
1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024


In a flash, half of 2024 has passed, and a few days ago, a fellow student suggested sorting out a half-year summary, which is a good suggestion. In fact, the overall feeling should be similar to everyone, and in 2024, I don't want to talk about the data in front of the chart like the 2022 weekly report, because I struggled to say it for a long time, and then too many people reported to me that they couldn't understand it at all. I believe this, because if you ask me to look back at the 52 issues of the weekly newspaper now, I myself will be confused.

But after all, it's half a year, you have to write something, and this year is a coincidence, January 1 is a Monday, July 1 is also a Monday, the first half of this year, 26 weeks, 182 days, complete. Moreover, the integration rules have not changed, and the data logic has been consistent. Therefore, I will summarize the overall feelings of the first half of this year from a personal perspective.

【Actual Test Team】

First of all, 2024 will be the last year for the test team to present data to you. Three years, more than 1,000 days and nights of perseverance, at least I personally feel - okay. After all, staying up late is not good for your health, it's true.

The day before yesterday, I met in the group and said that the actual test team was very mysterious, but in fact, it didn't exist at all. The students of the test team are a group of people who are familiar to everyone, and our group of people want to understand this matter, so one after another, everyone came together.

When there is no actual team, we look at the changes in our rankings every day and compare ourselves with ourselves. With the measured data, we can make the powerful world we live in more three-dimensional, which is the meaning of the existence of the measurement team.

This year, the test team has designed the "Explorer series", which has been issued twice before, and there will be two more in the second half of the year. The "Explorer Series" allows us to completely open our horizons to the maximum that civilians can do, and let us know how many people are fighting alongside us and their approximate distribution.

We understand this matter from the root, then, 2025, 2026...... It doesn't seem interesting to measure a few thousand people and a few hundred people less on a certain day.

【Ranking Speedup】

Many alumni have the habit of recording their rankings regularly or irregularly, and I don't know if you have noticed the obvious difference between this year and previous years like me-the progress rate of the total points ranking has accelerated.

In previous years, as the total number of points increased, the month-on-month growth rate of the ranking became slower and slower. For example, in 2023, it is said that 5,000 people will advance in April and 4,000 in May. This is the logic of previous years.

In 2024, it is said that 5,000 people will advance in April and 6,000 people will advance in May. That's the logic of the year.

This doesn't need to be measured, as long as you regularly record your rankings every day, compare them, and the result is like this.

On May 6, Explorer Phase 2, Conclusion 1 said this: "The platform is still the big platform. As a platform with tens of millions of daily online users, and the average usage time is about 10 minutes. At least in terms of platform usage, it is at the level of medium to large websites. So, you can choose to sing down, but the data is here. ”

Combining the two, we may be able to draw a new conclusion - there are fewer and fewer people who pursue points and value rankings, and more and more people learn in a more colorful way of learning.

[Back to data]

Finally, let's talk about the data. In previous years, most of the adjustments to the points rules were in the first half of the year, but so far this year, the points rules have not changed.

A topic that everyone talked about at the beginning of the year - how many people will there be in the 1st formation at the end of 2024? At that time, it was very lively, some said tens of thousands, some said thousands. At that time, if anyone said that there were only a few hundred people left in the end, it was definitely regarded as disrespectful to the 1st group of bigwigs.

Now, half a year later, the numbers presented in the previous 181 report cards are here. The fact is that even in the weekly double (four-player) tournament, the number of people in the national team 1 and even the top teams has declined faster than many people expected.

A few days ago, I half-jokingly said in the group: After answering the question this time, the first formation in the country entered less than 1,000 people. At present, it is not impossible.

The rest of the feelings don't seem to be much, so let's talk about it when I think about it...... Back to the familiar topic.

Index of this issue:

1 Squad Transcript ➠ Number of 1-10 Battles ➠ Survival Rate ➠ Prediction Daily ➠ Weekly Prediction ➠ Week 27 Prediction ➠ Final Chapter

1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024

【1 Formation Transcript】

On June 29, the national 1 formation: 1,366 people.

On June 30, 1 nationwide: 1,395 people.

1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024

Today's data is provided by the actual measurement team Ah Ren and Volcano.

1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024

At the end of week 26, there were 1,395 people in the first formation, a decrease of 305 compared to 1,700 in week 24.

On Sunday, there were 29 more than on Saturday when 1,336.

[1-10 Formations]

1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024

The number of 1-10 formations this week (as shown in the figure above).

I don't remember what day I said something like this in the report card - the national 1 team will not always be the least number of odd teams. This week's knowledge answer with this 1 point has significantly accelerated the process.

Compared with 1 and 9 formations, it is more obvious:

➣ When there are 100,000 people in 1 formation, 1 million people in 9 formations (week 2).

➣ When there are 10,000 people in the 1st formation, there are close to 30,000 people in the 9th formation (week 8).

➣ When there are 5,000 people in 1 formation, 10,000 people in 9 formations (week 12).

Entering June, the 1st and 9th teams still maintain a gap of about 1,000 people. In week 25, the 1st team was still 821 fewer than the 9th team. By week 26, the gap had suddenly become 127.

Therefore, after 2 points this week and 3 points next week, on next Sunday (the last day of answering), after the completion of this round of "structural adjustment", is it possible for the 1st formation to become the largest number of people in the front phalanx (1-10 formations)?

Let's wait and see.

The total number of 1-10 formations this week (as shown in the figure below).

1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024

Compared with the change in the number of people in each formation, the change in the total number of people in each formation seems to be much "moderate".

Again, we use the data to speak. In the last 7 weeks (week 20 - week 26), the total number of 1-10 teams is:


The thousand-digit "7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" is as good as having been discussed in advance.

But don't worry, the knowledge answer question is currently only given 1 point, and the "goalkeeper" is still an even number of 10 formations, and the real "Great Purge" will appear this week and next.

This Sunday, the total number of 1-10 formations will most likely enter within 10,000 people in advance. And by next Sunday, the total number of 1-10 teams may fall below the 8,000 line.

Let's wait and see.

【Survival Rate】

1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024

Comparison of the number of 1-10 formations in week 25 and week 26 (as shown in the figure above).

Let's talk about the conclusion first: In the first half of this year, the even-numbered array has been like a little daughter-in-law, submissive in front of the odd-numbered array, and this situation is expected to change after this knowledge answer.

First of all, the knowledge answer questions have a total of 6 points, which is bad news for the "growth" of the even number array, but fortunately, according to the rules, according to 1 point, 2 points, and 3 points, they are given respectively, so once missed, most of them are missed 3 points, which is a major benefit for the even number array.

If we look at the chart above, the impact of just 1 point has caused 9 teams to drop 999 people, and at the same time, 10 teams have surged 763 people. It is conceivable that after more than two weeks of shocks, the gap between odd and even arrays is likely to be greatly reduced.

After half a year of "suffering", the even-numbered array is no longer dispensable, and finally ushered in the opportunity to raise its eyebrows.

In the 26th week, affected by the influence of 1 point for knowledge answers, the number of odd-numbered arrays decreased across the board, and the number of even-numbered arrays doubled. (as shown below)

1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024

In the past, a similar pattern has also appeared in the battle stock rate chart, but most of them are due to the influence of subscriptions, and in the next week, most of the odd-numbered arrays can "find" the previous losses, and the even-numbered arrays that have been "drained" again appear to be even weaker.

Not this time. The same is a bonus point, the difference between knowledge answering questions and subscription is that the bonus points for knowledge answering questions will not be there once you miss them. In other words, the "damage" it causes is not temporary, but permanent and irreversible.

Therefore, in the next two weeks, although the battle survival rate of the even-numbered array will not stage a 200% counterattack plot again, it will not be strongly reversed by the odd-numbered array.

After all, there are three possible scores of 6 points, 3 points, and 1 point, but two odd numbers (3 and 1) PK and an even number (6), the result must be good for the even array.

【Guessing Day】

In this round of the daily competition, a total of 109 students left messages to participate. The average of the middle 103 people is 1394, which is only 1 less than the actual result.

The great prophet Duo Duomi, Qing Huan Zhiwei, Qin Shi Mingyue, Mo Yan, and Youth is a camel thorn, 5 players tied for the first prize in this round of the daily competition.

1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024
1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024
1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024
1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024
1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024

Treading the snow to find plum fragrance is happy to mention the "Golden Sour Plum" award in this issue.

➣ Difference 90: Treading the snow to find the fragrance of plums

Seven Degrees of Light, Jin Liang, Good Planet, Happy Learning Together, Ma Guards 2022, TP, Diligence Can Make Up for Clumsiness...... and 103 other students tied for 6th place.

【Weekly Quiz Tournament】

In the 26th week, Super Marie, Happy Learning Together, Little Transcendence, Open-minded Primary School Students, and Fate is You, 5 players successfully completed 6 consecutive promotions and won the title of "Sixth Company Commander".

1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024
1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024
1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024
1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024
1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024
1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024

In the 26th week, in the battle between Lao Ren and WSC3988, Lao Ren successfully counterattacked in the last round, won the championship of this week's quiz week with a score of 59 points, and broke the "minimum deduction" record of 65 points set by the fish in the sea last week, improving the record by 6 points. WSC3988 took 2nd place.

Hui Sa Ziru also overtook in the final round and finished third. With a difference of 1 point, Taishu won the 4th place in this round of the weekly competition.

➣ The champion of the weekly list, Lao Ren, won the "Great General".

1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024

➣ WSC3988, the runner-up of the weekly list, won the "Hussar General".

1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024

➣ The third runner-up of the weekly list was free and won the "General of Cavalry".

1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024

➣ Zhou Bangdian Army Big Tree, won the "General Wei".

1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024

The final standings for Week 26 are as follows:

1 burst through the 1,400-person line to end the half-year trip - a summary of the first half of the year of 2024

In the first 8 weeks of the Juban competition, 13 players achieved 8 weeks of results, and Qin Shi Mingyue ranked first with 140 points. The smiling man was in second place with 171 points, and Fuyun was in third place with 181 points.

[Week 27 Prediction]

In the 27th week, affected by the score of the knowledge answers, is it possible to reduce more than 200 people in the national 1st formation? Then at the end of this week, the national 1st team will begin to officially hit the thousand-person line.

Today, Monday, the double subscription "blessing" is optimistic that 1 formation is in the range of 400-800 people.

【Final Chapter】