
She is the most beautiful Ren Yingying in Jin Yong's pen, no matter how she remakes, she can't compare to her pear vortex smile


First, in Mr. Jin Yong's martial arts world, Ren Yingying is like a bright pearl, shining with unforgettable light. When the novel "Smiling Proud Jianghu" came out in the 60s of the last century, 17-year-old Ren Yingying caught the eyes of countless book friends with her stunning image.

Mr. Jin Yong depicts Ren Yingying's peerless face with beautiful brushstrokes: she is beautiful, beautiful, a pair of bright eyes like a galaxy, and her skin is as fair as mutton fat jade. The shallow pear vortex, every time it blooms, can make people's hearts ripple.

Ren Yingying's beauty is not only in her appearance, but also in her temperament. Her natural beauty and extraordinary bearing complement each other, giving people a sense of nobility like a fairy. However, Ren Yingying is not only beautiful.

Mr. Jin Yong endowed her with a brilliant mind and a quick and decisive character. In the face of adversity, she always made the right judgment and showed wisdom far beyond her peers.

She is the most beautiful Ren Yingying in Jin Yong's pen, no matter how she remakes, she can't compare to her pear vortex smile

This perfect combination of inner and outer beauty makes Ren Yingying one of Jin Yong's most successful female characters. As the only daughter of the director of the Sun and Moon God Sect, Ren Yingying also shoulders the heavy responsibility of "Holy Aunt", which is admired by everyone.

This duality of identity adds a bit of mystery to her. When she debuts, her mysterious temperament contrasts with her brilliant beauty, which inspires readers to explore her true face.

The image of Ren Yingying is one of the most moving female characters in Mr. Jin Yong's pen. Her beauty is not only external, but also internal. That intelligent, resolute and tender character makes her a three-dimensional and charismatic character.

Second, her pear vortex smile is not only a beautiful symbol, but also an external reflection of her inner world, containing profound emotions and wisdom. Such Ren Yingying is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful women in Jin Yong's pen, and her charm is difficult to surpass.

She is the most beautiful Ren Yingying in Jin Yong's pen, no matter how she remakes, she can't compare to her pear vortex smile

In the classic martial arts novel "Smiling Proud Jianghu", Ren Yingying's fate journey with the male protagonist Ling Hu Chong has attracted much attention. Their encounter is like fate, adding a strong emotional color to the whole story.

However, fate always likes to play tricks on people. Just as the relationship between the two was deepening, Ren Wuxing suddenly ordered Ren Yingying to marry, which undoubtedly cast a shadow on the relationship between the two.

Faced with her father's arrangement, Ren Yingying's heart was full of contradictions and pain. Her pear vortex no longer smiled, but was replaced by a deep sorrow. At this critical moment, Ren Yingying showed her wisdom and courage.

Instead of succumbing to the arrangement of fate, she chose to trust her heart. Facing the pain of separation, Ren Yingying, under Xu Qing's delicate interpretation, poured out her sincere and forbearant feelings for Ling Hu Chong, adding an infinite love song to the plot.

She is the most beautiful Ren Yingying in Jin Yong's pen, no matter how she remakes, she can't compare to her pear vortex smile

Third, the tortuous development of this relationship not only shows Ren Yingying's charm, but also highlights her inner strength. Although her pear vortex disappeared temporarily because of sorrow, her insistence on love added a touching power to her beauty.

Ren Yingying's performance in love has become another embodiment of her charm. With the gradual disclosure of their identities, the emotional road between Ren Yingying and Ling Hu Chong is not smooth. But no matter how the environment changes, Ren Yingying's sincere feelings for Ling Hu Chong have never changed.

Like a legendary beauty who falls in love with her inner Prince Charming, she would rather give her life than change her original intention. This love that spans life and death, transcends the shackles of the world, shocks people's hearts, and has become one of the most moving chapters in "Smiling Proud Jianghu".

In 2001, Jin Yong's classic masterpiece "Smiling Proud Jianghu" was put on the screen again, this time, the high-profile role of Ren Yingying was interpreted by the powerful actor Xu Qing.

She is the most beautiful Ren Yingying in Jin Yong's pen, no matter how she remakes, she can't compare to her pear vortex smile

Xu Qing's appearance undoubtedly added new charm to this character that has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, showing excellent acting skills, and icing on the cake for this character that has been talked about by countless readers.

Xu Qing perfectly interpreted Ren Yingying's beauty and moving. Her melon seed face is as tender as snow, and a pair of shallow pear vortices deeply attract the audience's attention and have become Ren Yingying's most iconic features.

The clear and bright eyes seem to be able to speak, conveying the emotional fluctuations in Ren Yingying's heart. The graceful figure adds a bit of fairy spirit to the character. Xu Qing's shy and delicate expression set off the girl's hazy beauty, the green silk was coiled on the top of her head at will, and the woman's immaturity and arrogance were perfectly blended and expressed in the swaying posture.

Fourth, in the portrayal of character, Xu Qing also showed superb acting skills. She delicately interprets Ren Yingying's shrewd, cunning, gentle and considerate character. Her tactful and changeable tone not only shows the unique coquettishness of the girl, but also reveals the wisdom and decisiveness hidden in the depths of her heart.

She is the most beautiful Ren Yingying in Jin Yong's pen, no matter how she remakes, she can't compare to her pear vortex smile

When facing Ling Hu Chong, Xu Qing's eyebrows were affectionate, revealing the fragrance and admiration of the girl's first bloom, which perfectly showed Ren Yingying's feelings for Ling Hu Chong. Xu Qing's performance made the role of Ren Yingying more vivid and three-dimensional.

She is not only a faithful restoration of the original work, but also a recreation of the character. Her Ren Yingying not only retains the charm in the original book, but also adds a new atmosphere of the times. Mr. Jin Yong was also full of praise for Xu Qing's performance, believing that she successfully showed Ren Yingying's charm and added gorgeous colors to martial arts film and television.

He praised Xu Qing's outstanding acting skills, showing Ren Yingying's charm layer by layer, adding more watchability to this already popular story. It can be said that without Xu Qing's wonderful interpretation, the three-dimensional sense of Ren Yingying's role would be difficult to achieve.

Her performance made the audience remember this beautiful and complex character, and became one of the classic interpretations of Ren Yingying's image. With the development of the plot of "Smiling Proud Jianghu", Ren Yingying's character is also growing and transforming.

She is the most beautiful Ren Yingying in Jin Yong's pen, no matter how she remakes, she can't compare to her pear vortex smile

Fifth, she has gradually grown from a mysterious girl to a woman who can take charge of herself. In the middle and second stages of the novel, Ren Yingying's identity becomes more and more mysterious, and the mission she carries becomes increasingly difficult.

In the face of many obstacles, Ren Yingying has shown extraordinary leadership skills and wisdom. She led the main force of the Sun Moon Divine Sect to fight to the death against the six major factions, facing all kinds of dangers. In every crisis, she was able to stay in danger and use her wisdom to resolve the situation.

This unhurried attitude adds a mature charm to her beauty. However, with Ren Xing's bizarre death and her own dying, Ren Yingying has to face the truth of her identity.

It is not until later in the story that she reveals her true identity. In the process, we see her inner struggle and pain. From time to time, confusion and sadness flashed in those beautiful eyes, but they were soon replaced by perseverance.

She is the most beautiful Ren Yingying in Jin Yong's pen, no matter how she remakes, she can't compare to her pear vortex smile

Xu Qing vividly interpreted the changes and turns of Ren Yingying's character. How an ignorant girl turned into a mysterious Sun and Moon Divine Sect Holy Aunt, and what kind of mental torture and torment she faced, are all presented in Xu Qing's acting skills.

Ren Yingying's growth path is not only a change in status, but also a transformation of her heart. Her beauty becomes deeper and richer in the process. The shallow smile of the pear vortex has also become more moving because of the tempering experience.

Sixth, Ren Yingying proved with her own actions that she is not only a beautiful vase, but also a woman with courage and wisdom. It is worth noting that no matter how the environment changes, Ren Yingying's sincere feelings for Ling Hu Chong have never changed.

This persistence has become the most touching part of her personality and an important source of her charm. Ren Yingying's growth process shows her versatility and depth as the most beautiful woman in Jin Yong's pen.

She is the most beautiful Ren Yingying in Jin Yong's pen, no matter how she remakes, she can't compare to her pear vortex smile

In the ups and downs of "Smiling Proud Jianghu", Ren Yingying's feelings for Ling Huchong have always been a bright warm current. No matter what kind of predicament she faces, her love for Ling Hu Chong is always the same.

This unswerving love has become the most touching part of Ren Yingying's character. When Ren Yingying realized her feelings for Ling Hu Chong, her eyes flashed with a shy and determined light.

The pear vortex smiled lightly, and it became the best way for her to express her love. Even in the face of the test of life and death, Ren Yingying has never wavered in her feelings for Ling Hu Chong. She would rather give her life than change her mind.

Seventh, in many critical moments, Ren Yingying did not hesitate to choose to stand on Ling Huchong's side. Her beautiful face is always full of persistence and belief in love. Those bright eyes, as if telling a silent oath.

She is the most beautiful Ren Yingying in Jin Yong's pen, no matter how she remakes, she can't compare to her pear vortex smile

Even though Linghu didn't win his lover in the end, Ren Yingying will always live in his dreams, offering a warm and touching smile. Ren Yingying's love for Ling Hu Chong is not only a girl's ignorant feelings, but also a mature and deep feeling.

Her outlook on love reflects her wisdom and courage. The pear vortex smile, which blooms every time it mentions Linghu Chong, makes people feel the beauty and power of love. It can be said that we remember Ren Yingying, not because she led a sect and became a "holy aunt", but because she loved someone with her heart.

Her beauty and love constitute a swan song for the ages, and she has become a legend in martial arts. Ren Yingying proved with her actions that sincere feelings can transcend all obstacles.

Her love story has become one of the most moving chapters in "Smiling Proud Jianghu". This love that spans life and death transcends the shackles of the world and shocks people's hearts. Some love may never be possible, but sincere emotions can move the heavens.

She is the most beautiful Ren Yingying in Jin Yong's pen, no matter how she remakes, she can't compare to her pear vortex smile

Eighth, Ren Yingying is such a beautiful, noble, intelligent and powerful woman, her love story will surely last for a long time and become an eternal classic in the martial arts world. The reason why Ren Yingying can become one of the most beautiful women in Jin Yong's pen is precisely because of her versatility.

She has both the beauty of the country and the city, and the smart and witty head fat; There is not only the persistence of love, but also the responsibility of responsibility. This complex and rich character trait makes Ren Yingying a classic character that is difficult to surpass.

Ren Yingying's beauty is an important source of her charm. Her beautiful and beautiful appearance makes her stand out and gorgeous to the extreme. Too white and sunny, stealing incense and stealing jade, falling in love at first sight, the charm of beauty from ancient times to the present remains unchanged.

However, beauty alone is not enough, Ren Yingying is more attractive about her wisdom and astuteness. In the face of countless dangers, she can win in the face of danger and use her ingenuity to resolve the crisis.

She is the most beautiful Ren Yingying in Jin Yong's pen, no matter how she remakes, she can't compare to her pear vortex smile

In the original book, Ren Yingying's image is more complex and mysterious. Mr. Jin Yong's Ren Yingying is elusive, and she is more sophisticated and sleek in the face of various forces.

This is because I have single-handedly pulled her up and asked her to take on the responsibility of being the leader, so that her mind is much more mature than her peers. In film and television works, Ren Yingying, played by Xu Qing, is more youthful and beautiful, vibrant, like a modern girl.

This kind of diverse image makes the role of Ren Yingying more adaptable and vigorous. Whether in novels or film and television works, Ren Yingying's pear vortex smile has always been her most touching feature.

Nine, this small yet meaningful detail has become a concentrated embodiment of Ren Yingying's charm. It is both a symbol of beauty and an outward reflection of the inner world. Ren Yingying's image has transcended the limitations of the times and has become an eternal classic.

She is the most beautiful Ren Yingying in Jin Yong's pen, no matter how she remakes, she can't compare to her pear vortex smile

Her beauty is not just in appearance, but also in the wisdom, courage and sincere emotions she displays. This kind of charm of both internal and external cultivation makes Ren Yingying stand out among many female characters written by Jin Yong and become the most difficult existence to be surpassed.

Her image will surely be immortal, familiar to thousands of readers, and become one of the most beautiful legends in Jin Yong's martial arts world.