
In the first half of 2024, the five actors who "became popular overnight", 2 of them worked hard, and 2 of them successfully washed their hands

author:Dragon fruit fun facts

As the year-end summary of the entertainment industry in the first half of the year, 5 actors experienced the magical moment of "becoming popular overnight". They are Fu Xinbo, Huo Jianhua, Liu Duanduan, Wang Yiyao and Gao Haining. The stories of these 5 actors reflect that only when actors have a solid foundation of acting skills can they break out of the encirclement in this industry and gain the recognition of the audience and the success of their careers.

Fu Xinbo was scolded by netizens as a "scumbag" because of some "weird" remarks by his wife Yinger in the variety show. Until this year's hit "Celebrating More Than Years 2", Fu Xinbo's outstanding performance was well received, and netizens picked up all kinds of "criminal evidence" of the year to re-examine, and finally gave him justice. It turns out that the reason why she is scolded as a "scumbag" is entirely because of Yinger's poor expression skills, and her words and actions often make people misunderstand.

In the first half of 2024, the five actors who "became popular overnight", 2 of them worked hard, and 2 of them successfully washed their hands

Similar to Fu Xinbo's experience, Huo Jianhua was also treated unfairly in the costume drama "The Legend of Ruyi". Due to the deliberate isolation of the crew, his carefully prepared characters and lines often need to be changed on the fly, and his carefully studied interpretation is in vain. It wasn't until he starred in the TV series "The Story of Rose" this year that he completely washed away the negative image of "Slag Dragon" with his superb acting skills.

In contrast, Liu Duanduan, who was born in an acting family, has always been low-key and down-to-earth. worked all the way from the drama stage to the film and television industry, and it was not until he played the second prince in "Celebrating More Than Years" that he got the opportunity to become popular. , an old actor who will enter his 40s, not only has excellent acting skills, but also excellent singing skills, and can be called an all-round artist.

Like Liu Duanduan, Wang Yiyao started as a small supporting role, and has also played important roles in many film and television dramas, but it is always difficult for the audience to remember. It wasn't until last year that she starred in the costume drama "Walking with the Phoenix" as the "Golden Lady", and her enchanting and charming performance made the whole network praise wildly, and she finally broke through the bottleneck on the road of her career.

In the first half of 2024, the five actors who "became popular overnight", 2 of them worked hard, and 2 of them successfully washed their hands

Unlike everyone else, Gao Haining could only play negative roles such as junior and mistress because of his body at first. Although there was a small explosion in "Thirty Only", the highest honor of his career was to wait until he starred in the TV series "Infinite Transcendence Class" this year. Her exemplary performance in the show won high praise from Wu Zhenyu, Hao Lei and other seniors, and also made her popular on the Internet, and countless fans called crazy for her acting skills.

It can be seen from the stories of these 5 actors that it is not easy to achieve real success in the entertainment industry. Fu Xinbo, Huo Jianhua and others have all suffered unfair treatment and misunderstanding, and Wang Yiyao and Gao Haining have also been underestimated and discriminated against. But it is precisely because they insist on speaking with their acting skills and convincing the audience with their works that they finally broke through many obstacles and obtained the peak moment of their careers. This will undoubtedly be an example and a source of strength for those who come after you.

In the first half of 2024, the five actors who "became popular overnight", 2 of them worked hard, and 2 of them successfully washed their hands

For these actors, the overnight popularity is not accidental, but after years of precipitation and accumulation. Fu Xinbo has shown outstanding acting skills since his debut, and has made breakthroughs in dramas such as "Thirty Only"; Huo Jianhua has grown from a Wuxi boy to a powerful actor, and his extreme study of the script and his comprehension of the role have long been an open secret in the industry; Liu Duanduan was born in a family, and he has been immersed in the artistic atmosphere since he was a child, and it is no accident that his skills are profound; Wang Yiyao transformed from a model to the film and television industry, with outstanding temperament and diligence and studiousness, and finally waited for the moment of fire; Gao Haining has always been considered a vase, but she broke the stereotyped impression with extreme concentration.

It can be said that the overnight popularity of these stars is the best affirmation of years of hard work. In the temple of art, only innate talent and hard work can achieve ultimate success. Just like the popular little flower Yang Yuying said in an interview: "What I admire most is these old drama bones, they have watered the blooming flowers with their life's hard work, which is worthy of everyone's learning and admiration." "

In the first half of 2024, the five actors who "became popular overnight", 2 of them worked hard, and 2 of them successfully washed their hands

Fans' idol worship stems largely from their awe of the artist's persistent pursuit of artistic ideals. The success of a work certainly requires the overall planning of the director and the operational ability of the producer, but the participation of actors is crucial. An excellent actor can make ordinary characters vivid and three-dimensional; A martial artist can make the audience's adrenaline soar across the board; An artist can always find the tremor of the soul in his performances.

Therefore, the current success is the greatest recognition of years of hard work for these actors. They have experienced the arduous process of being questioned, misunderstood, and underestimated, but in the end, they broke through many obstacles with their solid acting skills, and this persistent persistence is the embodiment of the profession of actors.

However, this kind of persistent mentality cannot be cultivated overnight. From Liu Duanduan's beginning to receive drama training, to Fu Xinbo's humble acceptance of others' suggestions when he entered the industry, to Gao Haining's all-out efforts when he was assigned a small role, we can see an almost pious attitude towards the career of these stars. This dedication to art allowed them to finally overcome the doubts and ridicule of the outside world, and persuaded everyone with their works.

In the first half of 2024, the five actors who "became popular overnight", 2 of them worked hard, and 2 of them successfully washed their hands

Every actor is full of dedication to their careers and the pursuit of their dreams, and now these actors have tasted the sweetness of career success, and they will further strengthen their adherence to their dreams. I believe that in the near future, we will also see them on the screen and on the stage, using their acting skills to continue to write wonderful.

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