
Bad news from the women's volleyball team: The Volleyball Association officially announced the controversial information, Cai Bin was questioned, and the Olympic Games were in suspense

author:Aijia Takayama 4O7

10 p.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team sparked heated discussions: the official list of the Volleyball Association was announced, and Cai Bin was questioned again. At 10 a.m. on June 30, 2024, Beijing time, the latest news about the Chinese women's volleyball team came, which sparked widespread discussion. According to the Beijing Daily, the Chinese Volleyball Association officially announced the list of participants for the Paris Olympics.

Bad news from the women's volleyball team: The Volleyball Association officially announced the controversial information, Cai Bin was questioned, and the Olympic Games were in suspense

June 30 is destined to be an unforgettable day for women's volleyball fans. The Chinese Volleyball Association officially announced the list of participants of the Chinese women's volleyball team for the Paris Olympics on this day. The squad has adopted a combination of old, middle and young players in the selection of players, with the intention of laying the foundation for the team to do well at the Olympics through the combined efforts of experienced veterans and dynamic young players.

Bad news from the women's volleyball team: The Volleyball Association officially announced the controversial information, Cai Bin was questioned, and the Olympic Games were in suspense

The following is the list of participants of the Chinese women's volleyball team at the Paris Olympics:

  • Main attack: Zhu Ting, Li Yingying, Zhang Changning, Wu Mengjie
  • Secondary attack: Yuan Xinyue, Wang Yuanyuan, Gao Yi
  • Answer: Gong Xiangyu, Zheng Yixin
  • Second setter: Diao Linyu, Ding Xia
  • Free man: Wang Mengjie
  • Subs: Chong Yushan

In this list, it is not difficult to find the members of the Rio Olympic champions.

Bad news from the women's volleyball team: The Volleyball Association officially announced the controversial information, Cai Bin was questioned, and the Olympic Games were in suspense

Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, Yuan Xinyue, Ding Xia, Gong Xiangyu and other veterans continue to play the main role of the team with their rich competition experience and excellent personal ability. Their presence not only brings stability to the team, but also serves as the anchor for the team at critical moments.

Mesozoic players such as Li Yingying, Wang Yuanyuan, Wang Mengjie, etc. also occupy a place in the list. They rose to prominence at the Tokyo Olympics and beyond, becoming the backbone of the team. The addition of these players not only injects new vitality into the team, but also increases the team's tactical options.

Bad news from the women's volleyball team: The Volleyball Association officially announced the controversial information, Cai Bin was questioned, and the Olympic Games were in suspense

Specifically, there are powerful players such as Zhu Ting, Li Yingying, Zhang Changning, and Wu Mengjie in the main offensive position; The secondary offensive position has Yuan Xinyue, Wang Yuanyuan, Gao Yi and other famous generals; The selection of Gong Xiangyu and Zheng Yixin in the receiving position is also eye-catching; The setter position is shared by Diao Linyu and Ding Xia; and Wang Mengjie guards the position of a free man; Substitute Zhuang Yushan is also ready to contribute to the team.

However, the announcement of this list and the employment strategy and tactical arrangement of head coach Cai Bin have caused a lot of controversy. Some fans think that Cai Bin is too conservative in employing people, relying too much on veterans, and not being active enough in the cultivation and use of newcomers. They are worried that such a strategy will affect the long-term development of the team.

Bad news from the women's volleyball team: The Volleyball Association officially announced the controversial information, Cai Bin was questioned, and the Olympic Games were in suspense

When it comes to Gong Xiangyu, her injury problems have always plagued the team and become a big challenge for us to face. The root of the problem is the lack of a strong substitute who can play consistently.

Coach Cai Bin seems to be conservative about the use of young players, and rarely pushes them to the international arena for training, which also makes it rare for us to have a new star who can take charge of the receiving position. Zheng Yixin, the 29-year-old veteran, was recently deployed to the bench position, which seems to be a bit unexpected.

Bad news from the women's volleyball team: The Volleyball Association officially announced the controversial information, Cai Bin was questioned, and the Olympic Games were in suspense

She was nicknamed the "three-nil" due to her lackluster offensive, defensive and organisational performances, so her playing opportunities were extremely limited. And Ding Xia, in the key matches of the Chinese women's volleyball team against Italy and Japan, the setter's performance was not satisfactory, but Coach Cai Bin did not dare to use her easily, such a decision is indeed a little puzzling.

Let's talk about Xu Xiaoting, the setter, Coach Cai Bin didn't seem to take her into account when selecting people, which really brought us a lot of challenges to the talent pool in the setter position.

Bad news from the women's volleyball team: The Volleyball Association officially announced the controversial information, Cai Bin was questioned, and the Olympic Games were in suspense

As for II-VI, her role is more of that of a substitute, and unless the main player is unable to play due to injury, it is difficult for her to get a chance to show herself, and more often than not, she can only support the team silently on the sidelines. In terms of substitution strategy, Cai Bin was also questioned by fans.

Some fans felt that he was not flexible enough to make timely adjustments to the actual situation on the field. In addition, fans also have different opinions on the choice of setter position. As the only main setter, Ding Xia's performance has attracted much attention, but some fans believe that Yao Di and Xu Xiaoting should be given more opportunities to increase the flexibility and diversity of the lineup.

Bad news from the women's volleyball team: The Volleyball Association officially announced the controversial information, Cai Bin was questioned, and the Olympic Games were in suspense

Fans are also concerned that over-reliance on veterans could lead to problems with their fitness and form, which could affect the team's overall performance. At the same time, in terms of cultivating newcomers, especially in key positions such as receiving and setter, fans believe that Cai Bin should be more active.

In terms of tactical arrangement, fans also want to see a more flexible and diverse tactical system to deal with the challenges of different opponents. Despite many doubts and concerns, some fans expressed support for Cai Bin's decision. They believe that Cai Bin has his own ideas and strategies in team building, and the selection of the lineup also takes into account the state and tactical needs of the players.

Bad news from the women's volleyball team: The Volleyball Association officially announced the controversial information, Cai Bin was questioned, and the Olympic Games were in suspense

However, more fans have expressed concerns about the team's future performance. They want the team to be at their best at the Paris Olympics and bring glory to their country. With the Paris Olympics approaching, the Chinese women's volleyball team is facing huge challenges. The team's performances have been inconsistent in recent years, which has also left fans worried about the team's performance at the Olympics.

However, there are challenges and opportunities. As a team with rich experience and strength, the Chinese women's volleyball team has the ability to show its style in the Olympic Games. The state of veterans such as Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning will directly affect the overall performance of the team. As the heart of the team, they need to play their best in the game and lead the team to victory.

Bad news from the women's volleyball team: The Volleyball Association officially announced the controversial information, Cai Bin was questioned, and the Olympic Games were in suspense

At the same time, the Mesozoic players and young players also need to show their quality and potential in the game to lay a solid foundation for the future of the team. In the process of preparing for the game, the team needs to pay attention to details and tactical drills to ensure that they can cope with all kinds of complex situations during the game.

At the same time, the team also needs to maintain a good mentality and fighting spirit to cope with the pressure and challenges from the opposition. In short, the Paris Olympics is both a challenge and an opportunity for the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Bad news from the women's volleyball team: The Volleyball Association officially announced the controversial information, Cai Bin was questioned, and the Olympic Games were in suspense

We look forward to the Chinese women's volleyball team showing its style and strength in the Olympic Games and winning glory for the country!

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