
Fugou Court held a celebration of "July 1st" to review the oath of joining the party

author:Thoughtful News

Fugou Court held a celebration of "July 1st" to review the oath of joining the party

The party emblem in July shines brightly, and the party flag flutters in the wind. In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, strengthen party spirit education, and continue the red blood, the Fugou County People's Court held an activity to review the oath of joining the party on July 1.

Fugou Court held a celebration of "July 1st" to review the oath of joining the party

At eight o'clock in the morning, the event kicked off in the majestic "Internationale", and all the in-service party members and veteran cadres and party members who participated in the activity stood solemnly and felt the lofty communist ideals and heroic and unyielding revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary ancestors in the singing. The impassioned singing voice awakened the memory of all party members to history and strengthened the confidence of all party members to start a business.

Subsequently, the swearing-in ceremony began. Under the oath of Wu Jiyuan, secretary of the party group and dean, all in-service party members and veteran cadres who participated in the activities stood solemnly, faced the party flag, raised their right fists, and solemnly swore that "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, and fulfill the obligations ......of party members." The oath is sonorous and powerful, expressing the firm determination of the court officers and police to inherit the red gene, always maintain the true character of struggle, and safeguard judicial fairness.

Fugou Court held a celebration of "July 1st" to review the oath of joining the party

The original heart is like a rock, and the mission is on the shoulder. This activity further enhanced the sense of responsibility and mission of all the cadres and police, and everyone expressed that they would inherit the party's fine tradition and style, adhere to the original intention and mission of justice for the people and fair justice, continuously improve their political quality and professional ability, and strive to promote the high-quality development of the work of the Fugou Court with more enthusiasm and more pragmatic work style.

(Fugou County Court, Fan Shuai)

Fugou Court held a celebration of "July 1st" to review the oath of joining the party

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