
Zhou also played a big name and the turmoil escalated! A play once used five stand-ins, and I am afraid that it will become the next Wu Jinyan

author:September Films

The words and deeds of celebrities have always been a hot topic of public concern, especially when they show the side of "playing big names", which will cause people to discuss and question. Recently, actress Zhou has also fallen into such a controversy, her behavior of throwing her face at the six princesses of CCTV is only the tip of the iceberg, and the black materials of the past "big names" have also been picked out one by one. From her attitude towards the media to her lack of cultural literacy, Zhou's behavior shows a negative example of a public figure, and people can't help but worry that she may become the next Wu Jinyan.

Zhou also played a big name and the turmoil escalated! A play once used five stand-ins, and I am afraid that it will become the next Wu Jinyan

The black-faced CCTV six princesses, Zhou also shook her face and caused controversy

Recently, actress Zhou has also fallen into a storm of playing big names. In this incident, a video released by the six princesses of CCTV became the focus. In the video, Zhou Ye appeared in black face throughout the whole process, with no expression, and even deliberately turned his head to avoid the camera, looking cold and arrogant. Such an action is in stark contrast to the enthusiasm and energy that the sixth princess usually displays, and it is also very different from the friendly attitude of the other actors in the same frame. Liu Haocun's greeting with a smile in front of the camera, and Deng Chao's enthusiastic interaction with the camera all highlight Zhou Ye's "black face" attitude.

The sixth princess posted this video on the platform without any text, but it was clearly expressing her dissatisfaction with Zhou Ye's behavior. Netizens also expressed their views on this, questioning Zhou Ye's professionalism and attitude. Some netizens pointed out that Zhou Ye was obviously a deliberate move, rather than "mistakenly thinking it was a proxy shooting". In the face of the six princesses of CCTV, Zhou Ye obviously showed a non-cooperative attitude, which caused the collective dissatisfaction of netizens.

This blackface incident was just the beginning of Zhou Ye's big-name turmoil, and then some netizens picked up more negative news about her, making people question her professionalism even more.

Zhou also played a big name and the turmoil escalated! A play once used five stand-ins, and I am afraid that it will become the next Wu Jinyan

A play requires five stand-ins, and Zhou also plays a female general who does not learn to ride a horse

In the behind-the-scenes footage exposed by the crew of "Female General Star", Zhou also attracted attention again for "playing a big name". According to the crew, Zhou also played a heroic female general, but when filming the battle scenes, she asked for multiple stand-ins. There were five stand-ins in one scene, including martial arts, water substitutes, foot substitutes, back substitutes, and even horse substitutes.

What especially aroused heated discussions among netizens was the scene of riding a horse, Zhou Ye did not really ride on a horse, but was dragged forward by the staff on a fake horse, while she sat on the back of the horse and pretended. Netizens complained one after another, obviously playing such a heroic role as a female general, but Zhou Ye was unwilling to take the time to learn to ride a horse, and he didn't even know the basic riding posture, so he dared to sit on horseback, which was too good at playing a big name.

Zhou also played a big name and the turmoil escalated! A play once used five stand-ins, and I am afraid that it will become the next Wu Jinyan

This time, Zhou also seems to have been planted in the hands of his "big name". All along, she may have been used to being shielded and tolerated, but this time she was attacked for playing a big name. Netizens expressed strong dissatisfaction with her behavior, believing that she did not respect her profession and did not respect the audience.

On the black list, it was revealed that his head was empty, and Zhou not only played a big name but also lacked literacy

In fact, Zhou has long been included in the blacklist by a certain platform. The platform pointed out that the reason why Zhou Ye was included in the black list was because of her "facial features flying around" character and empty head. Some media broke the news that Zhou also showed disrespect for reporters during the interview, and even interrupted the interview or asked the media to cooperate in revising the question.

The platform's evaluation of her is "small and big", pointing out that she is young but puts on an old style, and the team is also difficult to handle, and the overall performance is not professional enough. Zhou also seems to be accustomed to treating the media and the public with a big-name attitude, which naturally sparked dissatisfaction and greatly reduced her image.

Zhou also played a big name and the turmoil escalated! A play once used five stand-ins, and I am afraid that it will become the next Wu Jinyan

In another live connection, Zhou also once again exposed his lack of cultural literacy. In the connection, she read "confession" as "qian repentance" four times, which made the actor Hou Minghao, who was also on the connection, stunned on the spot, and the scene was very embarrassing for a while. Hou Minghao tried to remind her by pronouncing "confession" correctly, but Zhou also seemed completely unaware of his mispronunciation and went his own way.

This incident once again sparked heated discussions among netizens, and everyone said that Zhou should also improve his cultural literacy, as a public figure, basic reading and writing skills are part of his literacy.

Fearing that he will become the next Wu Jinyan, Zhou should also reflect on himself to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past

Zhou also played a big name and the turmoil escalated! A play once used five stand-ins, and I am afraid that it will become the next Wu Jinyan

Seeing this, people can't help but think of the big-name turmoil of actress Wu Jinyan a few years ago. Wu Jinyan was also embroiled in a similar controversy after she became popular, and her arrogant and impatient attitude towards the media sparked criticism from public opinion. In the end, she was criticized by CCTV by name, and the team apologized twice, but the negative impact was still very large, and her public image and reputation were seriously affected.

Zhou also played a big name and the turmoil escalated! A play once used five stand-ins, and I am afraid that it will become the next Wu Jinyan

Now, Zhou also seems to be repeating the mistakes of Wu Jinyan. Her blackface incident against the six princesses of CCTV is probably just the tip of the iceberg of her big-name behavior. If she can't reflect on and correct her own problems in time, and continue to indulge in the attitude of playing big names, then her star journey may not be able to go far, and she may even become the next Wu Jinyan.

The influence and appeal of public figures should not be underestimated, but at the same time, it also means that their words and deeds are subject to public attention and scrutiny. The act of playing a big name will not only smash your own signboard, but also affect the public's impression of the entire entertainment industry. Therefore, I hope that these "big names" can reflect more, introspect more, maintain their original intention and humility, and don't let themselves become the next typical example to take as a warning.

Zhou also played a big name and the turmoil escalated! A play once used five stand-ins, and I am afraid that it will become the next Wu Jinyan

All in all, Zhou Ye's big-name turmoil once again sounded the alarm for public figures. They should remember that their actions and actions are not only personal, but also affect the industry as a whole. Only by maintaining a humble and dedicated attitude can you gain public recognition and support, and it will not be far from smashing your own signboard.

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