
Escaping from the Wife (novel)

author:Time cooks rain
Escaping from the Wife (novel)

"Divorce, I can't live this day! Pick bones in eggs all day long, I have never seen such a woman, I can't see my old man talking to other women, as soon as I speak, I give someone a leg, and the mobile phone can be checked for you eight times a day. This is what Lao Wang wants to say most when he is suffering from bears every day. The idea of divorce had been brewing in his head for years.

But when people reach middle age, how can they say that divorce is as simple as divorce! That's the old, the young, and the pros and cons of divorce.

Whether a person should remarry after divorce, and whether the husband and wife can be of the same mind after remarriage, these are all practical issues worth thinking about.

So whenever Lao Wang's daughter-in-law has nothing to do, Lao Wang has one word - hide. Out of sight is pure!

"Lao Wang, come here, can you tell me who this beauty in your WeChat is?" However, there is a saying that if you can hide from the first day of junior high school, you can't hide from fifteen, and this old king's daughter-in-law caught his pigtails again.

"Which beauty? Let me see. Lao Wang is confident that there is no ghost in his heart, but he is also calm.

"That's it!"

"Oh! Ah, she! This is our neighbor sister-in-law! ”

"Why do you have Sister-in-law Liu's WeChat? Isn't it to see her pretty? It's itchy in my heart! And then while I'm not at home, you can do something unseemly? ”

Escaping from the Wife (novel)

"Why are you like this? Adding a WeChat is a ghost! We are neighbors, thinking about something to add a WeChat communication convenient! ”

"What can it be? Isn't it convenient to chat? The old Wang's daughter-in-law got rid of the nonsense again.

Lao Wang calmed down and no longer bothered him, and he slipped away again!

"What's the matter with you, Lao Wang? When did I seduce you? Hurry up and climb back, your wife is making trouble at my house! Lao Wang originally thought that if he went out to hide, his daughter-in-law would stop being unreasonable and no longer be unreasonable. Who knew that he actually ran to someone else to make trouble, this thing was a bit too much!

"Don't look at the usual wilting, I'm afraid that my wife is scared to death, and he even does this secretly! What a human appearance! ”

"Don't chew your tongue, it's impossible! Rabbits don't eat the grass next to the nest! What can he do? Besides, Lao Wang's daughter-in-law is a well-known domineering, and he doesn't dare to borrow his old king's courage! ”

"No one can say for sure! Sister-in-law Liu's husband works in other places all the year round, and she comes back for a few days during the Spring Festival every year, and it is normal for Sister-in-law Liu to think about men. ”

Escaping from the Wife (novel)

"I think this is eighty percent true, if there is no conclusive evidence, who will take a basin and put it on his man's head? Isn't that sick? ”

As soon as Lao Wang entered the village, he saw a bunch of villagers eating melons in front of his house.

"Have you had enough? If you've had enough trouble, I'll go home! When Lao Wang saw his daughter-in-law, he was angry.

"I didn't make enough of it! You've done something unseemly, and you're not going to let me say a word! What's the matter, this protects you! ”

"I'll let you squirt feces all over your mouth...... Lao Wang went up and slapped two big mouths and blindfolded his daughter-in-law.

Lao Wang's daughter-in-law has been arrogant all her life, how can she ever suffer such a mouth, and she is still in full view.

"Okay, you old king, you dare to beat me for the vixen, I'll fight for you!" Lao Wang's daughter-in-law said and ran headlong into Lao Wang.

If it was put on hold, Lao Wang would not have beaten people, but today the daughter-in-law touched her bottom line - dignity, the dignity of a man in full view.

Escaping from the Wife (novel)

So Lao Wang wanted to release all his grievances, it was no big deal, such a suffocating marriage tie-up had already overwhelmed him, and the idea of divorce came to his mind again.

"Don't make a fuss! Since you doubt me everywhere and guard against me, then divorce! This farce also made Lao Wang completely recognize his daughter-in-law's shallow ignorance, and he didn't want similar things to happen again.

Lao Wang's daughter-in-law wilted as soon as she heard the word divorce! No matter how much he messed around for so many years, he never mentioned divorce.

With his understanding of Lao Wang, he is a donkey, don't look at the usual inconspicuous mountains, once he identifies something, it is nine cows that can't pull it back, and he will do what he says.

Lao Wang's operation really scared his daughter-in-law! She never thought of divorcing Lao Wang, she loved Lao Wang in her heart.

So she apologized to Lao Wang and begged for mercy, but it was too late! Lao Wang has moved to the city to rent a house for divorce! He is willing to leave the house rather than lie in the grave of this marriage and wait for death, and he is even more unwilling to accept any moral kidnapping in the name of love.

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