
The more you raise, the more you want to throw away the 5 kinds of cats, the reason is very real, don't raise them easily

author:Orangutan vision

The more you raise, the more you want to "throw away" the 5 types of cats, the reason is very real, don't raise them easily!


The more you raise, the more you want to throw away the 5 kinds of cats, the reason is very real, don't raise them easily

Recently, an article titled "The more you raise, the more you want to "throw away", the reason is very real, don't raise it easily! The article sparked heated discussions on the Internet. The article lists five cat breeds, including the British short cat, the Sphynx cat, the raccoon cat, the American short cat and the folded ear cat, and points out their respective "shortcomings", which makes the more you raise them, the more you feel "want to throw them away". I believe that many friends who like cats are very surprised after reading this article, because usually our impression of cats is docile and cute, how can someone "raise a cat and have the urge to throw it away"? So, what is it that makes these cats "throw away cats"? Next, let's unravel this "cat mystery" and see what is going on.

1. British short cat

The more you raise, the more you want to throw away the 5 kinds of cats, the reason is very real, don't raise them easily

British short cat, I believe many people will not be unfamiliar with this name, it is a very popular cat breed, but also in the minds of many people "cute" representatives. However, despite its cuteness, the British kitten has unexpected "shortcomings", which is why it is a "throwaway cat".

The more you raise, the more you want to throw away the 5 kinds of cats, the reason is very real, don't raise them easily

Friends who have cats know that cats will shed their hair, and British short cats can be described as "professional households" in this regard, its hair loss is very large, it is simply pervasive, and there is cat hair everywhere, which brings great trouble to the owner of cleaning.

The more you raise, the more you want to throw away the 5 kinds of cats, the reason is very real, don't raise them easily

In addition, the temper of the British short cat is a little "Diao", they belong to the more grudgeful cats, once they feel wronged, they will have revenge, and some will even inadvertently "make trouble for the owner", so that people will naturally have the idea of "want to throw away" on it.

The more you raise, the more you want to throw away the 5 kinds of cats, the reason is very real, don't raise them easily

Second, the Sphynx cat

The more you raise, the more you want to throw away the 5 kinds of cats, the reason is very real, don't raise them easily

Compared to the British short cat, the appearance of the Sphynx cat is much more "different", its smooth skin and large ears are almost like "alien cats on earth". However, compared to its special appearance, the "inner world" of the Sphynx cat is what makes people "love and hate".

The more you raise, the more you want to throw away the 5 kinds of cats, the reason is very real, don't raise them easily

The biggest difference between the Sphynx cat and other cats is that it "does not shed hair", which also makes many people who are "afraid of cat hair" have a soft spot for it. However, although the Sphynx cat does not shed hair, it is very easy to produce oil, especially in summer, it is simply "ashore in the oil field", and the owner needs to scrub its body frequently, which is indeed a big test for many people.

The more you raise, the more you want to throw away the 5 kinds of cats, the reason is very real, don't raise them easily

In addition, the gastrointestinal system of the Sphynx cat is relatively fragile, and there is often diarrhea, and the care requirements for the owner are also relatively high, and it requires a certain amount of experience and professional knowledge in raising cats, which also brings trouble to many people, making it a "throw away cat".

The more you raise, the more you want to throw away the 5 kinds of cats, the reason is very real, don't raise them easily

3. Tanuki cat

Tanuki cats, as a very popular breed of domestic cats, are naturally the "favorites" of many cat lovers. However, the personality of the raccoon cat is very "distinct", and they have a unique "cat attitude", which also makes the more they raise, the more they feel "tired".

The more you raise, the more you want to throw away the 5 kinds of cats, the reason is very real, don't raise them easily

Tanuki cats are very independent and stubborn, they especially like to "have a fight" with other cats, often have conflicts with other cats, and even "open and dark fighting", which brings a certain amount of trouble to the owner, but also makes people a little helpless about its "dry fighting spirit".

In addition, the energy of tanuki cats is also very strong, they need a lot of activities and entertainment, if they are not satisfied for a long time, they will "make trouble" and make people uncontrollable, which is indeed a big challenge for busy office workers.

Fourth, the beautiful short cat

The American short cat, as the name suggests, is a "delicate and cute" short-haired cat breed, its arrival has undoubtedly brought a fresh wind to the "cat circle", and has been loved by more and more people. However, under the "cute appearance" of the beautiful short cat, there are hidden "internal factors" that make people "headaches".

There are relatively many genetic diseases in American short cats, they are more likely to suffer from some common feline diseases, and the health observation and care requirements of the owner are also relatively high.

In addition, there is also a "king of destruction" factor in the nature of the American short cat, they are very fond of scratching things, especially the furniture and carpets at home, which makes many owners "cry and laugh", and also makes the American short cat a "throw away cat".

Fifth, folded ears cat

Folded ears cats, as a very unique breed of cats, are naturally loved by people, and their "folded ears" appearance is simply "cute". However, the "cuteness" of the folded ear cat cannot hide the "flaws" on its body, which is why it has become a "throwaway cat".

Folded ears are a "high-risk" cat breed, they carry some genetic diseases, especially those related to folded ears genes, which bring certain risks to owners and make people unhappy about its health.

In addition, the life span of a folded ear cat is relatively short, generally only about 10 years, which is undoubtedly a "bolt from the blue" for many "cat slaves", who can bear to raise a cat, but know that its parting day may be very early?


Through the above introduction, I believe that everyone has a deeper understanding of these 5 kinds of "throwing away cats", and the reason why they will be "raised by people to throw away" is mainly because of their "defects" and "particularities". Of course, each cat has its own unique place, but also has its own unique "pet group", when choosing to raise cats, I hope you can treat it rationally, fully understand the characteristics of various cat breeds, choose a cat that suits you, give them enough care and companionship, and also hope that more people can establish the correct concept of raising cats, do not "impulsively" take back a cat, raising cats is a matter that requires "careful" and "patience", I hope every cute cat can be treated with the best.