
The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Sanitation workers wipe the hot search on the road with their hands in high temperatures, netizens: cattle and horses can still rest


Recently, a video about a sanitation worker in Dalian City wiping the road in a hot day has attracted wide attention on the Internet. According to the video, the temperature had exceeded 30 degrees Celsius that day, but several sanitation workers continued to wipe the road with steel wool balls and rags under toxic radiation, and were later urged by the management staff to speed up their actions. After the incident appeared online, it immediately sparked widespread discussion.


Netizens expressed sympathy and incomprehension, believing that this kind of high-intensity physical labor is extremely unsuitable and dangerous in this weather. As a modern city, urban management and public health are important areas that cannot be overlooked. However, while ensuring the operation of the city, we cannot ignore the disadvantages and potential risks of manual labor of low- and middle-skilled workers.

The scene of sanitation workers exhausted in the hot environment in the video is reminiscent of their daily hard work. In fact, as front-line cleaning workers, sanitation workers perform a huge amount of physical labor day in and day out, but the remuneration and treatment are often disproportionate to the value of their work and the fruits of their labor.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Sanitation workers wipe the hot search on the road with their hands in high temperatures, netizens: cattle and horses can still rest

As a profession that is hard to find during holidays, sanitation workers usually need to work from 6 or 7 a.m. to 7 or 8 p.m., and their actual working hours are more than 3,000 hours per year. Their work is complex, requiring the use of various cleaning equipment and materials to clean up various facilities such as grounds, roads, and garbage cans, which is physically demanding.

Especially in summer, when the air humidity is extremely high, the physical exertion will increase even more. However, regardless of the weather, they need to complete their daily cleaning tasks on time. In addition, due to the lack of skills in this industry, employers tend to exploit employees, and the wage level remains at the minimum standard for a long time, and there is a lack of protection for five insurances and one housing fund.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Sanitation workers wipe the hot search on the road with their hands in high temperatures, netizens: cattle and horses can still rest

Some netizens pointed out that the sanitation workers in the video are actually temporarily hired by outsourcing companies, and their working conditions and treatment may be worse. In fact, there is a certain degree of "black box operation" in the sanitation industry in some parts of the mainland. In order to save costs, some sanitation companies will outsource some of their work to secondary or tertiary outsourcing units, which will further exploit workers in order to save money.

This already constitutes a chain of exploitation. In the long run, it not only seriously violates the rights and interests of workers, but also is not conducive to improving labor productivity in the sanitation industry. Of course, this incident has also caused people to reflect on some problems in the mainland's urban and rural environmental governance work at the present stage.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Sanitation workers wipe the hot search on the road with their hands in high temperatures, netizens: cattle and horses can still rest

For example, the lack of scientific planning for public environmental sanitation management has led individual sanitation enterprises or management departments to pursue "formalism" and often ignore the work intensity and safety factors of actual sanitation workers. The skills training mechanism of the mainland sanitation industry is not perfect enough, and it is difficult to attract and train high-quality sanitation professionals. It is also a reason for the low wages and low social status of the industry.

This incident reflects that there are still many problems to be solved in the urban and rural environmental sanitation work in the mainland, such as the need for scientific replacement of management ideas, the need for further protection of workers' rights and interests, the need for clear regulations on industry standards, and the need to guide all sectors of society to participate in and supervise.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Sanitation workers wipe the hot search on the road with their hands in high temperatures, netizens: cattle and horses can still rest

Only by making comprehensive improvements can we make great progress in environmental sanitation work, and only then can more sanitation workers get the respect and remuneration they deserve while following the rules. Protecting the rights and interests of workers is also an important link in building a harmonious society. It is believed that as long as all parties cooperate closely, the problem can be gradually resolved.

The widespread concern about this incident actually reflects the high importance that the public attaches to environmental sanitation work and workers' rights issues. This provides a valuable voice and public scrutiny for continuous improvement. It is believed that as long as all parties cooperate closely, they will be able to promote the continuous improvement of the environmental sanitation management level in the mainland, so that more workers can integrate more humanized care into their work.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Sanitation workers wipe the hot search on the road with their hands in high temperatures, netizens: cattle and horses can still rest

The incident of "sanitation workers wiping the road at high temperatures" reveals that there are some difficulties in the environmental sanitation industry in the mainland, which are worthy of discussion and solution from all walks of life. There are also positive things that happen. Arousing public attention to the rights and interests of workers in low-security industries will help all localities gradually improve the relevant security systems. Encourage more social organizations to participate in the field of environmental sanitation and work with the government to promote sustainable development.

In the next step, all parties need to work together, the government should formulate more humane policies, standardize the management of outsourcing enterprises, employers should establish a more perfect mechanism for protecting the rights and interests of workers, and social supervision should also be strengthened to prevent similar problems from happening again.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Sanitation workers wipe the hot search on the road with their hands in high temperatures, netizens: cattle and horses can still rest

It is believed that with the joint efforts of all parties, China's environmental sanitation industry will develop in a more healthy and standardized manner, bringing a cleaner environment and a better life to everyone. Finally, I hope that through this incident, we can think deeply: how to ensure the operation of the city, and at the same time give the subordinate workers due respect and care? Only by striking this balance can our society be truly sustainable.

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