
I owe Huawei an apology, complaining about silver-plated glass is just one of them, and there are many doubts that have been slapped in the face!

author:Smile and breeze

Remember a few years ago, when Huawei launched a mobile phone that uses silver-plated glass? At the time, it caused quite a lot of controversy. Some people complained that Yu Chengdong said that the silver-plated glass affects the signal to hit competitors, look at Huawei's current development, slap in the face!

I owe Huawei an apology, complaining about silver-plated glass is just one of them, and there are many doubts that have been slapped in the face!

Although it was met with a lot of skepticism at the time, Huawei did not back down because of these doubts. They stick to their choice because they know the advantages of this technology. What has time proven? As users experience more and more, they find that Huawei's mobile phone signal is not worse, but better! It turns out that silver-plated glass can not only make the phone more beautiful, but also improve the stability of the signal.

I owe Huawei an apology, complaining about silver-plated glass is just one of them, and there are many doubts that have been slapped in the face!

This reminds me of an old saying: "Practice is the only criterion for testing truth." "Huawei has told us that innovation often requires courage, perseverance, and the ability to stand the test of time.

For example, Huawei's Hongmeng system, it is really full of twists and turns! Remember at the beginning, how many people said that Hongmeng is the "shell" version of Android? Some ridiculed, some questioned, and some even asserted that HarmonyOS was doomed.

I owe Huawei an apology, complaining about silver-plated glass is just one of them, and there are many doubts that have been slapped in the face!

But what does Huawei say? From the very beginning, they insisted that HarmonyOS was a completely new system based on microkernel development. Many people don't believe it and think it's a fantasy. But now? The release of HarmonyOS NEXT can be said to be a lesson for all doubters!

I owe Huawei an apology, complaining about silver-plated glass is just one of them, and there are many doubts that have been slapped in the face!

Now HarmonyOS has completely gotten rid of its dependence on Android apps, and it has also brought a multi-device integrated experience. Mobile phones, tablets, TVs, cars, and even smart home appliances can all be seamlessly connected through the HarmonyOS system. This kind of experience is probably something that those who laughed at Hongmeng couldn't have imagined, right?

I owe Huawei an apology, complaining about silver-plated glass is just one of them, and there are many doubts that have been slapped in the face!

Huawei tells us with practical actions that dreams are achieved through hard work, not by other people's doubts. Now, HarmonyOS has become the world's third largest operating system, and this report card is enough to make Huawei proud!

M9: From "bragging" to "dominating"

Do you still remember when Huawei said that it wanted to make high-end cars, how many people ridiculed and said that "hundreds of thousands of cars have to be said to be tens of millions"? But now? Huawei teamed up with Cialis to launch the Wenjie M9, which won the first position in domestic high-end luxury car sales as soon as it was launched!

I owe Huawei an apology, complaining about silver-plated glass is just one of them, and there are many doubts that have been slapped in the face!

It's not about low prices. The M9 takes the premium route, and it aims to compete with traditional luxury car brands. Moreover, it will not only be the king in the domestic market, but also go to the international stage and compete with the world's top luxury car brands.

I owe Huawei an apology, complaining about silver-plated glass is just one of them, and there are many doubts that have been slapped in the face!

From "bragging" in everyone's eyes to "hegemony" today, Huawei has told us with practical actions that the stage is as big as the dream. As long as you have strength, you are not afraid of others saying that you are "so ambitious".

Beidou Technology: From "Insignificant" to "Indispensable"

I remember that when Huawei's Mate50 was first equipped with Beidou technology, many people didn't think so. Think it's just a gimmick, what's the use? But now Beidou technology has become the standard configuration of Huawei mobile phones, and other Android mobile phones can't even get a 10-yuan Beidou chip. Why? Because Beidou technology is not only related to positioning accuracy, but also related to national security.

I owe Huawei an apology, complaining about silver-plated glass is just one of them, and there are many doubts that have been slapped in the face!

With its own technical strength, Huawei has not only popularized Beidou technology on mobile phones, but also made important contributions to the country's scientific and technological development. This is the real "technology to serve the country"!

AEB Automatic Emergency Braking: From Doubt to Gratitude

When it comes to the automatic emergency braking system (AEB) in a car, many people may think that it is nothing more than a fancy configuration. When Huawei first launched this feature, many people questioned its practicality.

I owe Huawei an apology, complaining about silver-plated glass is just one of them, and there are many doubts that have been slapped in the face!

However, as more and more car owners shared their personal experiences, everyone suddenly realized: it turns out that this function can really save lives! How many car owners have avoided possible accidents because of AEB's timely braking? Where is this "fancy configuration", it is clearly a real security guarantee! Huawei tells us with practical actions that true technological innovation is not for showing off, but for making life safer and better.

5G Technology: From "Leading" to "Leading"

Remember when Huawei launched its first 5G mobile phone, how many people cheered? But later, for various reasons, Huawei had to launch a 4G version of the mobile phone, and how many people ridiculed Huawei for "being the first to push 5G and the first to return to 4G"? However, you may have forgotten an important fact: Huawei is one of the main promoters of 5G technology. Without Huawei's efforts, the 5G network we use today would have to wait several more years.

I owe Huawei an apology, complaining about silver-plated glass is just one of them, and there are many doubts that have been slapped in the face!

Moreover, Huawei has not stopped moving forward because of temporary difficulties. Now, they're back with 5.5G technology! What does this mean? It means that Huawei is once again at the forefront of the industry, and the existing 5G technology is compared! Huawei has told us with practical actions that the truly strong will not stop moving forward because of temporary setbacks. Instead, they will find new opportunities and create new miracles in the face of adversity.


To sum up, we can see that Huawei's road to innovation over the years has not been smooth. They faced doubts and challenges, but they never gave up their ideals and pursuits. Huawei has told us with practical actions that true innovation does not depend on words, but on standing the test of time and the market. They continue to challenge themselves and constantly push the limits to achieve what they are today.

I owe Huawei an apology, complaining about silver-plated glass is just one of them, and there are many doubts that have been slapped in the face!

Perhaps, many of us have questioned and inunderstood Huawei. But for now, what I want to say is: maybe we really owe Huawei an apology. Because they have proved with practical actions that Chinese companies are fully capable of occupying a place on the world science and technology stage, and even leading the trend. Let's applaud Huawei's achievements, and let us look forward to Huawei's many more miracles in the future. Because every step forward of Huawei is an improvement in China's scientific and technological strength, and it is the pride of every Chinese!

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