
She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband when she was popular, and now regrets it


First, Zhu Mingying, who had just graduated from the Beijing Dance Academy, joined the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe with a dream. When she was young, her eyes flashed with a vision for the future and the strength to struggle.

Zhu Mingying's light and elegant dancing posture and love for the art of dance quickly made her stand out from this group of outstanding artists. Zhu Mingying's passion for dance is reflected in her meticulous attention to every movement and expression detail.

Even when the others were exhausted, she would stay alone and practice repeatedly. This kind of almost demanding self-requirement makes her shine more and more on the stage. At the same time, her cheerful and lively personality also makes her a "happy fruit" in the group, often bringing laughter and laughter to collective life.

However, a twist of fate came in 1979. The visit of the Hong Kong Song and Dance Troupe gave Chu Mingying her first close contact with African art. The cheerful drum beat and the enthusiastic and unrestrained dancing touched her heart deeply.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband when she was popular, and now regrets it

Since then, she has devoted almost all of her spare time to the study of African art. She reads a lot of relevant historical documents, wonders about the unique charm of the works of African masters, and even looks for international students to ask for language pronunciation and dance movements.

Second, just when Zhu Mingying was full of longing and expectation for the future, the ten-year Cultural Revolution swept in. The art of dance, which was once full of life, has been dimmed in the turmoil. Zhu Mingying's dream of dancing was shattered, and she had to say goodbye to her stage career for more than ten years.

However, just in the midst of despair, a new thought crossed her mind - singing. With that never-say-die tenacity, Zhu Mingying began to study and practice the art of singing frantically.

She spends all her time listening to Abeti's recordings and learning African languages from international students. Coupled with her previous dancing skills, Zhu Mingying soon made a stunning appearance on the road of singing.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband when she was popular, and now regrets it

Zhu Mingying's amazing talent for language allows her to absorb all kinds of language knowledge like a sponge. Within a few years, she was fluent in 32 languages. She is not only fluent in languages, but also delves into the history and culture of different countries, striving to convey the essence of each ethnic culture.

Every time she puts on the stage in traditional national costumes, she is like a local performing her own art, and the interpretation full of cultural soul will always make the audience crazy.

Third, in the Spring Festival Gala in 1984, Zhu Mingying's "Back to My Mother's Home" became an instant hit, and she ushered in the peak of her life. Standing in the spotlight, her eyes flashed with her love for art and expectations for the future, and she conquered the hearts of countless audiences with her singing.

Zhu Mingying's love life is in stark contrast to her brilliant career. At the age of 18, with a longing for love, Zhu Mingying and Wang Mingqi, who is also an actor, entered the palace of marriage.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband when she was popular, and now regrets it

Although the life at the beginning was poor, the two lived a very sweet life. The young Zhu Mingying and Wang Mingqi were so close to each other that they were often tired of braiding their braids together, whispering and sharing the fantasies in their minds in the middle of the night.

Even if they were so poor that they didn't even have a house, they happily set up tents to live. Six years later, their love crystallized - a lovely son was born in this small family.

These six years have been the happiest period of their lives. Zhu Mingying does her best to play the dual role of star and mother, even if she is busy, she will personally take care of her children and accompany her.

However, as Zhu Mingying's fame soars, the gap between her and her husband is also deepening. Wang Mingqi gradually felt inferior and jealous, thinking that Zhu Mingying had already flown too high and looked down on him as a small character.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband when she was popular, and now regrets it

Fourth, the two kept quarreling over some trivial things, and even fought big. Zhu Mingying's eyes often flashed with pain and helplessness, and she tried hard to maintain the relationship, but the balance of career and family became more and more difficult to balance.

After the divorce, Zhu Mingying was not discouraged for too long. Her eyes soon lit up with determination again. She still works hard and cherishes every moment and every second she spends with her children.

Zhu Mingying understands that as a single mother, she must be stronger than before. This experience made Zhu Mingying more independent. She no longer pins her happiness on others, but focuses on her own career development and the growth of her children.

Zhu Mingying's eyes reveal a kind of maturity and wisdom after the vicissitudes of life, and she interprets the courage and responsibility of an independent woman with practical actions. Faced with the challenges of life, she chose to face the difficulties and started the journey of stardom again.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband when she was popular, and now regrets it

In 1988, just when Zhu Mingying's career was in full swing, there was always a trace of uneasiness in her heart. Her infinite desire to explore the art of music made her unable to settle for the status quo.

With this desire, Zhu Mingying made a decision that surprised many people - to leave the stage for the time being and go to the United States alone for further study. Life in a foreign country is no stranger to Zhu Mingying, but the hardships are unprecedented.

Five, in order to save money, she had to live in a small, dark basement. During the day, she diligently pursued art courses; In the evenings, she also has to do odd jobs to earn tuition and living expenses.

Zhu Mingying's life is almost sleepless, and she is in a state of extreme exhaustion every day. However, even in such difficult circumstances, she still squeezes out time to devote time to musical practice and reflection.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband when she was popular, and now regrets it

Although Zhu Mingying's eyes were bloodshot, they flashed with determination. All who knew her were amazed by her indomitable spirit. In the midst of many difficulties, Zhu Mingying also learned how to find the joy of life in a foreign country.

She will use a little leisure time to go to the park to watch birds and sketch, and enjoy the tranquility and beauty of nature; She met like-minded art lovers from all over the world and exchanged musical inspirations with them. She even volunteered to perform for some community events.

It is in these bits and pieces that Zhu Mingying has gained unprecedented spiritual satisfaction. Zhu Mingying's diligence and talent soon paid off. Just two years later, she successfully launched her own company in the United States and became its president.

At the moment of standing at the pinnacle of business, a trace of pride flashed in Zhu Mingying's eyes, but more of a vision for the future. However, when standing at the peak of the business giants, Zhu Mingying's call for music dreams still prevailed against everything.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband when she was popular, and now regrets it

In 1995, she made another surprising decision – to hand over the business to her partner and resolutely chose to return to China. Zhu Mingying's eyes flashed with attachment to the motherland and love for the music career, and she knew that her dream was still waiting for her.

This experience of further study and entrepreneurship in the United States not only enriched Zhu Mingying's life experience, but also allowed her to gain a broader international perspective. There was a sense of calmness and confidence in her eyes, as if she was ready to take on the next challenge in her life.

Sixth, Zhu Mingying knows that the road after returning to China may not be smooth, but she believes that with her own efforts and persistence, she will be able to create more brilliance in her homeland. In 1995, Zhu Mingying resolutely chose to return to China for development with her attachment to the motherland and love for the music industry.

Returning to her hometown after many years of absence, her heart is full of excitement and anticipation. Zhu Mingying is well aware that she shoulders an important mission - to build a bridge between Chinese and foreign artists.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband when she was popular, and now regrets it

With this sense of mission, Zhu Mingying founded the International Academy of Arts, Culture and Literature in Beijing. Her eyes shone with wisdom, and her years of overseas experience have made her deeply understand the importance of cultural exchange.

Thanks to her efforts, it soon became a palace for Chinese and foreign artists to gather and communicate. Zhu Mingying will use her accumulated experience and contacts on the international stage to devote herself to this new cause without reservation.

She organizes various international art exchange activities and invites artists from all over the world to perform and exchange in China. At the same time, she also actively promotes Chinese artists to the international stage, so that the world can learn more about Chinese culture.

Seventh, Zhu Mingying's eyes always flashed with her love for art and enthusiasm for cultural exchange, which infected everyone around her. While promoting cultural exchanges, Zhu Mingying did not give up her artistic career.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband when she was popular, and now regrets it

She continues to perform on stage, interpreting the artistic charm of different cultures with her singing and dancing. Her performances not only demonstrate a high level of artistry, but also convey the profound connotation of cross-cultural communication.

In 2024, the 73-year-old Zhu Mingying will once again stand on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. When the spotlight hits her again, the audience sees not only an elegant artist, but also a legendary woman who has survived the vicissitudes of life but still shines brightly.

Her eyes still sparkle with her love for art, as if the years had never left a mark on her. Zhu Mingying's performance caused thunderous applause, and everyone in the audience was excited by her legendary story.

Eighth, at this moment, she is not only a successful artist, but also a messenger connecting Chinese and foreign cultures. Zhu Mingying used her life to interpret the true meaning of art without borders, and also showed the mind and charm that a true cultural exchange envoy should have.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband when she was popular, and now regrets it

Throughout Zhu Mingying's life, we can clearly see the image of an explorer who never stops. From a dancer in the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe, to an internationally renowned singer who speaks 32 languages, to a female president of an American company, each transformation shows her continuous pursuit and exploration of art and life.

In the face of various difficulties in life, Zhu Mingying is always able to rise to the occasion. Whether it was the difficult years of the Cultural Revolution or the lonely struggle in a foreign country, she overcame them one by one with perseverance.

As she used to say, "I've been on the road and I've never backed down." This sentence is not only her attitude towards life, but also a source of strength for her to inspire others. Zhu Mingying's eyes always flashed with love for life and expectations for the future.

Even in the most difficult moments, she finds the motivation to move forward. During her studies in the United States, despite the hardships of life, she still insisted on studying and working, and even used her spare time to go to the park to watch birds and sketch and enjoy the beauty of life.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband when she was popular, and now regrets it

Ninth, this never-say-die spirit is the true charm of her legendary life. The infinite desire to explore music and art has always been the internal driving force that pushes Zhu Mingying forward.

Even at the peak of her career, she still chose to let go of everything and start anew. This spirit of not being satisfied with the status quo and constantly pursuing breakthroughs allowed her to stand on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 73, showing amazing vitality and charm.

Zhu Mingying's philosophy of life tells us that true success does not lie in reaching a certain height, but in the process of never stopping exploration and progress. Her story inspires everyone, regardless of age, to maintain their zest for life and pursue their dreams.

Zhu Mingying's legendary life is not only reflected in her multiple identity transformations, but also in her dual success in the fields of art and business. From a dancer in the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe, to an international singer who speaks 32 languages, to a female president of an American company, every transformation is a breakthrough and challenge for the self.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband when she was popular, and now regrets it

With a sparkle of wisdom in her eyes, she can find a way to break through no matter what challenges she faces. During the Cultural Revolution, when her dancing career suffered a setback, she turned to singing and became an internationally renowned singer with her amazing talent for language.

While studying in the United States, she not only overcame language and cultural barriers, but also successfully started her own company. As a successful professional woman, Zhu Mingying also knows the wisdom of balancing her career and personal life.

Even at the peak of her career, she did not neglect her love for her children. After the divorce, she cherished every minute and second with her children even more, showing the responsibility of a strong mother.

Ten, her eyes are always full of tenderness, which is a kind of love that only those who have experienced the ups and downs of life can have. After returning to China, she founded the Beijing International Academy of Arts, Culture and Literature, and Zhu Mingying once again showed her foresight.

She is a national first-class actor, can speak 32 Chinese, was abandoned by her husband when she was popular, and now regrets it

She has devoted her international experience and network resources to promoting cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, and has become an important messenger connecting Chinese and Western art. Zhu Mingying's story tells us that true success is not only the brilliance of your career, but also the courage to always move forward and the determination to break through yourself in the face of various challenges in life.

Her legendary life is the result of countless choices that are not afraid of difficulties and move forward bravely. From an 18-year-old young girl to a 73-year-old legendary artist who appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala again, Zhu Mingying used her life to interpret what is the real self-breakthrough and life value.

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