
Those celebrities who have been boycotted by CCTV have lifted the fig leaf, and there is really no good thing

author:A collection of fairy tales
Those celebrities who have been boycotted by CCTV have lifted the fig leaf, and there is really no good thing
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Those celebrities who have been boycotted by CCTV have lifted the fig leaf, and there is really no good thing

Under the shining spotlight, the entertainment industry always presents a glamorous scene. However, in recent years, a series of jaw-dropping scandals have erupted one after another, tearing open the fig leaf of this gorgeous world.

Although some celebrities have a staggering daily income of 2.08 million yuan, they still can't suppress their greed. They regard the audience who once praised them to the altar as leeks that can be slaughtered at will, unscrupulously participating in online violence, and even acting contrary to national feelings.

These outrageous actions finally triggered a thunderous blow from CCTV, a stern condemnation, and instantly exposed the dark side of the entertainment industry to the public eye. What caused these once-popular stars to fall from the clouds and fall into the whirlpool of public opinion? Let's uncover this amazing inside story together.

In 2021, Zhang Zhehan rose rapidly like a dazzling new star with his outstanding performance in the TV series "Mountains and Rivers Order", winning the love of countless audiences.

Those celebrities who have been boycotted by CCTV have lifted the fig leaf, and there is really no good thing

However, the twist of fate often comes unexpectedly. Just six months later, a photo of a visit to Japan thrust the new idol into the center of the whirlpool of public opinion.

This photo shows Zhang Zhehan standing solemnly in front of Nogi Shrine in Japan, posing for a photo with a woman named Lady Devi. What's even more shocking is that he also went to the place known as the "Sacred Toilet" to pay homage.

This series of actions is tantamount to a sharp cut in the hearts of the Chinese people, and instantly detonated the anger of the whole country.

In the face of overwhelming doubts, Zhang Zhehan chose to remain silent. This attitude of avoiding talking about it undoubtedly added fuel to the fire and triggered more in-depth investigations by netizens.

Those celebrities who have been boycotted by CCTV have lifted the fig leaf, and there is really no good thing

As time passed, more evidence surfaced, revealing Chang's long-standing admiration for Japanese culture. From his choice of car to his daily words and deeds, he all reveals a strong pro-Japanese tendency.

As the situation continues to ferment, brands that have business cooperation with Zhang Zhehan have chosen to draw a line with him. Seeing that his career was about to be ruined, Zhang Zhehan belatedly issued an apology statement.

However, this statement is full of blame-shifting, claiming that he made a mistake out of ignorance.

Far from quelling public outrage, the insincere apology sparked much larger criticism. Immediately afterwards, the official body also solemnly condemned Zhang Zhehan's actions and warned him that if he continued to play right and wrong on this issue, he would face serious legal consequences and social costs.

Those celebrities who have been boycotted by CCTV have lifted the fig leaf, and there is really no good thing

In the end, Zhang Zhehan, who was once beautiful, was completely banned and forced to quit the entertainment industry and return to the life of ordinary people. However, even in such a difficult situation, he still seems unwilling to settle down.

There are indications that Zhang Zhehan is secretly inciting fans to speak for him in an attempt to make a comeback. This unrepentant behavior strengthened the public's negative opinion of him.

Zhang Zhehan's case undoubtedly sounded the alarm for the entire entertainment industry. It reminds us that no matter how hot a star is, once he touches the bottom line of national feelings, he will pay a heavy price.

At the same time, this incident also reflects that in today's highly transparent information, the public has higher requirements for the ethics and social responsibility of celebrities. Any attempt to cover up or whitewash past wrongs will face harsher judgments.

Those celebrities who have been boycotted by CCTV have lifted the fig leaf, and there is really no good thing

Once upon a time, Zeng Yi could conquer the hearts of countless audiences with his sweet voice and sunny smile. After debuting from Hunan Satellite TV's talent show "Happy Girl", she quickly became popular all over the country and became a high-profile new generation of singers.

However, an airport turmoil in 2019 made this former "happy girl" completely change the public's impression.

It was an ordinary day, and Zeng Yike was ready to take a flight as usual. When the airport staff conducted a routine security check on her according to the regulations, Zeng Yike's face suddenly changed.

Not only did she refuse to cooperate with the inspection, but she also spoke ill of the staff, showing a completely different side to her public image.

Those celebrities who have been boycotted by CCTV have lifted the fig leaf, and there is really no good thing

thought that this was just an ordinary celebrity playing big names, but who knew that Zeng Yike had intensified. She quickly switched roles, crying to fans on social media as a victim, claiming that she had been subjected to unwarranted harassment by staff at the airport.

Not only that, but she also blatantly posted texts full of insulting words online, insulting staff and their families, and the intensity of her words was shocking.

What's even more incredible is that Zeng Yike actually made the names and job numbers of the staff public. This kind of naked disclosure of other people's privacy not only violates basic professional ethics, but also violates the bottom line of the law, causing strong public dissatisfaction.

Just when the wind of public opinion began to turn against Zeng Yike, the situation suddenly took a dramatic turn. Officials suddenly stepped forward to set the record straight for the innocent staff member.

Those celebrities who have been boycotted by CCTV have lifted the fig leaf, and there is really no good thing

It turned out that the truth of the whole incident was very different from what Zeng Yike described. Not only did she refuse to cooperate at the airport, but she also verbally abused and slandered the staff.

The People's Daily even published a commentary, severely criticizing Zeng Yike's behavior, pointing out that "security is not a red carpet", and condemning his egregious act of inciting online violence.

After this turmoil, Zeng Yike's career and reputation suffered a heavy blow, and he was even fired by the agency.

Surprisingly, however, even in such a predicament, Zeng Yike seems to have not learned his lesson. In 2022, at her solo concert, Zeng Yike once again showed a disappointing attitude.

Those celebrities who have been boycotted by CCTV have lifted the fig leaf, and there is really no good thing

Not only was he half an hour late for no reason, but he also seemed careless during the performance. When enthusiastic fans begged her to sing again, Zeng Yike coldly refused, as if forgetting that fans are the foundation of her career.

This series of behaviors undoubtedly accelerated the decline of Zeng Yike's career, and also allowed the public to see her true face under the glamorous appearance. From a much-loved sunshine girl to a controversial problem artist, Zeng Yike's transformation is embarrassing.

Her story is also a wake-up call for other celebrities: in an age of high transparency, any misconduct can be magnified, and once the public's trust is lost, it is difficult to rebuild.

Chen He, the actor who once captured the laughter of countless audiences with the role of "Zeng Xiaoxian" in "Love Apartment", has now become the object of public criticism because of his greed.

Those celebrities who have been boycotted by CCTV have lifted the fig leaf, and there is really no good thing

His story can be called a typical case of the entertainment industry from art to business to moral degradation.

After becoming popular, Chen He no longer seems to be satisfied with his simple identity as an actor. He began to appear frequently in major variety shows, as if he wanted to push his exposure to the limit.

Even though his daily income has reached a staggering 2.08 million yuan, it still doesn't seem to fill the greed in his heart.

With an insatiable thirst for wealth, Chen He set his sights on the restaurant industry. He opened a hot pot chain called "Xianhezhuang", and cleverly used his popularity and network resources to invite many celebrities and Internet celebrities to promote his platform.

Those celebrities who have been boycotted by CCTV have lifted the fig leaf, and there is really no good thing

This marketing strategy was quite effective, and "Xianhezhuang" quickly became popular across the country, attracting a large number of fans to "check in".

However, when the heat subsides, the truth begins to emerge. Many customers who have tried "Xianhezhuang" have complained that the ingredients are not fresh and the taste is difficult to swallow. Obviously, Chen He is more using his star effect than running a high-quality restaurant.

Despite this, the speed of expansion of "Xianhezhuang" is staggering. In just two years, the number of chain stores exceeded 800. The franchise fee for each franchise store is as high as more than 500,000 yuan, which undoubtedly brings huge benefits to Chen He.

However, this model of rapid expansion also has hidden dangers.

Those celebrities who have been boycotted by CCTV have lifted the fig leaf, and there is really no good thing

The good times did not last long, and a sudden epidemic made the already worrying quality of "Xianhezhuang" fall into business difficulties. Faced with the increasingly grim situation, Chen He chose the most selfish way - to withdraw.

In this way, he easily cashed out hundreds of millions of yuan, while those franchisees who once trusted him could only watch their investments come to naught.

Chen He's behavior is not only a deception to fans, but also a trampling on business integrity. He used his celebrity status to attract investors, but was the first to get out when difficulties came, which undoubtedly damaged the image of the entire industry.

More worryingly, Chen's approach may mislead other artists into following suit, treating fans and investors as tools to be used at will. If this trend spreads, it will have a serious negative impact on the entire entertainment industry and related industries.

Those celebrities who have been boycotted by CCTV have lifted the fig leaf, and there is really no good thing

The official's severe condemnation of this matter is not only a warning to Chen He personally, but also a warning to the entire entertainment industry. It reminds us that both celebrities and ordinary businessmen should abide by business ethics and respect the rights and interests of consumers and investors.

Chen He's case vividly illustrates the truth that fame and wealth are not a talisman to avoid responsibility. In this era of high information transparency, any irresponsible business practices will be subject to strict scrutiny and criticism from the public.

For celebrities, maintaining their public image and business reputation is more important than earning high profits in the short term.

These once highly sought-after stars eventually paid a heavy price because of their words and deeds. Their experience has undoubtedly sounded the alarm for the entire entertainment industry.

Those celebrities who have been boycotted by CCTV have lifted the fig leaf, and there is really no good thing

First and foremost was the harsh condemnation from the authorities. CCTV's voice not only means their failure at the moral level, but also indicates that their acting career may come to an end.

This kind of criticism from the highest media is undoubtedly devastating for the star.

This was followed by an overwhelming wave of brand terminations. Those commercial endorsements that were once popular disappeared overnight. Having lost their main source of income, the quality of life of these stars has plummeted.

From enjoying luxury to facing financial hardship, this huge gap has undoubtedly tormented them.

Those celebrities who have been boycotted by CCTV have lifted the fig leaf, and there is really no good thing

What's more, some of their actions have violated the bottom line of the law. In the face of possible legal sanctions, these once popular stars have to live in fear, for fear that one day they will receive a summons from the court.

However, nothing is more heart-wrenching than the loss of public trust and support. From being sought after by 10,000 people to being shouted and beaten by everyone, this huge gap is undoubtedly the heaviest blow to their self-perception and psychological state.

The applause and praise that had once been in vain were replaced by an overwhelming amount of doubts and invective.

This series of events has undoubtedly sounded the alarm for the entertainment industry. Celebrities need to be deeply aware that as their influence increases, their social responsibilities also increase.

Those celebrities who have been boycotted by CCTV have lifted the fig leaf, and there is really no good thing

Their words and deeds are not only related to personal image, but also affect the morality of the whole society.

The role of public scrutiny has been fully demonstrated in these events. It is precisely because of the sharp eyes of netizens that the misconduct of these stars has been exposed. This kind of supervision mechanism from the people will continue to play an important role in purifying the entertainment industry.

At the same time, the entire entertainment industry needs to do a lot of deep introspection. Only by establishing sound industry norms and strengthening self-discipline can we avoid the recurrence of similar incidents and escort the healthy development of the entertainment industry.

In the future, how to balance business interests and social responsibility will be a topic that every practitioner must face.

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