
Report the validity period of the cancellation of the business license


Publication of the cancellation of the business license is a way for the enterprise to protect its legitimate rights and interests in order to protect its legitimate rights and interests and inform the public that the business license of the enterprise has expired after the business license is stopped operating, dissolved or revoked in accordance with the law.

Background and significance of cancellation of business license

Report the validity period of the cancellation of the business license

1. Background

Report the validity period of the cancellation of the business license

With the continuous development of the market economy, the number of enterprises is increasing year by year, in the fierce market competition, some enterprises have to stop operating due to poor management, market changes and other reasons, in order to standardize the market order, protect the rights and interests of consumers, mainland laws and regulations stipulate that after the enterprise ceases to operate, it is necessary to go through the cancellation of registration and announce to the public.

2. Significance

Report the validity period of the cancellation of the business license

(1) Protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the enterprise: After the cancellation of the enterprise, if the business license is not cancelled, others may use the business license to engage in illegal acts, causing losses to the enterprise, and the cancellation of the business license can effectively prevent this from happening.

(2) Maintain market order: The cancellation of business licenses is conducive to government departments to grasp the real business conditions of enterprises and facilitate supervision.

(3) Protect the rights and interests of consumers: Publication and cancellation of business licenses can help consumers understand the actual operation of enterprises and avoid consumption caused by the cancellation of enterprises.

The legal basis for the cancellation of the business license

1. Company Law of the People's Republic of China

Article 154 stipulates that if a company is dissolved, it shall go through the deregistration of the company in accordance with the law.

2. Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Registration of Enterprise Legal Persons

Article 25 stipulates that after receiving a business license, an enterprise legal person shall register with the registration authority within the prescribed time and make an announcement to the public.

Article 26 stipulates that if an enterprise legal person suspends business, goes bankrupt or is revoked in accordance with the law, it shall go through the process of cancellation of registration with the registration authority and make an announcement to the public.

3. Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Company Registration

Article 38 stipulates that if a company is dissolved, it shall apply to the registration authority for cancellation of registration within 15 days from the date of occurrence of the cause of dissolution.

Report the validity period of the cancellation of the business license

1. Cancellation announcement period

According to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Registration of Enterprise Legal Persons, after the cancellation of registration, an enterprise legal person shall make an announcement to the public, and the announcement period is 30 days.

2. Cancel the content of the announcement

The cancellation announcement shall include the following:

(1) The name of the enterprise;

(2) Enterprise registration number;

(3) type of enterprise;

(4) Legal representative (or person in charge);

(5) the reason for cancellation;

(6) Announcement period;

(7) The date of the announcement.

3. The validity period of the cancellation announcement

Within 30 days from the date of announcement, the business license of the enterprise shall be deemed invalid, and after 30 days, the business license of the enterprise shall automatically become invalid.

Precautions after canceling the business license

1. Keep the enterprise information properly: After the enterprise is deregistered, the business license, seal, contract and other materials should be properly kept to prevent others from illegally using it.

2. Go through the relevant procedures: After the enterprise is deregistered, it should go through the relevant procedures such as taxation, social security, provident fund and so on in time to avoid unnecessary trouble.

3. Pay attention to legal risks: After the enterprise is deregistered, it is still necessary to pay attention to the legal risks that may arise, such as contracts, creditor's rights and debts, etc.

4. Keep communication unimpeded: After the enterprise is deregistered, the legal representative and person in charge should be kept in communication unimpeded in order to receive relevant notices.

Publication and cancellation of business license is an important measure for enterprises to protect their legitimate rights and interests, maintain market order and protect the rights and interests of consumers after they stop operating, dissolve or revoke their business licenses in accordance with the law. Exit the market compliantly.