to personally come to the door to "urge orders", and Israel still did not get what he wanted. In fact, it is not surprising that the United States will do this, in the past period, the United States has been advising Israel not to escalate tensions, because the longer Israel fights, the greater the consumption of the United States, and the United States, which is piled up with debts, will be unable to support it at all, so it can only shout to stop and let Israel taste the consequences of disobedience.

However, for Israel, the bad things don't stop there, no, less than a day after Gallant and U.S. officials talked, Yemen's Houthis sent another bad news, they used a new self-made hypersonic missile to complete the attack on Israeli ships, and released the relevant video.

Israel finally tasted the consequences of disobedience, and less than one day later, the Houthis sent bad news

This is not simple news, although there has been news that the Houthis have tested hypersonic missiles before, but even when they announced three missile strikes on the USS Eisenhower, and finally the aircraft carrier announced its withdrawal from the Red Sea, they did not say that they used hypersonic missiles, so this is the first time that the Houthis have officially announced that they have and used hypersonic missiles. The Houthis are making this move at such a critical juncture, which is both a solidarity with Allah and a warning to the United States and Israel.

You know, this hypersonic missile is a kind of big killer that even the United States can't stop, once the Houthis use this killer weapon to attack the United States and Britain warships or Israel itself, not to mention Netanyahu can't be happy, even U.S. President Biden can't laugh at all, so whether it's Israel or the United States, the next step is to have a long snack, otherwise things will develop to the point of no return, and it will be too late to regret it!

Israel finally tasted the consequences of disobedience, and less than one day later, the Houthis sent bad news

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