
It's outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! Too many outrageous things!

author:Heaven and earth


Hey friends, have you heard?

The legendary "Super Channel", the Shenzhong Channel, has finally been unveiled and officially opened to traffic!

Doesn't it seem a little incredible, like a plot in a science fiction movie that suddenly becomes reality?

Don't worry, let's explore this miracle across the Lingding Ocean and see how it excites people in both places!

It's outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! Too many outrageous things!

A giant dragon with a total length of about 24 kilometers lies leisurely on the blue waves, with the bustling Shenzhen and the tranquil Zhongshan at the two ends.

This is not an ordinary road, it is a bridge, an island, a tunnel, and the mysterious underwater interconnection, it is simply a modern version of the "Dragon Palace"!

This project is so complicated that it seems to be the last level of the puzzle game, but our Chinese infrastructure gods have turned it into a reality, which makes people have to admire, this strength is leveraged!

It's outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! Too many outrageous things!

Back in the day, when I embarked on a journey from the bustling city of Shenzhen to the beautiful Zhongshan, I inevitably had to spend two hours in the carriage on the way, during which time a book may have turned a few chapters and a song was played on a loop several times.

Now, that's a thing of the past, and thanks to the rapid development of modern transportation, you can take a break from the hustle and bustle of one city to another in half an hour, faster than half a movie, and start enjoying a completely different culinary extravaganza.

It's outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! Too many outrageous things!

This kind of instantaneous speed not only greatly shortens the physical distance between the two cities, but also makes people feel as close as neighbors psychologically, and the sense of distance that used to be unattainable has now quietly dissipated.

Of course, this convenience doesn't come without a cost.

It's outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! Too many outrageous things!

Taking the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge as an example, starting from the East Artificial Island, crossing the magnificence of the Lingding Ocean, and arriving at the West Artificial Island, you need to pay a "toll" of 37 yuan at the beginning of this dream journey; Then gallop along the bridge from the West Artificial Island to Wanqingsha, where the beautiful scenery awaits you to explore, and the ticket price for this journey is 23 yuan; Eventually, when you decide to move on, you can easily pay 6 yuan for the section leading to Hengmen.

It's outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! Too many outrageous things!

When you think about it, these expenses may seem like a little bit of accumulation, but they are undoubtedly worth the money compared to the precious time.

After all, in this fast-paced era, "time is money" has long been an indisputable fact, and why not be able to exchange a small amount of money for a lot of free time?

Such a transaction is undoubtedly a good deal for modern people who pursue efficiency and quality of life.

It's outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! Too many outrageous things!

But not long after the opening of the car, something strange happened.

You know what? Someone actually drank afternoon tea leisurely on the highway, wearing a suit and leather shoes, wearing sunglasses, sitting on a folding chair, and a small coffee table next to it.

And that's not all, there are three "athletes" running near the exit of the tunnel, red, yellow and blue vests, in a moving rainbow show.

It's outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! Too many outrageous things!

Although this picture is colorful, the danger factor is also soaring!

Honestly, these behaviors are really sweaty.

You said that there is a lot of traffic on the highway, and if you are not careful, something big may happen, but someone doesn't take it seriously.

There are also those who stop to take pictures, you are taking pictures of the scenery, and others are taking pictures of your "heroic posture" of violating the rules.

It's outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! Too many outrageous things!

For example, the young man who drove the Xiaomi car, the blue car was parked in the emergency lane, but people didn't know where to run, netizens took a look, and they all Aite Shenzhen traffic police, this is good, a fine of 200, 9 points will be deducted, the gains outweigh the losses!

In the face of those stunned "funny" phenomena, we really have to find a time, make a pot of good tea, and have a good break.

It's outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! Too many outrageous things!

Speaking of which, if the string of safety is loosened, the rules will become ethereal clouds in the heart, and in the final analysis, this is a subtle deviation in mentality.

Imagine that the rules are not here to shackle our freedom, it is more like the patron saint of each of us, silently ensuring that everyone can drive safely on their respective tracks, without crossing the line and not colliding.

It's outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! Too many outrageous things!

Think about it, if everyone played according to their own little universe, wouldn't the highway instantly transform into a grand, unrehearsed outdoor adventure festival?

The traffic is interspersed with "acrobatic performances", and the navigation voice may be upgraded to: "High energy ahead, please note that there are vehicles exploring non-traditional routes, please stabilize your mind and maintain your formation." ”

It's outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! Too many outrageous things!

So, dear friends, whether you are a novice driver or an old driver, when you go out of the house, our motto should be: "Safety first, civilization first." ”

Don't let the momentary impulse, such as wanting to test the vehicle's 'flight mode', turn into the lingering regret of "how did I do that..." in later memories.

It's outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! Too many outrageous things!

After all, we still hope that this trip is smooth, less thrilling, more warm and beautiful, don't you say?

Speaking of the deep passage, this guy is really more than just a simple aisle.

It's the kind of magical bridge that allows you to jump from Shenzhen to Zhongshan in the blink of an eye, as if the little geographical gap between the two places has been erased by magic.

It's outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! Too many outrageous things!

But the magic of this bridge, oops, is much more powerful than teleportation, it is directly between Shenzhen's innovative wisdom and Zhongshan's industrial foundation, erecting a rainbow bridge of "idea realization".

In this way, the development of the Pearl River Delta is like drinking a super energy drink, swishing forward, and the speed of integration and development is almost heavenly!

It's outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! Too many outrageous things!

This is not only the story of a road, but also a live broadcast of China's infrastructure superpower, announcing to the world: we can not only build roads and bridges, but also build beautiful and efficient, and we are simply star players in the "manufacturing" industry!

The Shenzhong Passage is like a love letter to the future, indicating that more incredible excitement is about to be staged.

It's outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! Too many outrageous things!

In the days to come, it will not only be a runway for transportation, but also a catalyst for regional cooperation, a propeller for industrial upgrading, and an acceleration belt for social progress.

It will witness the launch of countless dreams, promote the beautiful talk of cross-city cooperation, accelerate the heartbeat of the entire region, and jointly write a new chapter of the times.

It's outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! Too many outrageous things!


All in all, the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is a symbol of scientific and technological progress, a milestone in regional integration, and a real convenience in each of our lives.

Let's take a beautiful vision for the future, and at the same time bring that respect for the rules, and write a wonderful chapter of our own on this super channel!

Remember, drive safely and travel in a civilized manner to make every trip a good memory.