
67-year-old Yan Shikui: A lifetime of hardship, so far without a wife and no children, what has he experienced


First, on a vast grassland in Inner Mongolia, Yan Shikui fell to the ground. He was born into an ordinary herdsman's family, and his father was a fairly capable sheep herder. Yan Shikui in childhood, like other children on the grassland, ran freely under the blue sky and white clouds, breathed fresh air, and enjoyed a simple life.

However, the gears of fate have long since begun to turn. In 1970, at the age of 14, Yan Shikui began to learn martial arts. This seemingly ordinary choice laid an important foreshadowing for his future acting career.

The young Yan Shikui is already 1.62 meters tall, and this size advantage has made him stand out in martial arts training. Yan Shikui's love for martial arts is growing day by day. He practiced hard every day, starting from the most basic horse steps and leg techniques, and accumulated kung fu bit by bit.

The strict guidance of the coach and the fierce competition from his peers have become the driving force for him to keep improving. Yan Shikui understands that only sweat can water the seeds of dreams. In the process of practicing martial arts, Yan Shikui not only exercised his body, but also cultivated a tenacious character.

67-year-old Yan Shikui: A lifetime of hardship, so far without a wife and no children, what has he experienced

He learned patience and perseverance, qualities that played an important role in his future acting career. Whenever he encountered setbacks, he could always think of the days when he practiced martial arts on the grassland, and that perseverance and perseverance supported him to continue to move forward.

Second, with the improvement of the level of martial arts, Yan Shikui's horizons have gradually broadened. He began to pay attention to film and television, and was fascinated by the martial arts stars on the screen. Those wonderful martial arts scenes, those majestic heroic images, all made the young Yan Shikui fascinated.

He began to fantasize that one day, he could stand on the big screen and become a much-anticipated martial arts star. In this way, in the vast grassland of Inner Mongolia, a simple herdsman boy, with his love for martial arts and his longing for his acting career, began his dream journey.

Yan Shikui looked at the distant horizon and secretly vowed in his heart: one day, he will rush out of the grassland, show his talent on a bigger stage, and realize his film dream.

67-year-old Yan Shikui: A lifetime of hardship, so far without a wife and no children, what has he experienced

In 1978, with his love and longing for acting, 22-year-old Yan Shikui stepped on the train to study in the north. In the fierce competition of thousands of troops, he was successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy with his extraordinary perseverance and martial arts foundation.

When the news came, Yan Shikui was overjoyed, as if he saw the door to his dream slowly opening. However, reality soon gave this dreaming prairie boy a blow to the head.

When he first arrived at Beiying, Yan Shikui found that there was a huge gap between him and his classmates. The insights and conversations of the urban children made this young man from Inner Mongolia feel overwhelmed.

But Yan Shikui did not back down, but worked harder and fought for every opportunity to learn and perform. During his studies at Beiying, Yan Shikui worked hard and did not miss any opportunity to improve himself.

67-year-old Yan Shikui: A lifetime of hardship, so far without a wife and no children, what has he experienced

Third, he actively participates in various school activities and strives to learn performance skills and cultural knowledge. Whenever he encountered something he didn't understand, he always humbly asked his teachers and classmates for advice. Yan Shikui's diligence and humility quickly won him the favor of the teachers, who often gave him extra guidance and encouragement.

In addition to studying, Yan Shikui began to participate in the shooting of some films. Although most of them are small roles, he still devotes himself to it and treats every scene as if it were a masterpiece.

Sometimes, for a shot of only a few seconds, he can practice dozens of times until the director is satisfied. Classmates often laugh at him for being too serious, but Yan Shikui knows that only by giving can there be gains.

In 1982, Yan Shikui graduated from Beijing Film and entered the film studio as he wished. This marks his official entry into the entertainment industry and a step closer to his dream. Although he could only do some field work or trick work at the beginning, Yan Shikui was not discouraged.

67-year-old Yan Shikui: A lifetime of hardship, so far without a wife and no children, what has he experienced

He believes that as long as he continues to work hard, he will one day get the opportunity to play an important role. Standing at a new starting point in life, 26-year-old Yan Shikui's eyes flashed with expectations for the future, but also with a little apprehension.

He knows that in this highly competitive industry, the real challenges are just beginning. But he is ready to use his strength and perseverance to break out of this stage full of opportunities and challenges.

1984 was a fate-changing year for 28-year-old Yan Shikui. He was given a major role in the movie Wrangler, which made him ecstatic, as if years of hard work had finally paid off.

Fourth, "Wrangler" tells a story that takes place in the prairie of Inner Mongolia, and Yan Shikui perfectly interprets the role with his grassland background and profound martial arts skills.

67-year-old Yan Shikui: A lifetime of hardship, so far without a wife and no children, what has he experienced

During the filming, Yan Shikui devoted himself to the role. He did not hesitate to let his face be blown red by the highland wind, and his hands were calloused from labor. This professionalism has won the appreciation of the director and colleagues, and has also added a lot to his acting skills.

The image created by Yan Shikui in the film is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the audience is moved by his unpretentious but powerful performance. The success of "Wrangler" is like a spring breeze, pushing Yan Shikui to the pinnacle of his career.

After the film was released, the audience praised the strength of this new actor. For a time, Yan Shikui became a hot new star in the film and television industry. His name began to appear in major newspapers and magazines, and his career continued to flourish.

Fifth, however, Yan Shikui, who was standing on a high place, did not realize that the wheel of fate was about to turn. He was immersed in the joy of success, not seeing that underneath the glossy surface, the undercurrent had begun to surge.

67-year-old Yan Shikui: A lifetime of hardship, so far without a wife and no children, what has he experienced

The competition in the film and television industry is becoming increasingly fierce, newcomers are constantly emerging, and the tastes of the audience are also quietly changing. These potential crises will bring great challenges to Yan Shikui in the future.

Despite this, this period was still Yan Shikui's most glorious years. From an unknown grassland boy to a hot film and television star, Yan Shikui has written a wonderful chapter of his life with his efforts and talents.

The bell of the new century sounded the death knell for Yan Shikui's career. Around 2000, he suddenly found that there were fewer and fewer invitations, and the role was becoming more and more marginalized.

This sudden gap made Yan Shikui at a loss, and he began to doubt himself and this cruel entertainment industry. The next ten years were a dark time for Yan Shikui.

67-year-old Yan Shikui: A lifetime of hardship, so far without a wife and no children, what has he experienced

He tried hard to return to the film industry, but with little success. The former glory seems to be just a dream, and when you wake up, only the coldness of reality remains. Yan Shikui found that he seemed to be unable to keep up with the pace of the times, the audience's tastes were changing, and the market demand was also changing, but he was still stuck in the past success.

Sixth, during this trough period, Yan Shikui tried various roles, and even did not hesitate to take on some inconspicuous tricks. But the film and television industry is changing rapidly, and newcomers are emerging, and the former "Wrangler" has been forgotten by the audience in the corner.

Sometimes, Yan Shikui will receive invitations to some TV series, but most of them are "soy sauce" roles, and there are even few lines. Yan Shikui began to question his choice.

He often sat alone in a dimly lit rental house, reminiscing about the glory of the past, his eyes flashing with remorse and unwillingness. But the reality will not change because of his remorse, and the burden of life weighs him down.

67-year-old Yan Shikui: A lifetime of hardship, so far without a wife and no children, what has he experienced

In order to make ends meet, Yan Shikui had to accept some commercial activities and small performances. Although these jobs were able to make ends meet, they were far from satisfying his pursuit of the performing arts.

Every time he stood on the stage and faced a few audiences, Yan Shikui felt sad. The struggle of the past ten years not only consumed Yan Shikui's will, but also carved deep vicissitudes on his face.

The once high-spirited teenager is now a middle-aged man with a sad face. He began to wonder if he should give up the industry he once loved so much and find a new path in life.

Seven, however, even in the most difficult moments, Yan Shikui's love for acting has not been extinguished. He always believes that as long as he persists, he will eventually wait until the day when he returns to the stage.

67-year-old Yan Shikui: A lifetime of hardship, so far without a wife and no children, what has he experienced

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Yan Shikui is close to his sixtieth birthday. Standing at the crossroads of his life, he began to look back on his life. The glory of the past has become a memory, but the reality in front of us is loneliness and loneliness.

The state of being unmarried and childless made Yan Shikui feel pressured. In traditional Chinese beliefs, offspring is an important link that perpetuates the family. Now, Yan Shikui not only has no children to inherit his knees, but he doesn't even have a lifelong partner.

This loneliness is especially strong in the middle of the night, making him unable to sleep. Looking back on his acting career, Yan Shikui was full of emotion. He once thought that as long as he worked hard, he could always stand in the center of the stage.

Eight, however, the cruel reality proves that the ups and downs of the entertainment industry are far more complicated than he imagined. Those applause and praises that used to be are now only the residual warmth of memories. Faced with growing older, Yan Shikui began to explore the meaning of life.

67-year-old Yan Shikui: A lifetime of hardship, so far without a wife and no children, what has he experienced

He tried to learn calligraphy, hoping to find new sustenance in art. However, the feeling of emptiness in my heart always lingers. He began to think, what is the pursuit of his life? Fame? Status? Or peace of mind? Yan Shikui also began to pay attention to his physical condition.

Years of filming career, especially the martial arts scenes in the early years, have caused a lot of burden on his body. Sometimes, the pain of an old injury recurring can keep him awake at night. At this age, Yan Shikui saw that most of his peers were already full of children and grandchildren, but he was alone.

The contrast made him feel lonely. He began to reflect on his life choices and whether he should have considered starting a family at a young age instead of putting all his energy into his career.

However, even in such a predicament, Yan Shikui still did not give up hope for life. He believes that no matter what stage of life you are in, it is possible to usher in a turnaround. With this belief, he began to re-examine his life and look for a new direction.

67-year-old Yan Shikui: A lifetime of hardship, so far without a wife and no children, what has he experienced

Nine, in 2022, 67-year-old Yan Shikui made an unexpected decision: to participate in a TV show to find a life partner. This decision stems from his deep desire for love and family, and is also a rebellion against the loneliness that has been living for a long time.

In the show, Yan Shikui sincerely expressed his heart. He hopes to find a partner who understands him and supports him to spend the rest of his life with. This kind of courage and sincerity touched many audiences, and people saw a Yan Shikui who was unwilling to be lonely and was still full of hope.

His story has sparked widespread attention and rediscovered the former film and television star. At the same time, his elderly mother became Yan Shikui's biggest concern.

As an only son, he felt a great responsibility on his shoulders. Every time he saw his mother's rickety back, Yan Shikui felt a heartache. He secretly vowed to let his mother enjoy his old age in peace and no longer worry about his marriage.

67-year-old Yan Shikui: A lifetime of hardship, so far without a wife and no children, what has he experienced

Ten, Yan Shikui began to care more about his mother's life and accompany her as much as possible. He understands that the reason why his mother has always been strong and alive is largely because he can't worry about his son.

This deep maternal love made Yan Shikui feel warm, and it also strengthened his determination to take care of his mother. Standing at a new starting point in life, although the 67-year-old Yan Shikui is full of vicissitudes, his eyes still shine with hope.

He believes that there are always infinite possibilities in life, and even in the twilight of life, it can bloom with new brilliance. Whether it is looking for a partner or fulfilling filial piety, Yan Shikui is proving with practical actions that life is not too late to start.

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