
Tao Tao took the foreign girl to meet the parents, netizens: Is this a 'warm-up' before the 'official announcement'?

author:Knowing the fish is entertaining


Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang's "secret" family dinner

Recently, the private lives of Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang have become a hot topic among netizens. It is reported that the two were not only photographed going out to dinner together, but also returned to Huang Zitao's residence together after the meal.

Tao Tao took the foreign girl to meet the parents, netizens: Is this a 'warm-up' before the 'official announcement'?

This series of behaviors can't help but make people wonder if the relationship between the two has escalated to a new stage. As a public figure, Huang Zitao's private life has naturally received widespread attention.

Tao Tao took the foreign girl to meet the parents, netizens: Is this a 'warm-up' before the 'official announcement'?

But interestingly, despite all the speculation, the two have never officially announced any news to the public, which adds a bit of mystery to the whole incident.

Tao Tao took the foreign girl to meet the parents, netizens: Is this a 'warm-up' before the 'official announcement'?

Netizens reacted differently to this, and some expressed their understanding, believing that Huang Zitao, as an adult, has the right to decide whether to disclose his private life. Other netizens have a different opinion, they believe that since they have chosen the path of public figures, they should give an account to the public.

Tao Tao took the foreign girl to meet the parents, netizens: Is this a 'warm-up' before the 'official announcement'?

This clash of views undoubtedly adds more points of interest to the whole incident. At the same time, some netizens joked that Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang's "low-key" handling may be a part of their "play", attracting more attention and discussion through unofficial announcements.

Tao Tao took the foreign girl to meet the parents, netizens: Is this a 'warm-up' before the 'official announcement'?

Huang Zitao's "family responsibility" and public expectations

In this incident, Huang Zitao's behavior of taking Xu Yiyang to meet his parents was interpreted by some netizens as his serious attitude towards this relationship. In traditional Chinese culture, bringing a partner to a parent is often seen as an important sign of relationship stability.

Tao Tao took the foreign girl to meet the parents, netizens: Is this a 'warm-up' before the 'official announcement'?

Huang Zitao's move undoubtedly shows the importance he attaches to this relationship. However, this has also sparked some controversy, with some people arguing that Huang Zitao, as a public figure, should be more cautious about handling his private life so as not to bring unnecessary misunderstanding and distress to fans and the public.

Tao Tao took the foreign girl to meet the parents, netizens: Is this a 'warm-up' before the 'official announcement'?

On the other hand, some netizens expressed support for Huang Zitao's behavior, believing that everyone has the right to decide their own lifestyle, and Huang Zitao is no exception.

Tao Tao took the foreign girl to meet the parents, netizens: Is this a 'warm-up' before the 'official announcement'?

Moreover, as a 30-year-old adult, Huang Zitao has the right to choose his love partner and decide whether to make the relationship public. Proponents of this view argue that the public should respect Mr. Wong's choice and not interfere too much in his private life.

Tao Tao took the foreign girl to meet the parents, netizens: Is this a 'warm-up' before the 'official announcement'?

The future direction of Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang


Regarding the future of Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang, netizens also have different opinions. Some speculate that the two may choose to officially announce their relationship to the public at a suitable time, and some even boldly predict that they may directly announce their marriage or have children.

Tao Tao took the foreign girl to meet the parents, netizens: Is this a 'warm-up' before the 'official announcement'?

Although this speculation is full of drama, it also reflects the high level of public concern and expectation for the development of the relationship between the two. At the same time, some netizens expressed skepticism about this speculation, believing that Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang may be more inclined to keep a low profile and do not want their private lives to become the focus of public discussion.

Tao Tao took the foreign girl to meet the parents, netizens: Is this a 'warm-up' before the 'official announcement'?

Proponents of this view believe that no matter how the relationship develops, it should be up to them to decide whether and when to make it public, and should not be subject to outside pressure and interference.

Tao Tao took the foreign girl to meet the parents, netizens: Is this a 'warm-up' before the 'official announcement'?

In this incident, the behavior of Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang undoubtedly aroused widespread discussion and attention. Whether for support or skepticism, these discussions reflect the public's curiosity and concern about the private lives of public figures. And how Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang deal with this kind of attention, as well as the future direction of their relationship, will undoubtedly become a hot topic among netizens in the future.