
The American media rearranged the 10 best picks in NBA history: Olajuwon is only sixth, Duncan is fourth!


By the way, have you noticed? Recently, the American media has started to play their old drama of "who is the best champion show in history".

This ranking is really eye-catching, I have to say, some of the rankings are even more surprising than somersaults! For example, our big dream, Olajuwon, a two-time NBA champion, is only in sixth place, what's going on? And "Stone Buddha" Duncan, who is a tough guy who has won five championships, is a little higher and ranks fourth.

First of all, let's start with the charm of the champion show.

The top pick is the top of the pyramid in the NBA, and only one lucky person can be selected every year.

The American media rearranged the 10 best picks in NBA history: Olajuwon is only sixth, Duncan is fourth!

It's not just a title, it's a recognition and expectation of a player's unlimited potential.

You say, isn't this feeling of being favored a bit like the excitement of winning the lottery?

So, what is the basis for this ranking? The American media certainly didn't do it out of thin air, they value personal achievements, influence on the team, and the imprint that the player left on the history of the NBA.

The American media rearranged the 10 best picks in NBA history: Olajuwon is only sixth, Duncan is fourth!

This is a bit like selecting the three good students in the class, not only to have excellent grades, but also to be the teacher's red stick and the good friend of the classmates.

Let's take a look at some of the "surprises" of this selection.

Our Olajuwon, the center who almost dominated the basketball world during Jordan's temporary retirement, defended like a siege and had a first-class ability to take down the city.

The American media rearranged the 10 best picks in NBA history: Olajuwon is only sixth, Duncan is fourth!

He could only finish sixth in the rankings, was it really because of those days when he didn't have a championship ring? And Duncan, the power forward who is so low-key that he almost makes opponents forget his presence on the court, his versatility and leadership have put him firmly in fourth place, and although he is higher than Olajuwon, he also seems to be a little undertaste.

You say, is this a little "reasonable and unexpected"?

Moreover, this ranking also carries a certain cultural impact.

The American media rearranged the 10 best picks in NBA history: Olajuwon is only sixth, Duncan is fourth!

These top champions are not only warriors on the basketball court, but also messengers of NBA culture.

Think about it, whenever we mention the NBA, we naturally think of Magic, Jordan, Kobe Bryant, these well-known names!

Now, let's talk about a point that may have been overlooked in this selection.

The American media rearranged the 10 best picks in NBA history: Olajuwon is only sixth, Duncan is fourth!

For example, the versatility of the players and their dominance at different times, have these factors been fully taken into account? Sometimes, statistics don't tell the whole story, and basketball is a five-a-side sport after all, not a one-man game.

Friends, what do you think of this ranking? Isn't it also a little nervous to express your opinion? Or, who do you think is the best overall pick in NBA history? Either way, this kind of discussion always makes people's blood boil, after all, basketball is never just a simple game, it is about passion, glory and those basketball dreams that we all share.

Speaking of this ranking, I have to mention the overlords of the top fews.

The American media rearranged the 10 best picks in NBA history: Olajuwon is only sixth, Duncan is fourth!

For example, Jordan, the "God of Basketball", is a fighter among the champions, running in the sky and running on the ground, and no one can stop him on the court.

Another example is LeBron, this guy not only plays basketball well, but also has online acting skills, and is very versatile.

If these two are not in the top three, it is really a bit unreasonable.

The American media rearranged the 10 best picks in NBA history: Olajuwon is only sixth, Duncan is fourth!

But then again, rankings are always controversial.

A netizen posted on the forum: "Olajuwon is only sixth? Is this reasonable? At that time, he beat his opponent so much that he couldn't find the north! His defensive and basket-to-basket skills are like a dancer on a basketball court.

Is all these years of glory so insignificant? As soon as this netizen's words came out, they immediately attracted a large wave of support.

The American media rearranged the 10 best picks in NBA history: Olajuwon is only sixth, Duncan is fourth!

This controversy is not difficult to understand.

After all, basketball is not as simple as math, where one plus one equals two.

Everyone has a standard in mind, and the background of each era is different.

The American media rearranged the 10 best picks in NBA history: Olajuwon is only sixth, Duncan is fourth!

Duncan and Olajuwon are both power forwards, but their style of play, the team environment they are in, and even their opponents are very different.

It's like comparing spicy strips and pots, although the taste is good, but who is better, the question is complicated.

Besides, the most eye-catching of these rankings are the competitions.

The American media rearranged the 10 best picks in NBA history: Olajuwon is only sixth, Duncan is fourth!

Some netizens joked on Weibo: "Hey, this ranking, just take a look."

It's like chasing dramas, no matter how high the rating is, I still don't watch it if it doesn't suit my taste.

Who is stronger Duncan or Olajuwon? It depends on which angle you look at, if you have to compare, don't you let the two veterans return to their peak and make two moves? These words not only amused a vote of people, but also thought-provoking, indeed, every fan has a shot in his heart, and no matter how he calls it, it is reasonable.

The American media rearranged the 10 best picks in NBA history: Olajuwon is only sixth, Duncan is fourth!

Whether it's an argument or a discussion, it's part of basketball culture.

Just like Duncan's calm smile on the court, and Olajuwon's domineering back play, they have become the memories of countless fans.

A netizen posted on a sports forum: "I think the ranking should not only look at honors and data, but also look at how much touch and memory this player has brought us."

Olajuwon's turning and small hook at that time, Duncan's basic skills, these are unforgettable.

It can be seen that whether it is for or against, this ranking has caused a lot of waves.

But that's the beauty of sports, isn't it? Everyone has their own opinion, and each opinion has its own reason.

It's like eating melons and watching a street basketball game, although there is a lot of controversy, everyone's enthusiasm and love for basketball will never diminish.

And this kind of discussion is not only limited to old fans, but also a new generation of young fans in this way to learn about the history of basketball and inherit the basketball culture.

This is not only a ranking competition, but also a transmission and exchange of basketball culture.

Therefore, no matter what the ranking is, we should not forget that basketball brings us not only passion and joy, but also the common feeling of basketball.

This feeling, across time and space, has been transmitted in the hearts of everyone who truly loves basketball.

And this is the truest and most beautiful part of basketball.