
Good and evil are rewarded This time, 68-year-old Chen Baoguo has finally paid the price for his actions


First, Chen Baoguo stood at the door of the Central Academy of Drama, his eyes flashing with a vision for the future. This young man from a poor family, with his diligence and talent, finally got his wish and stepped into the top drama school in China.

Here, Chen Baoguo not only excelled in professional courses, but also met Zhao Kui'e, who would later become his life partner. In 1982, Chen Baoguo ushered in a turning point in his life.

He made his debut in the TV series "Divine Whip", and with his unique temperament and solid acting skills, he became a blockbuster and won

Good and evil are rewarded This time, 68-year-old Chen Baoguo has finally paid the price for his actions

has been widely acclaimed. This successful attempt opened the door to showbiz for him.

Since then, Chen Baoguo's acting career has begun to soar. He has participated in classic works such as "Mansion Gate", "Old Farmer", "Mountains, Rivers and Moonlight". Whether it is a high-ranking bureaucrat or an unpretentious peasant, Chen Baoguo can interpret it vividly and vividly through his in-depth research and perception of the role, which makes the audience fascinated.

Chen Baoguo's attitude towards acting is meticulous. He often sacrificed his health for the sake of the character. In "The Divine Whip", he even nailed the button to the eye to achieve the effect of a dull look.

In "Old Farmer", in order to create the image of an old farmer with a wrinkled face, he not only shaved his hair, but also deliberately lost weight, almost hurting his body. It is this persistent pursuit of art and professionalism that has achieved Chen Baoguo's special status in the entertainment industry.

Second, he eventually became a national first-class actor and reached the peak of his career. However, success didn't stop him. On the contrary, his pursuit of art has become more intense, and the interpretation of each character has become more and more refined.

This once poor teenager used his persistence and perseverance to write the legendary story of an ordinary person. In 1974, 27-year-old Chen Baoguo met the love of his life, Zhao Kui'e, while studying at the Central Academy of Drama.

Good and evil are rewarded This time, 68-year-old Chen Baoguo has finally paid the price for his actions

This female student from Beijing, quiet and introverted but without losing her unique temperament, immediately attracted Chen Baoguo's attention. When they first met, Chen Baoguo was attracted by her temperament and took the initiative to talk.

After getting along for a period of time, the two gradually developed a good impression and finally came together. In 1982, the love between the two spent on campus finally came to fruition and entered the palace of marriage.

This year, Chen Baoguo also officially entered the showbiz and started his brilliant career. And Zhao Kui'e has become the most solid support behind Chen Baoguo's career. At the stage when Chen Baoguo's career was in full swing, he always maintained his loyalty to his wife Zhao Kui'e.

Third, in the entertainment industry full of temptation, the love story of Chen Baoguo and Zhao Kui'e is particularly precious. Their relationship is like an old wine, which has become more and more mellow after years of precipitation.

Good and evil are rewarded This time, 68-year-old Chen Baoguo has finally paid the price for his actions

This sincere relationship spanning half a century is not only a gift to each other, but also a beautiful conversation in the entertainment industry. The story of Chen Baoguo and Zhao Kuie explains what it is to be truly close to each other, and also makes people see the value of being able to stick to love in Vanity Fair.

In the entertainment industry, Chen Baoguo has a resounding nickname - "drama maniac". This title is not a pejorative, but the highest praise for his extreme obsession and pursuit of art.

Chen Baoguo is meticulous in his attitude towards his acting career, and he often sacrifices his health and even risks his body in order to create a role. During the filming of "Divine Whip", in order to achieve the effect of dull eyes, Chen Baoguo actually nailed the button to his eyes.

This extreme approach moved everyone present. Despite the great pain, Chen Baoguo still persevered in completing the shooting, showing his persistent pursuit of art.

Good and evil are rewarded This time, 68-year-old Chen Baoguo has finally paid the price for his actions

Fourth, the reason why Chen Baoguo can play well in various roles depends on his meticulous approach to his acting career. Whether it is a high-flying bureaucrat or an ordinary peasant, under Chen Baoguo's interpretation, they are all lifelike, making the audience feel immersed.

Through his in-depth research and perception of the characters, he interprets each role to the fullest. This kind of dedication and awe of art has undoubtedly achieved Chen Baoguo's special status in the entertainment industry.

He used his actions to interpret what a real actor is and what is the supreme pursuit of art. Even when he is middle-aged and has a successful career, he still maintains extreme devotion and seriousness to his role.

Chen Baoguo's spirit of "drama maniac" is not only reflected in his portrayal of the role, but also in his attitude towards the entire acting career. He always insisted that actors should speak with strength, rather than relying on face and marketing hype.

Good and evil are rewarded This time, 68-year-old Chen Baoguo has finally paid the price for his actions

This insistence has allowed him to always maintain his unique charm in the impetuous entertainment industry. In 1995, Chen Baoguo's acting career ushered in an important turning point.

Fifth, at that time, he was starring in the TV series "Mansion Gate", which was later hailed as a classic, but encountered a crisis during the filming. The producer wanted to change the director and actors, which put Chen Baoguo in a dilemma.

In the face of this predicament, Chen Baoguo showed his usual integrity and persistence. In order to support director Guo Baochang, he resolutely gave up the negotiated salary and took the initiative to withdraw from this work.

This decision fully demonstrates Chen Baoguo's noble professional ethics and sense of justice. In the environment of chasing fame and fortune in the entertainment industry, Chen Baoguo's choice is undoubtedly admirable.

Good and evil are rewarded This time, 68-year-old Chen Baoguo has finally paid the price for his actions

Many people don't understand his decision, after all, "Mansion Gate" is a work that has the potential to become a classic, and it seems unwise to give up such an opportunity. However, Chen Baoguo stood by his belief that true art should not be swayed by commercial interests.

This decision undoubtedly had a certain impact on Chen Baoguo's career. However, he does not regret it. Years later, when asked about it, Chen Baoguo said calmly: "I did what I thought was right.

This principled attitude earned him the respect of his peers and the audience was impressed by him. The incident of "Mansion Gate" became an important turning point in Chen Baoguo's career.

Sixth, it not only shows his professional ethics, but also allows more people to see him as a person. After this incident, Chen Baoguo's reputation in the industry has reached a higher level, winning the universal respect of his peers and audiences.

Good and evil are rewarded This time, 68-year-old Chen Baoguo has finally paid the price for his actions

The lesson of this incident is that in artistic creation, it is more important to adhere to one's own principles and beliefs than short-term interests. Chen Baoguo proved with his own actions that a true artist should have his own persistence and should not be swayed by commercial interests.

This spirit is particularly valuable in today's entertainment industry. In the most glorious period of Chen Baoguo's career, he did not sink into fame and fortune, but still maintained a simple heart.

He often bluntly criticizes those "stars" who only focus on traffic and do not pay attention to acting skills in interviews, and calls on the entire entertainment industry to return to rationality, so that truly powerful actors can get the respect and opportunities they deserve.

Such remarks quickly aroused the dissatisfaction of some capitalists. They began to deliberately suppress Chen Baoguo, and even cut his leading role in a certain work, making him a supporting role.

Good and evil are rewarded This time, 68-year-old Chen Baoguo has finally paid the price for his actions

Seventh, this made Chen Baoguo, who has always been conceited and upright, feel very chilled and aggrieved. In the face of such an unfair encounter, Chen Baoguo did not choose to compromise or bow his head. He preferred to take the initiative to stay away from the entertainment industry that disappointed him, decided to quit the scene, and began to fade out of the public eye.

In an interview, he lamented: "I have tried my best, and if the industry is not willing to change, then I have nothing to say." Since then, the 66-year-old Chen Baoguo has rarely appeared in front of the audience again.

He chose to live quietly, and from time to time he posted articles on Weibo to share his life insights. Many people feel sorry for what happened to this former "national first-class actor".

But even after withdrawing from the rivers and lakes, Chen Baoguo still maintained his professional ethics and artistic pursuits. He often criticizes "star" actors who only focus on traffic on Weibo, and calls on the audience to face up to the professional level of the actors, rather than being bewitched by entertainment marketing.

Good and evil are rewarded This time, 68-year-old Chen Baoguo has finally paid the price for his actions

The decision was undoubtedly difficult. It means that Chen Baoguo has to give up the stage he loves deeply, and give up the popularity and resources he has accumulated over the years. However, he still insisted on his choice.

Because he knows that only in this way can he maintain his artistic pursuit and personal dignity. Chen Baoguo proved with his own actions: even at the peak of his career, he must have the courage to say "no".

This kind of courage moved everyone and made people re-examine the status quo of the entertainment industry. His choice is not only an insistence on his own artistic concept, but also a wake-up call to the entire industry.

Eighth, it is this kind of persistence and dedication to the artistic career that has made him a banner in the contemporary entertainment industry. Although Chen Baoguo has faded out of the public eye, his spirit and influence still play an important role in the entertainment industry, inspiring more artists to pursue excellence and adhere to the essence of art.

Good and evil are rewarded This time, 68-year-old Chen Baoguo has finally paid the price for his actions

Just when Chen Baoguo encountered a bottleneck in his career and faded out of the entertainment industry, his son Chen Yuemo also began to emerge in the entertainment industry. This young actor has won the love of the audience with his outstanding performances in works such as "Langya Bang" and "Pearl River People".

However, Chen Yuemo's acting career was not all smooth sailing. According to industry insiders, Chen Yuemo's acting skills were once questioned, and it was even considered that he was able to enter the industry by relying on his father's resources.

This undoubtedly disappointed Chen Baoguo, who has always been strict with himself. In the face of such doubts, Chen Baoguo did not intervene directly, but chose to influence his son with his own actions.

When Chen Yuemo just debuted, Chen Baoguo spared no effort to fight for various resources and opportunities for him, hoping that he could really rely on his own strength to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

Good and evil are rewarded This time, 68-year-old Chen Baoguo has finally paid the price for his actions

Ninth, Chen Baoguo often teaches his son: The most important thing for an actor is strength, not fame. He encouraged Chen Yuemo to study his acting skills hard and constantly improve himself. Under the influence of Chen Baoguo, Chen Yuemo's acting skills have finally improved rapidly.

Recently, his outstanding performance in the TV series "Pearl River Family" once again amazed the audience. Now, although Chen Baoguo has withdrawn from the entertainment industry, his artistic spirit is still passed on through his son.

Chen Yuemo is continuing to interpret his father's artistic concept in his own way. This spirit of passing on the torch from generation to generation makes people see the hope of China's entertainment industry. The story of Chen Baoguo and Chen Yuemo is not only the inheritance of a family, but also a mirror of the entire entertainment industry.

It tells us that the true spirit of art will never fade away due to the changes of the times.

Good and evil are rewarded This time, 68-year-old Chen Baoguo has finally paid the price for his actions

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