
Distressed! Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away after fainting during the game at the age of 17

author:Popular science explorer
Distressed! Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away after fainting during the game at the age of 17

Text: Science Explorer

Editor|Popular Science Explorer

On July 1, 2024, sad news spread across the sports world: 17-year-old Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted while competing in Indonesia, and eventually passed away.

Distressed! Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away after fainting during the game at the age of 17

The news shocked and saddened many. Let's find out how this happened.

It happened at the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships. It is an important junior badminton tournament that attracts young players from all over Asia. Zhang Zhijie, a member of the Chinese team, is playing a group stage against the players of the Japanese team.

The game was tightly contested and the two sides fought to an 11-all draw. That's when the unexpected happened. When the Japanese player was about to serve, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground. Everyone at the scene was frightened by this sudden scene. He was seen convulsing after he collapsed and his condition looked serious.

Distressed! Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away after fainting during the game at the age of 17

The medical team at the scene was quick to get into action. From the time Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground to the time when the medical personnel entered the scene, about 30 seconds passed. After another 30 seconds or so, a stretcher entered the field and carried Zhang Zhijie out. Officials later said that Mr. Zhang "was taken to the on-call ambulance and transported to the hospital in less than two minutes."

Despite everyone's best efforts, Zhang Zhijie's life could not be saved in the end. According to a statement from the Asian Badminton Federation and the Indonesian Badminton Association, Zhang Zhijie passed away in the hospital at 11:20 p.m. local time on June 30.

After this news came out, the entire badminton community felt very sad. Although Zhang Zhijie is young, he is already a promising player.

Distressed! Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away after fainting during the game at the age of 17

Zhang Zhijie was born in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province in 2007 and has been involved in badminton since he was a child. He has been learning the sport since kindergarten and has been on the Zhejiang provincial team since he was in the third grade of primary school. In 2023, he even entered the national youth team, which is a great achievement for a young player.

In his short career, Zhang Zhijie has achieved a lot. In 2022, he won the men's singles title in the 15-year-old group of the U15-17 finals of the national U series badminton competition. In 2023, he won the men's singles championship and the men's team championship in Group B of the National Youth Badminton Championships. In 2024, he won the men's singles championship at the Dutch Youth Badminton International Championships and also won the men's team championship in Group B of the National Youth Badminton Championships. These results show his potential in the field of badminton.

Distressed! Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away after fainting during the game at the age of 17

What makes people feel even more regrettable is that before this competition, Zhang Zhijie also accepted an interview. He behaved very energetically and full of fighting spirit in the interview. He said that he had to try to catch up with other masters and prove himself through his results.

He also mentioned: "Last year's defeat made me reflect a lot and see my impatient and immature side." He said that he has become more mentally calm by communicating with his coach. These words make people feel his love for badminton and his expectations for the future.

Distressed! Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away after fainting during the game at the age of 17

After this tragedy, many fans had questions about the rescue situation at the scene. Judging from the footage at the scene, it seems that the medical team did not use an AED (external defibrillator) or perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) during the period between Zhang Zhijie's fall to the ground and being carried away. This has caused some concerns.

A professional doctor told reporters that according to the current public situation, there may be a problem of first aid being delayed. "Cardiac arrest is considered first and foremost in non-contact syncope and falling, especially in high-intensity professional competitions, CPR should be taken even if the AED does not intervene in the first place," the doctor said.

Distressed! Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away after fainting during the game at the age of 17

The doctor also mentioned whether the necessary first aid measures were taken during the transfer to the hospital, which has not yet been released. He stressed that a series of life-saving measures, such as immediate external defibrillation, are also needed in ambulances.

At present, the specific reason for Zhang Zhijie's death has not been officially announced. Everyone is waiting for further news. Whatever the reason, the departure of a 17-year-old is a huge blow to his family, teammates, coaches, and the entire Chinese badminton community.

Distressed! Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away after fainting during the game at the age of 17

The Asian Badminton Federation, the Indonesian Badminton Association and the Organizing Committee of the competition all expressed their deep sorrow and expressed their deepest condolences to Zhang Zhijie's parents, family and the Chinese Badminton Association. In their statement, they said: "The world of badminton has lost a talented player."

For Zhang Zhijie's family, this is undoubtedly an unbearable blow. The pain of losing a young life, the loss of a hopeful son, is unimaginable.

For the Chinese badminton community, Zhang Zhijie's departure is also a huge loss. He could have become a future badminton star and bring glory to Chinese badminton.

Distressed! Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away after fainting during the game at the age of 17

But now, we can only miss him and remember his short but wonderful badminton career.

We will remember Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old player from Jiaxing, Zhejiang, his heroic appearance on the court, and his love and pursuit of badminton.

Although his life ended too early, his mark on the world of badminton will live on forever.

Zhang Zhijie's passing is a sad event, and it reminds us of the fragility of life. We hope that his family will be able to get through this difficult time.

Distressed! Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away after fainting during the game at the age of 17

Zhang Zhijie, may you rest in peace. Your story, your dreams, and your love for badminton will remain in our memories forever.

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