
Infinite Ink Rhyme: On the Accumulation of Ink and the Way of Using Ink in Huang Binhong's Art

author:Jiangsu Shuyi Art Museum

Infinite Ink Rhyme: On the Accumulation of Ink and the Way of Using Ink in Huang Binhong's Art

Huang Binhong's unique artistic concept and technique: painting is not afraid of ink accumulation, but afraid of poor ink accumulation and black gas. As long as you get the law, even if you accumulate thousands of layers, you will still be dripping with ink. Antiques have a saying that "cherish ink as gold", which is to ask you to paint seriously, and the pen is not vain, not to ask you to use less ink. There is good wine in the world, and it is to be tasted by those who drink it well. China has ink, which is to be used by calligraphers and painters. Those who are good at water can swim in a small port or in the sea; Those who are good at painting can only make three or two strokes to make a good game, or they can splash ink to make a good game.

Infinite Ink Rhyme: On the Accumulation of Ink and the Way of Using Ink in Huang Binhong's Art

He has a unique understanding of the use of ink accumulation and ink - "Painting is not afraid of ink accumulation, but afraid of poor ink accumulation and black gas." As long as you get the law, even if you accumulate thousands of layers, you will still be dripping with ink. This point of view not only shows Binon's profound attainments in painting techniques, but also reflects his persistence and firmness in the pursuit of art.

The method of ink accumulation advocated by Huang Binhong is not simply stacking ink layers, but an artistic expression rich in rhythm and rhythm. The process of accumulating ink is like a choreographed dance, and the superposition of each layer of ink needs to be just right, taking into account not only the dryness and wetness of the ink, but also the overall composition and artistic conception of the picture. If it is not lawful, the ink will become a black chaos, losing its agility and charm. However, once the essence is mastered, the ink can reveal an incomparably rich layer and profound connotation, making the picture full of vitality and tension.

Infinite Ink Rhyme: On the Accumulation of Ink and the Way of Using Ink in Huang Binhong's Art

Just as there is a saying in the antique world that "ink is like gold", the original intention is not to ask painters to use less ink, but to emphasize the serious attitude and prudent use of brush and ink when painting. Each stroke should be well thought out, and should carry the artist's emotions and thoughts. It's like a meticulous craftsman who meticulously crafts every piece of material and strives to make every detail flawless. In Huang Binhong's paintings, we can see his respect and cherishment of ink, and the use of ink color in every place is just right, without wasting a single thing, but can create a majestic artistic effect.

Chinese ink is like an aged wine, waiting for calligraphers and painters to taste and discover. Those who make good use of ink can find their own world in this endless ink color, and sway the thousands of scenes in their hearts. The charm of ink lies in its infinite changes, thick ink is like a heavy hammer beating a drum, vigorous and powerful; The light ink is like light smoke, graceful and subtle. Between dry and wet, it shows the wonder of yin and yang; In the sparseness, there is the way of heaven and earth

Those who are good at water can swim in small harbors or in the sea. The same is true for those who are good at drawing. They can not only sketch a concise and exquisite composition with three or two strokes, but also show the beauty of simplicity; It can also splash ink into a magnificent masterpiece, showing a bold posture. This ability to control painting stems from the painter's deep understanding of art and keen insight into life.

Infinite Ink Rhyme: On the Accumulation of Ink and the Way of Using Ink in Huang Binhong's Art

Huang Binhong's artistic achievements lie not only in his superb techniques, but also in his inheritance and innovation of artistic spirit. In his paintings, there is not only the inheritance of the essence of traditional painting, but also the echo of the spirit of the times. He used ink to break the shackles of convention and open up a new path for the development of Chinese painting.

In today's era, we appreciate and study Huang Binhong's art, which is not only a review of the past glory, but also an inspiration for the future development of art. He told us that the pursuit of art is endless, and only by constantly exploring and innovating can we leave our own footprints in the long river of history.

Looking back on Huang Binhong's artistic career, he has spent his life exploring and pursuing the world of ink. He is not afraid of the hardships of accumulating ink, but only the regret of poor ink accumulation. This kind of awe and unremitting pursuit of art is worth learning from every art lover and practitioner. His works, like monuments, stand in the history of Chinese painting.

Graphic Contribution / Rainbow Art Space

Written by Hiroki


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