
Yu Zheng named four domestic cool dramas, netizens fried the pot: dark glory? Is this self-confidence or self-congratulatory?

author:Knowing the fish is entertaining


Yu Zheng's list of cool dramas: the pride or self-esteem of domestic dramas?

Yu Zheng recently made a statement on social media, he believes that there are only four "cool dramas" in China: "Yanxi Raiders", "Celebrating More Than Years 1", "Son-in-law" and "Ink Rain Clouds".

Yu Zheng named four domestic cool dramas, netizens fried the pot: dark glory? Is this self-confidence or self-congratulatory?

He also mentioned "Squid Game" and "Dark Glory", arguing that these two dramas are similar in nature to his work, but why foreign dramas are always easier to get recognition.

Yu Zheng named four domestic cool dramas, netizens fried the pot: dark glory? Is this self-confidence or self-congratulatory?

This remark immediately caused heated discussions on the Internet, and many netizens said that Yu Zheng's comparison was a bit far-fetched, after all, dramas such as "Dark Glory" have a high level of production and acting skills.

Yu Zheng named four domestic cool dramas, netizens fried the pot: dark glory? Is this self-confidence or self-congratulatory?

Netizens have mixed reactions to this, some support Yu Zheng's point of view, thinking that domestic dramas do have their own unique charm, while others think that Yu Zheng is too conceited and ignores the excellence of other countries' dramas.

Yu Zheng named four domestic cool dramas, netizens fried the pot: dark glory? Is this self-confidence or self-congratulatory?

A netizen joked: "Yu Zheng is trying to bring domestic dramas to the sky, but the acting skills and plot of "Dark Glory" are really difficult to pick. ”

Yu Zheng named four domestic cool dramas, netizens fried the pot: dark glory? Is this self-confidence or self-congratulatory?

Wu Jinyan's drama performance: Data speaks or is it emotional?

Yu Zheng also mentioned Wu Jinyan's drama performance, saying that her "Yanxi Raiders" and "Ink Rain Clouds" are popular dramas, while other dramas are considered to be "pounced". Yu Zheng emphasized that the success of the series should be proven by data, not emotional.

Yu Zheng named four domestic cool dramas, netizens fried the pot: dark glory? Is this self-confidence or self-congratulatory?

He pointed out that "The Legend of Haolan", "Shangshi" and "Heirloom" have all received good responses on the platform, and Wu Jinyan's break between episodes is also to improve his business ability.

Yu Zheng named four domestic cool dramas, netizens fried the pot: dark glory? Is this self-confidence or self-congratulatory?

This point of view has also sparked discussions among netizens, some people think that Yu Zheng has a point, data is an important criterion for evaluating the success of the series; And others believe that the popularity of a series depends not only on data, but also on the emotional investment of viewers. A netizen commented: "Data is important, but whether the series can move people's hearts is the real key." ”

Yu Zheng named four domestic cool dramas, netizens fried the pot: dark glory? Is this self-confidence or self-congratulatory?

Yu Zheng's casting philosophy: Fame is not the only criterion

Yu Zheng also talked about his casting philosophy, he said that as a professional producer, he never focuses on fame when casting. For example, he said that the "Marriage of a Daughter" project did not determine the actors at the beginning, and later decided to tailor the role for Wu Jinyan, and this decision-making process was reasonable. He also mentioned some successful casting cases in previous works, such as Zhou Ye, the heroine of "For the Dark Fragrance".

Yu Zheng named four domestic cool dramas, netizens fried the pot: dark glory? Is this self-confidence or self-congratulatory?

Netizens have mixed reactions to Zheng's point of view, some think that Yu Zheng's casting does have its own uniqueness, which can discover and cultivate newcomers;

Yu Zheng named four domestic cool dramas, netizens fried the pot: dark glory? Is this self-confidence or self-congratulatory?

Others believe that relying too much on personal preference casting may ignore the needs of the market. A netizen joked: "Yu Zheng's casting is like playing a large-scale 'guess who I am' game, sometimes guess correctly, sometimes just ......"

Yu Zheng named four domestic cool dramas, netizens fried the pot: dark glory? Is this self-confidence or self-congratulatory?

Yu Zheng's self-confidence and controversy: the more you fight, the more courageous or the self-aggrandizement?


In the end, Yu Zheng expressed his attitude towards controversy, he believes that the trough is the biggest inspiration for creation, and he is personally not afraid of destruction, because he will always be more and more courageous. He also mentioned Xinhai's visit to the class, believing that it was maliciously interpreted.

Yu Zheng named four domestic cool dramas, netizens fried the pot: dark glory? Is this self-confidence or self-congratulatory?

This remark once again sparked heated discussions among netizens, and some netizens thought that Yu Zheng's self-confidence was commendable and he was able to stick to himself in the controversy; Others believe that being overconfident can lead to ignoring the opinions and suggestions of others. A netizen commented: "Yu Zheng's self-confidence sometimes makes people feel that he is a little floating, but his works do have many highlights. ”

Yu Zheng named four domestic cool dramas, netizens fried the pot: dark glory? Is this self-confidence or self-congratulatory?

Conclusion: Yu Zheng's list of cool dramas, is it the pride of domestic dramas or self-esteem?

Yu Zheng's remarks undoubtedly set off waves on the Internet, his confidence and persistence are admirable, but at the same time, they have also caused a lot of controversy.

Yu Zheng named four domestic cool dramas, netizens fried the pot: dark glory? Is this self-confidence or self-congratulatory?

Is it true that domestic dramas have reached international standards, as Yu Zheng said? Or do we need more time and effort to improve our work? Perhaps everyone has their own answer to this question.

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