
Giant rare earth minerals have been discovered, enough for 730 years for human beings! Why is mining delayed?

author:Smile and breeze

Ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about rare earth ores today! A while ago, our country discovered a super large rare earth mine in the southwest region, which is said to last for 730 years! As soon as this news came out, the big guys were shocked. But why is it that such a precious thing has not been mined until now? Today I'm going to talk to you about the doorway here.

Giant rare earth minerals have been discovered, enough for 730 years for human beings! Why is mining delayed?

Rare earths sound mysterious, but they are actually minerals in the ground. Although it is called "rare earth", it is actually not rare. It's just that it is not as ubiquitous as coal and iron ore, so it is called "rare earth".

Giant rare earth minerals have been discovered, enough for 730 years for human beings! Why is mining delayed?

This thing is still very important in industry now! Many high-tech products, such as our mobile phones, TVs, and new energy vehicles, are indispensable for rare earths. Therefore, rare earths are known as "industrial monosodium glutamate", and it can't be done without it!

How many rare earths are there in our country?

To be honest, we people really don't know the specific numbers. However, judging from some signs, our country's rare earth reserves should be quite a lot. The state has been controlling the export volume of rare earths, which shows that we are confident. Over the years, news of new rare earth ores being discovered from time to time has come out, taking the super large rare earth ore discovered in southwest China as an example, it can be used for 730 years! That's not a small amount.

Giant rare earth minerals have been discovered, enough for 730 years for human beings! Why is mining delayed?

Hearing this, you may ask: since we have so many rare earths, why don't we mine them and use them quickly? There's something special about it here, I'll break it open for everyone and crumple it and say.

1. The first is a technical issue. Although our country's science and technology are developing rapidly, mining rare earths is not an easy task. This super large rare earth mine is hidden deep underground. To dig it out, you have to use a lot of complex machines and spend a lot of money. Moreover, you have to be careful when digging, otherwise it may affect the groundwater and even cause landslides.

Giant rare earth minerals have been discovered, enough for 730 years for human beings! Why is mining delayed?

In addition, extracting rare earths from ore is also troublesome. There are more than a dozen different rare earth elements mixed together in rare earth mines, and it is not easy to separate them. While scientists have found some ways in the lab, it will take time for mass production.

2. Market issues. Now in the rare earth market, there is already an oversupply. Our country has been emphasizing the importance of rare earths over the years, but many companies have not really paid attention to it. In addition, our country is discovering new rare earth minerals every year, and there are already a lot of rare earths on the market.

Giant rare earth minerals have been discovered, enough for 730 years for human beings! Why is mining delayed?

If this super large rare earth ore is mined now, I am afraid that it will cause a more serious oversupply, and the price of rare earth may fall sharply. In this way, the cost of mining will not be recovered.

3. Policy issues. Mining such a large rare earth ore is not an ordinary small project. Special national policies are needed to support and manage them. For example, how much money do you want to invest? How to ensure the safety of mining? How to use and export the mined rare earths? These require planning and decision-making at the national level.

Giant rare earth minerals have been discovered, enough for 730 years for human beings! Why is mining delayed?

4. Environmental protection issues, the impact of mining rare earths on the environment is not small. Mining produces a large amount of waste residue, which can easily pollute the surrounding land and water sources if not properly disposed of. In particular, this super large rare earth mine is so large-scale, if it is really mined, the environmental problems may be even more serious. So, in the absence of better environmental protection technologies, hasty mining can bring great ecological risks.

Giant rare earth minerals have been discovered, enough for 730 years for human beings! Why is mining delayed?

5. The economic challenge is not small, don't look at this rare earth mine can last for 730 years, but it is not easy to maintain stable growth for such a long time. Market demand, international situation, scientific and technological development, these factors are constantly changing. If, decades later, scientists invent new technologies that don't need to use so many rare earths, wouldn't it be in vain for us to mine so much? Therefore, the development of this super large rare earth mine really has to be planned well, and it cannot be rushed.


Rare earth mines are crucial to the development of the country, and although the giant rare earth mines are very tempting, they are really not easy to mine. Technical problems, market supply and demand, policy support, and environmental protection all need to be solved slowly. Our country has always been steady, and we will not rush to mine for the sake of immediate interests. Maybe in a few years, when science and technology are more developed, we will be able to find better ways to mine rare earths and protect the environment. At that time, this 730-year-old treasure will be able to truly contribute to the development of our country.

Giant rare earth minerals have been discovered, enough for 730 years for human beings! Why is mining delayed?

Well, that's all for this time, and everyone is welcome to leave a message below and tell us what you think! Friends who like it can like and collect it!

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