
The premiere of Jackie Chan's new film "Legend" is released! There are many beautiful women who are good-looking, and the plot cannot be studied deeply

author:September Films
The premiere of Jackie Chan's new film "Legend" is released! There are many beautiful women who are good-looking, and the plot cannot be studied deeply

Jackie Chan's movies have always attracted much attention, especially when he is 70 years old and still insists on shooting action movies, which makes many fans both worried and expectant. This time, Jackie Chan teamed up with young actors such as Zhang Yixing, Nazha, and Li Chen to create a movie "Legend" full of youthful vitality and action charm. However, since the summer vacation in June, the performance of the film market does not seem to be optimistic, which has also made many filmmakers and audiences sweat for "Legend".

According to foreign media reports, Jackie Chan is also working hard this time, and the investment cost of the movie "Legend" is as high as 50 million US dollars, equivalent to more than 300 million yuan, which is also a large number in domestic films. However, the film doesn't go smoothly from the get-go. When the movie trailer of "Legend" was first exposed, the audience was left with the impression that the texture was not good, and some people even said that it looked like an online movie with a low texture. Jackie Chan's fans are starting to worry, they don't want their favorite actor to "lose his night", and at the age of 70, he has to endure the cruel reality of starring in a movie that does not perform well at the box office.

The premiere of Jackie Chan's new film "Legend" is released! There are many beautiful women who are good-looking, and the plot cannot be studied deeply

What's even more embarrassing is that after the trailer received a flood of bad reviews, there were rumors that the filmmaker intended to change the file, and the blockbuster change often means a poor ending. Looking at the rumors, it seems that "Legend" has been sentenced to "death" before it is released.

Fortunately, three weeks before the official release of the movie, "Legend" held its premiere in Beijing and arranged an early viewing event. The filmmaker invited the media and audiences to the premiere, and has received the first wave of feedback. Although the overall word-of-mouth is positive, and everyone has given basic affirmation, some sincere words are also worthy of the filmmaker's attention.

The premiere of Jackie Chan's new film "Legend" is released! There are many beautiful women who are good-looking, and the plot cannot be studied deeply

Let's talk about the lineup of this movie first. It is the movie that Jackie Chan and Kim Hee-sun have collaborated on again after 20 years, and it is also the sister chapter of the movie "Myth". Professor Fang, played by Jackie Chan, was brought back to the Western Han Dynasty by an ancient jade in the archaeological process, and a legendary story unfolded. In addition to Jackie Chan, actors such as Zhang Yixing, Nazha, and Li Chen also joined this movie. However, Li Chen doesn't seem to be very popular, and some viewers said that they directly gave a bad review when they saw him appear, but fortunately he didn't have many scenes.

At the premiere, the audience's attention was more focused on the other actors. First of all, this is the second collaboration between Jackie Chan and Kim Hee-sun after 20 years, and Kim Hee-sun made a surprise appearance in the film, which aroused the nostalgia of the audience. In addition, the joining of beautiful actresses such as Nazha and Peng Xiaoran also made the audience call "Legend" a lot of beauties, which also reflected the film's intentions and success in serving the Tao.

The premiere of Jackie Chan's new film "Legend" is released! There are many beautiful women who are good-looking, and the plot cannot be studied deeply

Jackie Chan's movies have always been known for their action, and fighting is also the soul of Jackie Chan's movies. This time, judging from the audience's feedback, the number of scenes is still very rich, from Jackie Chan to Zhang Yixing, and even actors including Nazha, all of them have scenes, and they are all live-shot, which has become the biggest selling point of the whole film.

Next, we're going to talk about the technology and publicity of the film. In addition to playing, one of the highlights of the promotion of "Legend" is the use of AI technology to bring Jackie Chan back to 27 years old. They exposed Jackie Chan's dynamic image of the young general in the film at the premiere, which really attracted the attention of the audience. Some viewers said that AI technology makes Jackie Chan look really young, so much so that he is about to lose the distinction between Jackie Chan and Da Zhang Wei.

However, some viewers gave different opinions. Some viewers bluntly said that the promotion of AI technology is a bit excessive, and they feel that the filmmaker's publicity is a bit insincere. It is true that propaganda is propaganda, but what the audience values most is the quality and plot of the movie. In recent years, countless special effects blockbusters have hit the street at the box office, which is enough to illustrate the problem, and the audience no longer eats propaganda, and they pay more attention to whether the plot of the movie can move people's hearts.

The premiere of Jackie Chan's new film "Legend" is released! There are many beautiful women who are good-looking, and the plot cannot be studied deeply

Speaking of which, we have to mention the screenwriter of this movie - Tang Jili. He is a deep partner of Jackie Chan, but his works have repeatedly received low ratings. For example, the last movie "Pioneer" written and directed by him had a score of only 4.4 points, and the previous one was "Kung Fu Yoga" with 5 points, and the lineup of these two movies also has many similarities with "Legend".

The premiere of Jackie Chan's new film "Legend" is released! There are many beautiful women who are good-looking, and the plot cannot be studied deeply

Finally, we also want to ask fans, for movies with flaws in the plot, will you still contribute to the box office because of your favorite stars? In today's increasingly competitive market, audiences are becoming more and more picky, and the word-of-mouth and box office of a movie depend not only on the cast, but also on whether its story can move people's hearts.

Jackie Chan's movies have accompanied countless people's youth, and his plays have also brought us countless surprises and joys. This time, in "Legend", we saw the efforts and persistence of Jackie Chan, and also saw the filmmaker's intentions in elements such as beauties and plays. However, a good movie needs not only these, but also a plot that can move people's hearts.

"Legend" has unveiled a corner of the veil, but whether it can shine in the summer file still needs the audience to give the final answer. As fans, we look forward to the excitement of each movie, and we also hope that Jackie Chan's movies can continue to accompany us and bring more surprises.

The premiere of Jackie Chan's new film "Legend" is released! There are many beautiful women who are good-looking, and the plot cannot be studied deeply

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