
The yellow of the head of the crayfish, is it shrimp yellow or shrimp poop? After eating it for so many years, I finally understood

author:Ekan Sports


This paper introduces the rise of the crayfish industry in the big country of the East and the issues that need to be paid attention to when enjoying crayfish. Among them, the variety of flavors and popularity of crayfish make it a favorite of many people, and when enjoying crayfish, one should be careful not to eat parts such as shrimp heads at will. If you want to know more about the development of the crayfish industry and healthy eating habits, read on!

The yellow of the head of the crayfish, is it shrimp yellow or shrimp poop? After eating it for so many years, I finally understood

The crayfish industry in the big country of the East

The yellow of the head of the crayfish, is it shrimp yellow or shrimp poop? After eating it for so many years, I finally understood

Crayfish is currently a very popular delicacy in the big eastern countries, its delicious taste and a variety of ways to eat make it a favorite of many foodies, and many places have crayfish night markets, but also for this food to create a very good consumption environment.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why this kind of industry that has only risen in the big countries in the East has not been long in the world, and it has been able to develop to this extent today, according to incomplete statistics, the current market size of the crayfish industry in the big countries in the East has exceeded 100 billion.

The yellow of the head of the crayfish, is it shrimp yellow or shrimp poop? After eating it for so many years, I finally understood

Such a huge market scale will naturally attract the attention of many investors and entrepreneurs, and many people are involved in it, but the fierceness of market competition is also self-evident.

Many traditional crayfish brands have been suppressed by Internet celebrity brands created by various capitals in the current market, but some brands that were not eye-catching have finally become winners with their distinctive characteristics.

The crayfish industry in the big country of the East is now so hot, but also thanks to the strong support and promotion of the night market by local authorities in recent years.

In addition, crayfish is used as a night market food, which is suitable for eating with friends, which makes it the best choice for young people to go out for dinner.

The reason why crayfish has become the current food is largely due to its own unique spicy taste and texture.

In addition to the spicy flavor, crayfish has many other flavors, such as salty flavor, garlic flavor, etc., it can be said that almost everyone who likes crayfish can find their favorite flavor in it.

So it's not hard to understand why crayfish is a food that has developed to this extent now, but despite this, there are still some issues that need to be paid attention to when enjoying crayfish.

The yellow of the head of the crayfish, is it shrimp yellow or shrimp poop? After eating it for so many years, I finally understood

What to look out for when enjoying crayfish

Many people stuff the whole crayfish directly into their mouths and chew and swallow it when they eat crayfish, and even the obvious "big head" of the shrimp head is eaten together.

But if you still eat this way, it means that you still know too little about crayfish, although crayfish is indeed delicious, but if you want to eat happily, you must ensure that you are healthy.

Let's start by talking about which parts of the crayfish are safe to eat.

The most common part of crayfish is, of course, meat, which is rich and delicious, and is a part that everyone likes to eat.

In addition, the meat of the crawling leg parts can also be eaten safely, and this part of the meat is usually processed into products such as fish tofu.

And the "paste-like" substance in the yellow part of the inside of the crawling leg cannot be eaten casually.

Let's talk about the shrimp head that is beautiful in color and attractive to look at, but it's actually best not to eat it.

The yellow of the head of the crayfish, is it shrimp yellow or shrimp poop? After eating it for so many years, I finally understood

Shrimp heads that are not recommended to be eaten

Many people eat the shrimp heads together when they eat crayfish, and even many people feel that it is a pity not to eat them.

But as everyone knows, this "big guy" contains some substances that are not good for health, and it is not a good thing.

The inside of the shrimp head, which is beautiful in color and looks attractive, but in fact it is best not to eat the yellow part of the shrimp head is the liver and pancreas.

Both are responsible for metabolizing waste products and producing digestive juices, respectively, and excreting harmful substances during metabolism and digestion. And it is precisely because of the function of these two organs that heavy metals and toxic substances are easily accumulated during growth.

According to experts, crayfish liver and pancreas are rich in heavy metals such as chromium and nickel, cadmium, etc., and will further pollute the water body and ecological environment due to the living environment and other reasons.

And because crayfish are used as a "water filter", the content of heavy metals and other harmful substances in their bodies will be much higher than that of the water itself.

What's more, the crayfish aquaculture industry is booming, and large-scale aquaculture is easy to cause pollution and eutrophication of the water body, which further increases the content of harmful substances in crayfish.

So for the sake of your own health and that of your family, don't just swallow that "big guy" when enjoying crayfish.

When it comes to health, there are many things to pay attention to when it comes to diet.

Healthy eating habits

In fact, more and more people are beginning to pay attention to healthy eating habits, and many people hope that they can live a long and lively life.

However, many people have some misunderstandings about healthy eating habits, thinking that as long as they don't eat snacks, they can do it.

In fact, healthy eating habits are not as simple as eating fewer snacks, but should take into account all aspects such as cooking methods, nutritional matching, and tableware cleaning.

To maintain a healthy diet, pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables, and do not consume too much salt and oil.

At present, many people like to eat takeaway, which usually contains more salt and oil, and is easy to spoil due to its long storage time.

If you consume too much salt and oil for a long time, it is easy to cause chronic diseases such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, and metabolic diseases such as obesity and gout.

And now the use of takeaway packaging is too large, resulting in more and more prominent garbage disposal problems, which affects environmental hygiene and our own health.

The yellow of the head of the crayfish, is it shrimp yellow or shrimp poop? After eating it for so many years, I finally understood


Crayfish, as a delicacy, is indeed mouth-watering. But when eating, we should also pay attention to protecting our own health and avoid possible health hazards from eating shrimp heads and other parts. Develop healthy eating habits, mix meat and vegetables, and control salt and fat intake to truly live a long and healthy life. Everyone should also pay attention to their health while enjoying food! If you agree, remember to like it, leave a message, comment and share!

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