
Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

author:Humor Star T

On a summer night, the crew of "A Dream of Books" had a heart-wrenching incident that shook the entire entertainment industry. On June 29, actors Li Yitong and Liu Yuning were filming a night scene, and they never thought that an uninvited guest, a centipede, added an unexpected thrill to this scene.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

On the night of the sudden centipede, Li Yitong was wearing an ancient costume robe and was devoting himself to performing the role. Just as she was engrossed in the rivalry, a huge centipede crawled out of the grass and slowly climbed onto her lap without anyone noticing. The centipede moved firmly and slowly, as if it were enjoying the scene.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

At this time, a fan who was standing in the distance and watching the shooting spotted the centipede on Li Yitong's leg. Out of concern, the fan struggled to shout: "Li Yitong! You have bugs on your legs! The voice was full of tension and urgency. However, due to the distance and the noisy environment, Li Yitong was unable to hear this reminder clearly.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

Li Yitong, who didn't hear the fans' reminders at the moment of shock, felt something strange on her legs, she subconsciously covered it with her cuffs, thinking that her clothes were uncomfortable. Unexpectedly, this action caused the centipede to crawl to her stomach. At the time, she was still unaware, but she felt a little itchy on her body.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

Liu Yuning and the staff's quick response Liu Yuning and other staff members quickly got up, they heard the fans' words clearly, and immediately threw themselves into the location of the centipede. They circled around Li Yitong, using flashlights to illuminate the hem of their clothes and the ground around them, hoping to find this "uninvited guest" as soon as possible.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

The centipede finally escapedAfter several minutes of intense and meticulous searching, a staff member finally found the centipede, which had fallen to the ground and quickly fled into the grass. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but there was still an indescribable sense of tension at the scene.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

Li Yitong had palpitations in her heart, and after learning the truth, Li Yitong suddenly understood what a dangerous thing she had just experienced, she couldn't help hugging a female staff member next to her, her body trembled slightly, and her eyes flashed with fear. This sudden shock is a big test for anyone.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

After the sincere thanks, Li Yitong, Liu Yuning and all the people who participated in the rescue operation expressed their deep gratitude to the fans who shouted reminders. If it weren't for the timely reminder from this attentive and enthusiastic fan, things could have become even more complicated and even dangerous. Therefore, everyone is grateful to these behind-the-scenes heroes, who are not only loyal viewers, but also little angels who protect the safety of idols.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

In fact, every year during the rainy season, all kinds of insects are frequently seen, including the terrifying centipede. Not only do these multi-legged monsters look terrifying, but they are also poisonous, and bites can cause intense pain and allergic reactions. When I was a child, I was also bitten by a centipede in my family, and the pain is still unforgettable. Therefore, whether it is on the set or in daily life, we must raise our awareness of prevention.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

All in all, although this incident was thrilling, fortunately it was fine, and it also sounded a wake-up call for us. In the future, no matter how difficult the shooting conditions, the surroundings should be carefully checked so that similar situations do not happen again. While enjoying the show, you can't ignore the importance of health and safety. I hope that everyone in the crew, as well as all those who love outdoor activities, can learn from this experience, be vigilant, and work together to create a safer and more enjoyable working and living environment.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

What happened that night really left everyone in the dark. As night fell, the crew members of "A Dream of the Book" gradually regained their composure, but the aftershocks caused by the centipede did not dissipate for a long time. After the filming, Li Yitong and Liu Yuning sat together and chatted about the scene that had just happened.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

"It scared the hell out of me, I didn't know what was going on at the time." Li Yitong caressed his chest, and he could still feel the rapid beating of his heartbeat. Liu Yuning nodded and comforted: "Fortunately, nothing major happened, it's good that you weren't injured." Li Yitong smiled, but there was still a trace of panic in his eyes. We'll have to be more careful in the future, not only with ourselves, but also with the rest of the crew. Liu Yuning thinks so, he knows that accidents are always inevitable when shooting in such a natural environment, but it is absolutely necessary to be vigilant. They decided to talk to the director and the rest of the crew about how to improve the safety measures.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

The next morning, during a meeting of the crew, the topic was officially put on the agenda. The director also realized the seriousness of the matter, and immediately said that he would strengthen on-site safety checks, and suggested that professionals should be brought in to deal with the dangerous creatures that may exist around the venue.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

"We can't let this happen again." The director said solemnly. "People work so hard to make good work, and we have to make sure everyone is safe."

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

In addition to on-site inspections, various departments have also begun to attach great importance to the protective measures of actors and crew. Some staff suggested that some insect repellent sprays and medications could be placed in the rest area in case of emergency. At the same time, the clothing team also said that they will pay more attention to the choice of clothing, and try to avoid using fabrics that are too loose or easy to hide insects.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

After several days of intense and meticulous arrangements, a series of preventive measures were gradually put in place. There is a clear sense that the whole environment has become safer and more reliable. This incident is not only a thrilling episode, but also an important opportunity to enhance team cohesion and execution.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

This is not the first time this has happened. In many film and television shooting activities, there will always be a variety of sudden problems, some are machine and equipment failures, some are weather changes, and some small creatures like this "visit". Every accident makes people more cautious, more detail-oriented, and therefore accumulates a wealth of experience in dealing with them.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

Life outside the theater is sometimes more complicated than inside the theater, it is full of unknowns and challenges. But it is precisely because of this that the growth and harvest after overcoming difficulties every time are precious. This centipede incident made the entire crew of "A Dream of Books" understand that on the road of artistic creation, not only talents are needed, but also the ability to deal with emergencies and team spirit.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

One day in the dead of night, Li Yitong sat by the window, looking at the starry light outside, recalling the scene that night, she was full of emotion. If it weren't for that fan's timely shouting, if it weren't for Liu Yuning's quick response, and if it hadn't been for a series of subsequent security measures, I'm afraid this scene wouldn't have been completed so smoothly.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

She picked up her mobile phone and expressed her gratitude on social platforms, hoping to convey her gratitude and experience through text. She hopes that more people will see this experience and be inspired by it to raise awareness of safety issues.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

In the days that followed, the filming of "A Dream of Books" proceeded steadily, every shot was carefully polished, and every detail was carefully scrutinized. And whenever someone mentions the centipede incident that night, people no longer have palpitations, but a kind of calmness and determination, because they know that they are fully prepared and can deal with them more calmly no matter what kind of contingency they face.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

The set was rejuvenated, and people were busy and orderly working, as if the episode of the night was just a small wave in life, but it injected a new impetus into the whole team. They have set higher goals for the next shoots, and they are looking forward to giving back to those who have supported and cared for them with better work.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

Time flies, and a beautiful and challenging summer has passed. The filming of "A Dream from a Book" was finally successfully completed, and all the staff ushered in the final completion with joy and a sense of achievement. However, what they have established with each other is not only a colleague relationship, but also a deep friendship of solidarity and solidarity.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

On a summer night, the crew of "A Dream of Books" experienced a heart-wrenching incident that attracted widespread attention from the entire entertainment industry. On June 29, actors Li Yitong and Liu Yuning were filming a night scene, and they never thought that an uninvited guest centipede added unexpected thrills to the scene.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

That night, Li Yitong was wearing a costume robe and was engrossed in the role performance. Just as she was playing against her, a huge centipede crawled out of the grass and slowly climbed up her lap without anyone noticing. The centipede moved firmly and slowly, as if it was also enjoying the scene. A fan who was standing in the distance to watch the shooting noticed this scene and shouted out of concern: "Li Yitong! You have bugs on your legs! The voice was full of tension and urgency. However, due to the distance and the noisy environment at the scene, Li Yitong did not hear this reminder clearly.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

Li Yitong, who didn't hear the fan's reminder, felt a strangeness on her legs, she subconsciously covered it with her cuffs, thinking that it was because of the discomfort of her clothes. However, this action caused the centipede to crawl into her stomach. At the time, she was still unaware, but she felt a little itchy on her body. The responsive Liu Yuning and other staff members quickly got up, they heard the fans' words, and immediately threw themselves into the location of the centipede. They circled around Li Yitong, using flashlights to illuminate the hem of his clothes and the ground around him, hoping to find the uninvited guest as soon as possible.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

After several minutes of intense and meticulous searching, a staff member finally spotted the centipede, which had fallen to the ground and quickly fled into the grass. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but there was still an indescribable sense of tension at the scene. After learning the truth, Li Yitong suddenly understood what a dangerous thing she had just experienced, she couldn't help hugging a female staff member next to her, her body trembled slightly, and her eyes flashed with fear. This sudden shock is a big test for anyone.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

After the incident, Li Yitong, Liu Yuning, and all the people who participated in the rescue operation expressed their deep gratitude to the fans who shouted reminders. If it weren't for the timely reminder from this attentive and enthusiastic fan, things could have become more complicated and even dangerous. Therefore, everyone is grateful to these behind-the-scenes heroes, who are not only loyal viewers, but also little angels who protect the safety of idols.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

In fact, during the rainy season, all kinds of insects are frequently seen, including the terrifying centipede. Not only do these multi-legged monsters look scary, but they are also poisonous, and can cause intense pain and allergic reactions when bitten. Therefore, whether it is on the set or in daily life, it is necessary to raise awareness of prevention. Although this incident was thrilling, fortunately it was fine, and it also sounded a wake-up call for us. In the future, no matter how difficult the shooting conditions, the surroundings should be carefully checked so that similar situations do not happen again. While enjoying the show, you can't ignore the importance of health and safety.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

I hope that everyone in the crew, as well as all those who love outdoor activities, can learn from this experience, be vigilant, and work together to create a safer and more enjoyable working and living environment. What happened that night really left everyone in the dark. The crew members of "A Dream of Books" gradually regained their composure, but the aftershocks caused by the centipede did not dissipate for a long time. After the filming, Li Yitong and Liu Yuning sat together and chatted about the scene that had just happened. "It scared the hell out of me, I didn't know what was going on." Li Yitong stroked his chest, and he could still feel his heart beating faster. Liu Yuning nodded and comforted: "Fortunately, nothing major happened, it's good that you weren't injured." Li Yitong smiled, but there was still panic in his eyes. We'll have to be more careful in the future, not just ourselves, but the rest of the crew. Liu Yuning thinks so, he knows that accidents are inevitable when shooting in such a natural environment, but it is absolutely necessary to be vigilant. They decided to talk to the director and the rest of the crew about how to improve the safety measures.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

The next morning, during a meeting of the crew, the topic was officially put on the agenda. The director also realized the seriousness of the matter, and immediately said that he would strengthen on-site safety checks, and suggested that professionals should be brought in to deal with possible dangerous creatures around the venue. "We can't let this happen again." The director said solemnly, "Everyone works hard to make a good work, and we have to make sure everyone is safe." ”

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

In addition to on-site inspections, various departments have also begun to attach great importance to protective measures for actors and crews. Some staff suggested that some insect repellent spray and medication could be placed in the rest area in case of emergency. At the same time, the clothing team also said that they will pay more attention to the choice of clothing, and try to avoid using fabrics that are too loose or easy to hide insects.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

After several days of intense and meticulous arrangements, a series of preventive measures were gradually put in place. There is a clear sense that the whole environment has become safer and more reliable. This incident is not only a thrilling episode, but also an important opportunity to enhance team cohesion and execution.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

This is not the first time this has happened. In film and television shooting activities, there are always various sudden problems, some are machine and equipment failures, some are weather changes, and some small creatures like this one visit. Every accident makes people more cautious, more detail-oriented, and therefore more experienced. Life outside the theater is sometimes more complicated than inside the theater, it is full of unknowns and challenges. But it is precisely because of this that the growth and harvest after overcoming difficulties every time are precious.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

This centipede incident made the crew of "A Dream of Books" understand that on the road of artistic creation, not only talents are needed, but also the ability to deal with emergencies and team spirit. One day in the dead of night, Li Yitong sat by the window, looking at the starry light outside, recalling the scene that night, she was full of emotion. If it weren't for that fan's timely shouting, if it weren't for Liu Yuning's quick response, and if it hadn't been for a series of subsequent security measures, I'm afraid this scene wouldn't have been completed so smoothly.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

She picked up her mobile phone and expressed her gratitude on social platforms, hoping to convey her gratitude and experience through text, hoping that more people would see this experience, get inspiration from it, and raise the importance of safety issues. The filming of "A Dream of Books" proceeded steadily, every shot was carefully polished, and every detail was carefully scrutinized. And whenever someone mentions the centipede incident that night, people are no longer apprehensive, but calm and determined, because they know that they are fully prepared and can deal with them more calmly no matter what kind of contingency they face.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

The set was rejuvenated, people were busy and orderly working, and the vignette of that night was just a small wave in life, but it injected new energy into the whole team. They set higher goals for the next shoots, and they look forward to giving back to those who have supported and cared for them with better work.

Li Yitong encountered a centipede crawling during filming, Liu Yuning's boyfriend was full of strength to help drive away the centipede, and thanked the fans for reminding him

Time flies, and a beautiful and challenging summer has passed. The filming of "A Dream from a Book" was finally successfully completed, and all the staff ushered in the final completion with joy and a sense of achievement. However, what they have established is not only a colleague relationship, but also a deep friendship of solidarity and solidarity through weal and woe. Since that night, they have more trust and tacit understanding with each other, because they know that no matter what difficulties they face in the future, as long as they work together, they can overcome any difficulties and create brilliant achievements together.

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