
Milley saw the situation clearly and returned the treasures to China, and the Chinese side gave a hint that everything depends on Afghanistan's sincerity

author:Liu Zhenqi's view
Milley saw the situation clearly and returned the treasures to China, and the Chinese side gave a hint that everything depends on Afghanistan's sincerity

According to recent information, the Argentine government has returned 14 cultural relics illegally exported to China. Among them, there are many precious bronzes in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the rest of the cultural relics are also from the Han Dynasty to the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It can be described as a treasure-level existence.

Before that, Da successively signed a currency swap agreement with Argentina, giving Milley an extra year of respite. Now the Argentine government is returning Chinese cultural relics, undoubtedly showing goodwill to China, or in other words, finding a step for itself. After all, when he first came to power, Milley made a lot of trouble.

It is worth mentioning that these cultural relics returned to China are, to a certain extent, actually a political legacy left by the previous government. As early as 2017, these cultural relics were intercepted by the Argentine side. At the beginning of 2019, our side got the news and began to strive for the return of cultural relics, and it was not until the end of December last year that Argentina passed the corresponding judgment to return cultural relics to China.

Milley saw the situation clearly and returned the treasures to China, and the Chinese side gave a hint that everything depends on Afghanistan's sincerity

Now Milley is just playing a role in pushing the boat along the water, but in any case, Milley can be regarded as a gesture of goodwill to China. To be honest, although Milley's economic policies are not very reliable, Argentina's foundation is too good. Not only is it a big agricultural country, but it also has rich mineral resources, and there are a lot of good things. Therefore, as long as Milley does not touch China's bottom line, we are not unable to turn a blind eye.

After experiencing the beating of the West, Milley not only realized that the West was unreliable, but also seemed to grasp the degree of cooperation with China. Now there is even a flash of inspiration and return the cultural relics to the mainland, which is a bit interesting.

As we said above, Argentina has a good foundation and a large population. If Milley wants to engage in the economy, and even continue to implement his own shock therapy, he cannot bypass China. Don't look at Milley's withdrawal from the BRICS and his application for NATO again. After a long time, there is only one China who is willing to deal with Argentina.

Of course, Milley's side is courting the mainland. The mainland also gave a hint and said that it was willing to give Argentina a chance, but what happens next depends on Argentina's sincerity. According to Wang Wei, the mainland's ambassador to Argentina. Argentina's return of cultural relics is the latest achievement of the China-Arab comprehensive strategic partnership. When it comes to Sino-Arab relations at this time, it is clear that we have not given up on Argentina yet. What happens next is up to Argentina itself.

Milley saw the situation clearly and returned the treasures to China, and the Chinese side gave a hint that everything depends on Afghanistan's sincerity

In fact, China is quite tolerant in this regard. When Milley first took office, it was so ugly, and we are still willing to forgive Milley. In addition to Argentina's resources, the main thing is to "buy horse bones" and set an example for other countries. Of course, when Argentina was confused, China was not polite. If you want to gain China's understanding, your own attitude and sincerity are very important. Take Milley as an example, in order to seek an extension of China's currency swap agreement, he not only went into battle himself, but also sent foreign ministers to visit China twice. However, if he wants to continue to cooperate with China, it is not enough to rely on the political legacy of the previous government, and Milley needs to show greater sincerity.

Milley saw the situation clearly and returned the treasures to China, and the Chinese side gave a hint that everything depends on Afghanistan's sincerity

In the current international environment, there are really not many countries that can be as strong and "easy to talk" as China. Countries that want to show goodwill to China have also lined up in long queues. Now that we have caught the steps taken by Argentina, it depends on Milley whether we can catch the express train of China's development.

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