
Subvert the norm! The second male in "Yan Xinji" doesn't love the female protagonist and loves to go crazy, and the audience is constantly hotly discussed!

author:A source of happiness


The crazy revenge of the business parting

In "Yan Xinji", the character setting of Shang Biling is indeed different. is different from the male protagonist in traditional dramas, who are usually affectionate to the female protagonist, but Shang Bieli is an outright avenger.

Subvert the norm! The second male in "Yan Xinji" doesn't love the female protagonist and loves to go crazy, and the audience is constantly hotly discussed!

His appearances are always accompanied by violence and chaos, with every punch and kick directed precisely at those who stand in his way to revenge. This extreme behavior pattern makes the audience feel an unprecedented tension and excitement while being surprised.

Subvert the norm! The second male in "Yan Xinji" doesn't love the female protagonist and loves to go crazy, and the audience is constantly hotly discussed!

Netizens reacted enthusiastically to this, and some commented: "Shang Beili is a leader in the revenge world, seeing him go crazy, I am a little on top!" ”

Subvert the norm! The second male in "Yan Xinji" doesn't love the female protagonist and loves to go crazy, and the audience is constantly hotly discussed!

This direct and intense expression undoubtedly brought a strong visual and emotional impact to the audience, and also made Shang Bieli one of the most controversial and discussed characters in the play.


Brotherly affection, or an excuse for madness?

In order to avenge his eldest brother, Shang Bieli did not hesitate to portray himself as a madman. The logic of his actions is simple and straightforward: whoever stands in the way has to fall.

Subvert the norm! The second male in "Yan Xinji" doesn't love the female protagonist and loves to go crazy, and the audience is constantly hotly discussed!

This indiscriminate way of attacking, although it makes people feel his determination and strength, but at the same time, it also arouses the questioning of many audiences: Is this extreme behavior really out of deep affection for his brother? Or is it just an excuse for his personal madness?

Subvert the norm! The second male in "Yan Xinji" doesn't love the female protagonist and loves to go crazy, and the audience is constantly hotly discussed!

The discussion among netizens was even more enthusiastic, and some people said: "Although the behavior of business parting is extreme, his brotherhood is deeply moving." Others argue that "this indiscriminate violence, however you look at it, is more like a pathological self-indulgence." ”

Subvert the norm! The second male in "Yan Xinji" doesn't love the female protagonist and loves to go crazy, and the audience is constantly hotly discussed!

This divergent view has undoubtedly increased the discussion of the series and the audience's sense of participation.

The crazy philosophy of parting

Shang Bieli's philosophy of life seems to be "the whole capital knows that Lao Tzu is crazy", and this attitude of openly proclaiming his madness makes him a unique existence in the play.

Subvert the norm! The second male in "Yan Xinji" doesn't love the female protagonist and loves to go crazy, and the audience is constantly hotly discussed!

Every time he appears, it's like a crazy performance, which makes people both scared and curious. This extreme lifestyle, although unacceptable, undoubtedly increases the viewing and discussion of the series.

Subvert the norm! The second male in "Yan Xinji" doesn't love the female protagonist and loves to go crazy, and the audience is constantly hotly discussed!

Netizens' reactions to this are also varied, and some people joked: "The crazy philosophy of business parting is simply a modern version of 'I'm crazy, so I'm here'." This kind of humorous and sharp comment not only adds interest to the article, but also makes the reader more willing to participate in the discussion.

Subvert the norm! The second male in "Yan Xinji" doesn't love the female protagonist and loves to go crazy, and the audience is constantly hotly discussed!

The role of business parting undoubtedly adds a lot of highlights to "Yan Xinji". His madness and extremeness, although unacceptable, are exactly what they are

Subvert the norm! The second male in "Yan Xinji" doesn't love the female protagonist and loves to go crazy, and the audience is constantly hotly discussed!

This extreme makes him stand out among many characters and becomes the most controversial and discussed figure in the play. His presence not only challenges the traditional character setting, but also triggers the audience's in-depth thinking about extreme behaviors and emotional expressions.

Subvert the norm! The second male in "Yan Xinji" doesn't love the female protagonist and loves to go crazy, and the audience is constantly hotly discussed!

Netizens discussed this even more enthusiastically, with some people thinking that the character setting of Shang Biling's separation was too extreme and lacked authenticity; While others believe that it is this extreme that makes the series more engaging.

Subvert the norm! The second male in "Yan Xinji" doesn't love the female protagonist and loves to go crazy, and the audience is constantly hotly discussed!

This divergent view undoubtedly increases the discussion of the series and the audience's sense of participation, and also makes "Yan Xinji" a topic worth in-depth discussion.