
Yang Jinwen of Zhejiang University said: I want to go to the place where the motherland needs it most, but I have applied to study in the United States, and my major has become the key

author:Fluorescent rooftop


There are so many stories about this year's graduation season! One of the graduates of a prestigious university was questioned about his speech, and Yang Jinwen of Zhejiang University was accused of applying to study in the United States.

Every year there are things like this and that, which make people curious and speculative.

Want to know the poignancy and truth behind the graduates' speeches? Let's look down!

Yang Jinwen was accused of applying to study in the United States

Netizens' favorite thing to brush in the circle of friends is the graduation ceremony of major colleges and universities in the graduation season, see how graduates of famous schools talk and how they speak for their alma mater.

There will always be people who will single out one or two graduates to talk about things, and even question their character.

Yang Jinwen of Zhejiang University said: I want to go to the place where the motherland needs it most, but I have applied to study in the United States, and my major has become the key

This year's outstanding graduate of Zhejiang University spoke Yang Jinwen, who was accused of applying for further study at the University of Berkeley in the United States, in stark contrast to his statement at the graduation ceremony.

These news always come by coincidence, and you can't pick out a thorn in the graduation ceremony, otherwise public opinion will be dissatisfied with the circle of friends, and eighty percent will be said to be jealous.

Yang Jinwen of Zhejiang University said: I want to go to the place where the motherland needs it most, but I have applied to study in the United States, and my major has become the key

Yang Jinwen graduated from Zhejiang University with a double degree in Translation and Law, and also received a scholarship from Zhejiang University during his undergraduate studies.

In terms of majors and grades, she is much better than most of her classmates, and her speech at the graduation ceremony is also the voice of the graduates.

But behind these people, rumors emerged that Yang Jinwen applied to study in the United States.

This version disappeared in the circle of friends for less than a day, because Yang Jinwen did not give up the opportunity to study in China, and the quality of Zhejiang college students is already very high, and it is not surprising to go to Berkeley to study for a master's degree in law.

But there is another important reason why Yang Jinwen has become the focus of public opinion.

Yang Jinwen of Zhejiang University said: I want to go to the place where the motherland needs it most, but I have applied to study in the United States, and my major has become the key

The speeches of graduates of prestigious schools were questioned

If Yang Jinwen really went to the United States, then her statement at the graduation ceremony would be hypocritical, and some people even suspected that it was a public opinion operation arranged by her alma mater.

This may seem unreasonable, but there are rumors of one kind or another every year during graduation season.

Yang Jinwen of Zhejiang University said: I want to go to the place where the motherland needs it most, but I have applied to study in the United States, and my major has become the key

Last year, some netizens singled out Li Xueqin from the Mainland University of Political Science and Law to say that she was exposed at the graduation ceremony that she came back from other places because she was about to be admitted to Peking University.

According to the usual practice, Peking University will admit one or two escorted students on the spot at the graduation ceremony of the University of Political Science and Law every year, in order to create a good atmosphere for further study.

Yang Jinwen of Zhejiang University said: I want to go to the place where the motherland needs it most, but I have applied to study in the United States, and my major has become the key

Li Xueqin happened to be part of this publicity campaign, and her speech was questioned as "extra points to go to Peking University", believing that her real score line was not enough to meet the admission requirements of Peking University Law School, so she used the graduation ceremony of the University of Political Science and Law to "perform" in public.

There seems to be no logical relationship between the fact that a student from a university of political science and law is suspected of being a "show" in his speech, and a student from Zhejiang University applying to study in the United States will also raise questions.

But no matter how far-fetched these rumors are, they can always cause a burst of discussion in the circle of friends, especially those who have witnessed it, they know the bitterness and truth behind the speeches of these graduates of prestigious schools.

Yang Jinwen of Zhejiang University said: I want to go to the place where the motherland needs it most, but I have applied to study in the United States, and my major has become the key

It is not easy for graduates to speak

Not every graduate who was singled out by the school to speak dared to open up the conversation on the stage, because we who were educated by our alma mater have been instilled with the concept of "doing our best and abiding by the law and cultivating literature" since childhood.

So when many people come to the stage to speak, they either make clichés or force a round after a few seconds of silence.

Yang Jinwen of Zhejiang University said: I want to go to the place where the motherland needs it most, but I have applied to study in the United States, and my major has become the key

Behind those seemingly concise and powerful speeches, there are often traces of several revisions and rehearsals by graduates. Even so, it is inevitable to be criticized, "How can this be done", "I think it is still good for the previous sessions", "You see where the so-and-so people went".

At this time, if you can stand up and refute "I can't help it", it is already brave.

But if it is revealed that it is applying to study in the United States, let alone that even if it is confirmed to be just a rumor, it will bring a lot of psychological pressure to the person concerned. Yang Jinwen is one of those who has been bombarded with a magnifying glass this year.

Yang Jinwen of Zhejiang University said: I want to go to the place where the motherland needs it most, but I have applied to study in the United States, and my major has become the key

If Yang Jinwen really went to Berkeley in the United States to study for a master's degree in law, the impassioned words at the graduation ceremony would definitely be replaced by a toothpaste-like question;

Even if she didn't go to the United States, she was just relieved, because this contrast has formed a public opinion.

Yang Jinwen of Zhejiang University said: I want to go to the place where the motherland needs it most, but I have applied to study in the United States, and my major has become the key


Graduation season is always full of rumors and gossip, and the speeches of graduates of prestigious schools are even more concerned.

Everyone has their own choices and life plans, whether it is studying abroad or employment, they should be respected.

For graduates, it is not easy to speak, and the dedication and efforts behind it also deserve our respect and understanding.

What do you think? Come and share your views in the comments!