
Is the solar system falling towards the black hole at the center of the Milky Way? Has the exact time of the fall been calculated?

author:Meiling Layman


On April 1, 2020, ESA's Galileo satellite detected a strange phenomenon around the black hole at the center of the Milky Way: a boulder falls, and the black hole transforms wildly......

And at this moment, 30 years have passed since the terrible war 30 years ago.

Is the solar system falling towards the black hole at the center of the Milky Way? Has the exact time of the fall been calculated?

With the start of the "Ascension" plan, which has been "silent" for countless years, I don't know if all this is a coincidence or inevitable.

I don't know if this is really just human speculation, or if there are really human beings who have "betrayed" the "right path......

The "ominous" premonition of 30 years ago.

30 years before the age of technology.

Contemporary young people may not know that in the "ominous" premonition 30 years ago, most of the human beings on the earth were afraid.

At that time, humans did not know that they had inadvertently moved a boulder, and after repeated calculations, it was possible that the time when the boulder fell was 30 years later.

Is the solar system falling towards the black hole at the center of the Milky Way? Has the exact time of the fall been calculated?

The exact time is April 1, 2020 A.D.

What impact the fall of this boulder will have on the solar system is unknown, and nothing can be done.

At a time when people were completely desperate about this question, people seemed to suddenly think of the "gods" that human beings once believed in, and religious beliefs began to flourish.

Is the solar system falling towards the black hole at the center of the Milky Way? Has the exact time of the fall been calculated?

In 1989, human beings landed on the meteorite and analyzed a high-quality quartz sand for zinc alchemy from the meteorite.

This meteorite actually flew from the sky.

Since then, humanity has developed great confidence in the existence of aliens.

And according to the chemical composition of the meteorite, humans began to look outward for the alien spacecraft that moved the meteorite.

Is the solar system falling towards the black hole at the center of the Milky Way? Has the exact time of the fall been calculated?

In the face of technology, human beings always have incredible imagination.

With the rapid development of human science and technology, with the birth of a "magical" new detector, human beings are gradually "approaching" this alien spacecraft.

And again, this alien spacecraft should have stalled in 30 years, stuck in the depths of the Milky Way.

In the expectation of human beings, human beings have become more and more aware of alien spacecraft, and human beings have guessed the appearance of the owner of alien spacecraft through various means.

Is the solar system falling towards the black hole at the center of the Milky Way? Has the exact time of the fall been calculated?

Although humans do not know what the aliens did with this meteorite,

But after guessing, humans came up with an accurate time, and the meteorite flew at least 100,000 years before it fell to the ground, and this is the shortest time that humans have calculated, that is, 30 years later.

Is the solar system falling towards the black hole at the center of the Milky Way? Has the exact time of the fall been calculated?

A "catastrophe" for the planet.

Human scientists were amazed after the Galileo satellite detected the news of the fall of boulders around the black hole at the center of the Milky Way.

Because the "Galileo" satellite is a "prophet" satellite for mankind, and human beings are the place where the "boulder" fell through it.

Is the solar system falling towards the black hole at the center of the Milky Way? Has the exact time of the fall been calculated?

It was through the data of "Galileo" that the "boulder" around the galactic black hole was discovered, and the "time" of the boulder's fall should be called "falling" to be exact.

In the Milky Way, the external attraction of black holes is very powerful, it can swallow everything, even light, and we can see black holes 1 billion light-years away.

A black hole can devour everything, but when a boulder or other celestial body quickly falls into the black hole, and sends a ray of light to the black hole, this ray of light can slip out of the black hole, and there is a maximum speed, this speed is the speed of light, and the light of the black hole must not run fast, so the moment the boulder falls into it, it must be glowing.

Is the solar system falling towards the black hole at the center of the Milky Way? Has the exact time of the fall been calculated?

But where did the "predicted" time of the fall of this boulder come from?

Thirty years ago, humans carried out a round of comprehensive exploration of cosmic black holes through a new type of detector.

The new detector is able to "capture" the cosmic black hole's devouring of alien objects in real time, and determine the "position" of the black hole through these "directions".

As a result, the location of the black hole can be "captured" by a probe, which conducts a large-scale cosmic exploration every 500 years.

And after detecting all the directions of the black hole, a ranking of the left and right positions of the black hole in the universe will be performed.

Is the solar system falling towards the black hole at the center of the Milky Way? Has the exact time of the fall been calculated?

When the detector takes out the "ranking", humans begin to perform mathematical calculations on these "raw data" one by one.

And one of these data is this: near the 9th place of the galactic black hole, the "direction" of the black hole actually shows a "decrease speed relative to the direction of the galactic center".

After research, human beings have found that when the speed of the black hole decreases, it should be the process of an alien object falling into the black hole quickly.

Is the solar system falling towards the black hole at the center of the Milky Way? Has the exact time of the fall been calculated?

The two celestial bodies must have a "connection" to reduce the speed of the black hole, so humans can infer the orbital speed of the alien object through the connection of the two celestial bodies, regardless of whether the celestial body revolves around the black hole or the black hole rotates on its own.

Based on the difference in velocity between the two celestial bodies, the mass of the black hole, and the connection distance of the two celestial bodies, the time calculated by humans is exactly 30 years later.

Is the solar system falling towards the black hole at the center of the Milky Way? Has the exact time of the fall been calculated?

After the mission of "Galileo" is completed, it is supposed to rush out of the galaxy to the outside, therefore, the motherland of space is also the confidant of "Galileo", and the motherland of space values the mission of "Galileo" in this way.

After months of "Galileo", he finally rushed out of the Milky Way, ready to run to a neighboring galaxy for further exploration, and Sien's "Galileo" not only handled the "fall" of the "boulder".

Is the solar system falling towards the black hole at the center of the Milky Way? Has the exact time of the fall been calculated?

It also made the human beings on the earth full of "faith" in "Galileo", and when "Galileo" rushed out of the center of the galaxy, he asked the "God of the Universe" to turn on a small lamp for "Galileo" to illuminate its path.

"Galileo's" confidant space is also full of trust in "Galileo", opening a door to "Galileo" to reach the earth, a week in advance of the "Galileo" return information to tell space scientists, so that human beings are fully prepared to meet "Galileo", although human beings can not prevent the fall of the boulder, but human beings believe that "Galileo" will bring some miracles to mankind.

"Monoliths" on Earth.

The "Galileo" satellite detected boulders, which means that there are giant-level humans in the galactic black hole, because the design of "Galileo" is still designed by humans after all, and it cannot customize the detection of galaxies without human commands.

Is the solar system falling towards the black hole at the center of the Milky Way? Has the exact time of the fall been calculated?

"Galileo" cannot correct the path of the galactic black hole, what it can do is to accurately detect the "path" of galaxies, and through this path, human beings can reverse the path of the galactic black hole through "research".

The owner of this alien object once turned off the detection of "Galileo", and humans can only guess the change of "path" based on the changes in the data.

The owner of this alien object is also lifeless, and humans even suspect that the owner of the alien spacecraft is a virus.

But this suspicion of human beings is only similar to a joke between children, and humans are more convinced that the owner of the alien spaceship is an advanced intelligent life.

Is the solar system falling towards the black hole at the center of the Milky Way? Has the exact time of the fall been calculated?


On that day, 30 years later, people could not do anything about the boulder falling on the earth, but human beings did not give up, and with the assistance of "Galileo", human beings used astronomical telescopes to film the process of the boulder falling.

Although this scene happened 3 billion light-years away, people still received the picture of the falling boulder for the first time, because the speed of light of the black hole is much smaller than the speed of light of "Galileo", so the picture level is unusually clear.

Is the solar system falling towards the black hole at the center of the Milky Way? Has the exact time of the fall been calculated?

On that day, nothing happened, and the Earth did not announce any news of the "megalith" to the outside world.

Human beings will not know the news of the boulder in the galactic black hole, 30 years later, the life of the outer celestial body, an asteroid, was swallowed by the galactic black hole, resulting in the expansion of the radius of the black hole by 4 times, the gravitational force of the black hole to the outside becomes larger, a passing planet was unfortunately sucked into the black hole, the creation of this planet is the immortal power of the ascending people, because of the inability to ascend, try to find a way to take revenge, let human beings suffer.

The war cost both forces most of their personnel.

Is the solar system falling towards the black hole at the center of the Milky Way? Has the exact time of the fall been calculated?

Thirty years have passed, and since humans have not broken in again, the boulders of the galactic black hole have quietly revolved around it, but no one has been able to stop the "metamorphosis" of the galactic black hole.

The owner of this alien celestial body does not have a "virus", and the owner of the virus has no life, the owner of this alien celestial body is human beings, they are also human beings, and the stars in the sky have no immortals, and the stars in the sky are gold, and only human efforts can shine.

Is the solar system falling towards the black hole at the center of the Milky Way? Has the exact time of the fall been calculated?