
The Shenqiu County Women's Federation organized activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

author:Thoughtful News

The Shenqiu County Women's Federation organized activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

Henan Economic News reporter Zhang Jiantao correspondent Xie Xinling

On July 1, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, the Shenqiu County Women's Federation organized all party members and cadres to carry out a series of activities such as "revisiting the oath of joining the party and always keeping the original mission" and "welcoming the July 1st lecture on party discipline and discipline".

The Shenqiu County Women's Federation organized activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

During the event, Li Lili, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the County Women's Federation, carried out a special party class on party discipline learning and education with the theme of "Practice and Deepening of Self-cultivation, Family Unity and Governance".

The meeting required that party members and cadres should first self-cultivation: standardize behavior with party discipline and establish standards. Second, we must be family-oriented: strict family style with party discipline and set an example. Third, we must give priority to governing the country: improve the style of work with party discipline and promote practice.

The meeting emphasized that through the study and education of party discipline, we should stimulate our mental state, gather the strength to forge ahead, enhance the motivation of the officers, form a joint force, take the initiative to act, and fulfill our responsibilities for the party and the people.

The Shenqiu County Women's Federation organized activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

Review the oath of joining the party and always keep the original mission. On the same day, the county women's federation also organized all party members and cadres on the spot, in front of the bright red party flag, all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party, and expressed unlimited loyalty to the party with a declaration of firm faith. Through this activity, the party members and cadres have strengthened their ideals and beliefs.

After the oath, everyone said that in the future work, they will always adhere to the original intention, keep the mission in mind, strive to improve the "discipline, knowledge, discipline, and discipline", temper the excellent style of entrepreneurship, conscientiously perform their functions, give full play to the role of the women's federation as a "mother's family", solve the "urgency, hardship and longing" of women and children, and contribute to the high-quality economic and social development of Shenqiu.

The Shenqiu County Women's Federation organized activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

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