
Winner in life! George's total career salary is over 500 million, Clippers reporter: It's crazy to give him a 4-year top salary


Paul George, what a true winner in life! You see, the 34-year-old veteran signed a 4-year, 212 million contract with the 76ers after playing for the Clippers for 5 seasons, which is a proper maximum salary! The cumulative salary of his entire career has exceeded 500 million, which is not a small amount, and there are so many cars and house tickets that you don't have to worry about anything.

If you think it's easy for George to sign this contract, you're very wrong! Let's talk about the Clippers first, they were originally his old club, but the contract extension negotiations fell apart.

Those top brass of the Clippers would rather let him go than shell out so much money.

What's going on? In fact, everyone sees that although George is famous, it is not without problems.

Not to mention his age, he is often injured, and his state is declining really fast.

Especially this past season, his performance in the playoffs was nothing short of disastrous, averaging only 19.5 points per game, which is too low to look at.

Winner in life! George's total career salary is over 500 million, Clippers reporter: It's crazy to give him a 4-year top salary

Teammate Leonard was injured, and it was easy to wait for the opportunity to prove himself, but George not only did not resist, but became the team's shortcoming, and his performance on the field was miserable.

At this time, the 76ers stepped up.

With a wave of his hand, he brushed it, and the 4-year contract of 212 million was signed.

George's jaw dropped with joy.

You asked him not to sign? How can it be! This is the last max contract of his career.

Winner in life! George's total career salary is over 500 million, Clippers reporter: It's crazy to give him a 4-year top salary

The annual salaries for the four-year contract are $49.2 million, $51.7 million, $54.1 million and $56.6 million, respectively.

In another four years, George will still get an annual salary of 56.6 million when he is 38 years old, isn't this a winner in life?

While Clippers reporter Farbod Esnaashari bluntly said the 76ers were crazy, he thought it was too risky to give a 34-year-old player who has only played 25 playoff games since 2020 and averaged 19 points per game in the playoffs this year to cap salary for four years.

But for the 76ers management, they have their own calculations.

Look, George also promised to compete for the NBA championship with Embiid and Maxey! You must know that Embiid is the star of the 76ers, and Maxey is also young and promising.

Winner in life! George's total career salary is over 500 million, Clippers reporter: It's crazy to give him a 4-year top salary

Of course, it has to be mentioned that Embiid continues to suffer injuries, which is very worrying.

One of the reasons the Clippers dropped George was also his injury problem.

Come to think of it, these two main players are often injured, and whether they can play the playoffs smoothly is a question, and it is indeed a challenge to compete for the championship.

But brave people will become stronger in the face of challenges!

George's concentration is really very comparable.

Winner in life! George's total career salary is over 500 million, Clippers reporter: It's crazy to give him a 4-year top salary

In a meeting with 76ers management, he promised on the spot that he would win the NBA championship with Embiid and Maxey.

This courage is admirable, but it is not so simple in practice.

After all, everyone wants to compete for the championship, and it is not enough to have bold words, but also to rely on strength to speak.

But then again, even if the 76ers don't win the championship in the end, George is still a winner in life.

In the process, his total salary has surpassed the 500 million mark, becoming one of the most profitable players in NBA history.

Winner in life! George's total career salary is over 500 million, Clippers reporter: It's crazy to give him a 4-year top salary

This is an achievement that anyone would envy.

However, no one is perfect, and George's declining form is also a real problem.

In the playoffs last season, his performance was really not satisfactory.

To make matters worse, the Clippers failed to make it past the second round, and his poor performance was infinitely magnified and became one of the reasons for the team's elimination.

Such a performance does make one question whether he still deserves such a high salary.

Winner in life! George's total career salary is over 500 million, Clippers reporter: It's crazy to give him a 4-year top salary

At this point, you might think, well, isn't this a failed case, and the Clippers are understandably reluctant to renew their contract.

But if you think so, you don't see the whole story.

The addition of George also gives the 76ers more depth to their roster.

Embiid, George and Maxey are definitely a formidable threat to their opponents when they play together.

As long as they can overcome their injuries, they have every chance of challenging for the championship.

Winner in life! George's total career salary is over 500 million, Clippers reporter: It's crazy to give him a 4-year top salary

Anyway, it's a high-risk and high-reward bet, how can you know the outcome if you don't gamble?

Finally, something interesting.

People often say, "George went to the 76ers, got a salary cap, and went for a championship."

"It seems very simple to say.

In fact, everyone knows that championships are not so easy to win.

Winner in life! George's total career salary is over 500 million, Clippers reporter: It's crazy to give him a 4-year top salary

Whether the management of the 76ers lost the bet depends on whether George can withstand the pressure and lead the team to the end in the future.

George is indeed a personal winner.

Winning a championship is of course the dream of all players, but even if he can't, he has already done the other aspect of his life - making a lot of money - to the extreme.

As for whether he can finally lead the 76ers to the championship, we have to wait and see!

Well, without further ado, let's look forward to next season's fierce matchup.

Winner in life! George's total career salary is over 500 million, Clippers reporter: It's crazy to give him a 4-year top salary

As everyone says: "Watch the drama and watch the excitement, and play the ball to watch the doorway."

"Let's see if George can seize this opportunity and truly become a deserving basketball superstar.

Looking forward to the next shining performance, and looking forward to the 76ers bringing more surprises to fans in the new season! Speaking of which, you probably think that the future of the 76ers is simply a "dance on a cliff", and you feel that if you are not careful, you will have to fall all over your body.

But in life, how many wonderful things are broken out of this kind of "cliff edge"!

Not to mention George, Embiid's guy is a superstar living in the treatment room.

Winner in life! George's total career salary is over 500 million, Clippers reporter: It's crazy to give him a 4-year top salary

You said that like him, he is as tall as a building, and he always "falls", and every time he falls, our fans have to sweat.

But it's such a "broken glass man", he can still play an MVP-level performance on the court! What do you say isn't a miracle?

Besides, Maxey, this kid is young and promising, and he is the future hope of the 76ers.

The addition of George is an opportunity for Maxi on the one hand, and a challenge on the other.

If he can learn something from George, he will be a great thing in the future! Imagine, if one day Maxey and George cooperate seamlessly, the 76ers' offensive firepower is simply a "volcanic eruption", and whoever dares to block it will have to be swallowed by "lava".

Winner in life! George's total career salary is over 500 million, Clippers reporter: It's crazy to give him a 4-year top salary

Look at the entire Eastern Conference, the Bucks, the Nets, and the Heat, each team has the championship as their number one goal.

In such an environment, whether the 76ers can break out of the encirclement and win the championship not only requires the healthy performance of George and Embiid, but also tests the coordination of the whole team and the tactical arrangement of the coach.

Of course, the fans are like Spiegel, knowing that this is a high-risk bet, but what if it happens?

If you think about it, George's poor performance in the playoffs is still vivid, and he was ridiculed enough.

But it was in this situation that the 76ers dared to take risks and dare to sign him, what does this mean? It shows that the 76ers are the kind of team that dares to break the boat, they are not afraid of failure, they are afraid of not trying.

Winner in life! George's total career salary is over 500 million, Clippers reporter: It's crazy to give him a 4-year top salary

Besides, what superstar didn't get back up after countless falls? George is about to re-prove himself with the 76ers and give a resounding answer to all who question him.

The contract is fully guaranteed with no player or team options, which also shows that the 76ers are making a serious gamble.

Their goal is not just to make the playoffs, but to challenge for a championship.

In the face of such attention, George is naturally full of energy, and he may never have such a maximum salary opportunity in his career, so this time, he must go all out.

But then again, God has to have a life to eat.

Winner in life! George's total career salary is over 500 million, Clippers reporter: It's crazy to give him a 4-year top salary

Let's take a chance to imagine a bright future for the 76ers: if Embiid is healthy, George is online, and Maxey is maturing, then this lineup is wide open, clever and full of firepower, it is a super battleship, and maybe it can really have the last laugh.

Isn't it quite exciting to say that such a script is also quite exciting?

Anyway, for fans, it's a good thing to have more exciting things to see.

The big guys are chasing after the TV, video websites, and live broadcast rooms shouting cheers, and the atmosphere is really exciting.

Besides, even if the result of the game is not satisfactory, it is a pleasure to see the performance of several top superstars and feel the charm of basketball!

Winner in life! George's total career salary is over 500 million, Clippers reporter: It's crazy to give him a 4-year top salary

Of course, if you ask me what I think of this deal, I think the 76ers' guts are admirable.

In life, it is inevitable that sometimes you have to fight.

Instead of suffering from gains and losses, it is better to give it a go.

It remains to be seen whether George's joining can help the 76ers realize their championship dream.

But in any case, it is a bold attempt that everyone can look forward to.

So, whether it's George or Embiid, or even Maxey, they're all gambling on their futures in this game.

Success or failure depends on the courage and hope of this step.

Either way, watching these three superstars fight together must be an unparalleled enjoyment!

All of us have only one word to say to them: Come on, 76ers!