
It's not "The Long Season" that should be regretted, but Magnolia

author:Xiao Hao chatted about interesting things


At the 2023 Magnolia Awards, "Flowers" won a number of awards and attracted much attention; "The Long Season" only won one Best Director Award, which caused dissatisfaction among netizens. The styles of the two dramas are completely different, is it the appearance and traffic that are important, or the strength and quality are better? There is also a wonderful discussion about the characterization and actor performance in the play, which makes people want to find out.

Flowers, long season, gold and silver cups are not as popular as the audience

In 2023, the two word-of-mouth hit dramas "The Long Season" and "Flowers" will attract much attention.

thought that these two dramas would have a peak showdown at the 29th Magnolia Awards.

But the results were somewhat surprising.

"Flowers" has won almost all the awards of this year's Magnolia Awards.

Including the best Oriental TV series, the best screenwriter, the best director, the best actor, the best actress and other five awards.

It's not "The Long Season" that should be regretted, but Magnolia

"The Long Season" only won one Best Director award.

Netizens have expressed their dissatisfaction with this.

I think "The Long Season" has suffered from low reviews.

It is listed as a web drama with "high appearance and familiar face".

The appearance is high and the face is familiar

"Flowers" is very popular on the Internet, and the wide spread of the plot has made the show achieve such excellent results at the Magnolia Awards.

"The Long Season" is a good drama in the eyes of the audience, with an excellent reputation.

Many people are confused by this phenomenon.

believes that the styles of the two dramas are completely incomparable.

"The Long Season" is closer to reality, pays attention to details, has a higher viewing threshold, and is more literary and artistic.

It's not "The Long Season" that should be regretted, but Magnolia

"Flowers" is an idol drama with strong commercial attributes and a low viewing threshold.

Therefore, it is more popular with the public.

Therefore, it is not surprising that "Flowers" won multiple awards at the Magnolia Awards.

But a lot of people think that's not the case.

Now drama critics and directors have a great influence on domestic dramas.

determines the public's viewing habits and aesthetic level.

Most of them have been reduced to "literary youth".

Be willing to challenge your own aesthetic level.

Therefore, the statement of "high appearance and familiar face" is not valid.

Don't fight for traffic, only fight for strength

If you simply fight for traffic, "Flowers" will definitely have an advantage over "The Long Season".

After all, "Flowers" is starred by a popular idol, and the face is very familiar.

But if you fight for strength, "The Long Season" is an invincible and strong drama.

It's not "The Long Season" that should be regretted, but Magnolia

Although "The Long Season" is not a miracle existence among word-of-mouth hit dramas.

But the play is a good drama with a distinct background of the times.

Therefore, it is loved by niche and literature lovers.

"The Long Season" pays more attention to the depiction of the details of life, as a way to tell the story of an ordinary family.

It is the accumulation of these details of life that confirms the authenticity and warmth conveyed by the works.

This kind of authenticity is the height that commercial dramas can't reach, and this is where "The Long Season" has the value of the times.

Domestic TV dramas have never lacked TV dramas with a strong star lineup and high appearance.

But there are very few masterpieces that are truly memorable, can resonate with society, and have the background of the times.

It's not "The Long Season" that should be regretted, but Magnolia

"The Long Season" has become an excellent representative work among word-of-mouth hit dramas by virtue of its excellent quality and characteristics.

Steal the limelight

After watching "The Long Season", many people have the same feeling, that is, the plot and character creation are very three-dimensional and vivid.

There are no urine spots in the whole process, exquisite to the extreme, and people can't help but marvel at the high level of domestic dramas!

The play not only put a lot of effort into the details, but also put a lot of effort into the portrayal of the characters.

Each character is very three-dimensional and plump, which makes people empathize and can't extricate themselves.

For example, He Zhuohang played by Fan Peng is a very representative character.

He went from being young and vigorous to middle-aged and greasy to dying and old, and every stage was full and exciting, completely making people forget that he was a drama spirit!

It's not "The Long Season" that should be regretted, but Magnolia

Of course, there are also Li Shuhui played by Cheng Haohao, Su Xiaonuan played by Liu Haoran and other characters are very representative and three-dimensional and vivid.

The characters they created are not only full of life, but also make people say that such works are really great!

It is worth mentioning that there is a supporting role in the play, Dai Ziwei, although there are not many scenes, but it has left a deep impression on many people.

With her excellent acting skills and control of the character image, she stole the limelight of all the characters in the whole show in just a few minutes!

It can be seen that every character in "The Long Season" is very interesting, and the actors interpret the roles very well and vividly.

It is these delicate and painstaking spirits to create masterpieces that will resonate with the audience and get unanimous praise!

It's not "The Long Season" that should be regretted, but Magnolia

Best Supporting Actress

In addition to the excellent character creation, there is another actress in "The Long Season" who has attracted much attention, she is Lin Xiaojie!

Many netizens think that Lin Xiaojie can win the Best Supporting Actress award with her excellent acting skills!

Because the level of acting skills she showed in the play can be called top-notch, and it can even be said to be a god!

Lin Xiaojie did not appear in any embarrassment and deliberately aggravated places, and there was no trace of it; Every frame and every look of her exudes a strong maternal light, which makes people feel moved; At the same time, she interprets the character image with a lot of personality and taste, which is unforgettable!

It can be said that Lin Xiaojie has perfectly integrated into his role, and interpreted the role image very vividly!

It's not "The Long Season" that should be regretted, but Magnolia

It is Lin Xiao's outstanding acting skills that make Su Xiaonuan's role more vivid and soulful, which also lays a solid foundation for her to win the Best Supporting Actress!

The gold and silver cups are not as popular as the audience

Although Magnolia judges considered "Flowers" to be the best work and gave it the highest praise.

But the audience said: The gold and silver cups are not as popular as the audience!

Because the gold and silver cups are made by professional judges, its value can only be proven by time!

I believe that time will prove the value of "The Long Season" in the future!

After all, "The Long Season" not only puts a lot of effort into small details, but also is perfect in terms of narrative ability, shooting level, and actors' acting skills!

It's not "The Long Season" that should be regretted, but Magnolia

Now and in the future, The Long Season will shine brightly!

And even when capital and traffic are withdrawn, "The Long Season" will be remembered and appreciated by everyone!

Whether it is "Flowers" or "The Long Season", they are all rare and strong works that have achieved excellent results at the 2023 Magnolia Awards, are loved by the audience, and are word-of-mouth hits.


The gold and silver cups are not as popular as the audience, this sentence is too right! Although "The Long Season" performed mediocre at the Magnolia Awards, its superb detail handling and excellent actors' performances are absolutely unforgettable. Quality and strength are always more important than traffic, I believe that time will prove the value of this drama, it will shine and stay deep in the hearts of the audience! Like one!

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