
How did Wu Zetian become a generation of empresses? Experts revealed: the key is her mother's marriage age!

author:Wang Xianzhi
How did Wu Zetian become a generation of empresses? Experts revealed: the key is her mother's marriage age!

In Chinese history, Wu Zetian's name is well known, she is the only female emperor in history, and her extraordinary political talents and unique life experience are still talked about by countless historians and cultural interpreters. However, you may not know that Wu Zetian can have such an achievement, and there is an extremely important figure behind it, that is, her mother Yang Peony.

The name Yang Peony may not be so dazzling in the long river of history, but her influence cannot be ignored. Yang Peony came from a prominent family, her father was also a general of Wuwei and a doctor of Zuo Guanglu during the Sui Dynasty, and this family background provided Yang Peony with a superior education and growth environment. She is not only knowledgeable, but also proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, which can be described as a typical ancient talented woman.

More importantly, Yang Peony's marriage attitude and educational concept have had a profound impact on Wu Zetian's growth. At a time when women were seen as accessories, Yang Peony dared to challenge convention, and she did not marry until she was in her forties, which was definitely an anomaly at the time. Her independent spirit undoubtedly gave Wu Zetian great inspiration.

How did Wu Zetian become a generation of empresses? Experts revealed: the key is her mother's marriage age!

Yang Peony is not satisfied with just a noble-born woman, she plays an important role behind the scenes through her wisdom and means. She knows that in a society where men are inferior to women, women must have extraordinary intelligence and strong will in order to gain a place. Therefore, she deeply implanted her understanding of politics and life in the heart of her daughter Wu Zetian.

Since childhood, Wu Zetian has been exposed to a wealth of cultural and political knowledge under the influence of his mother. Unlike other women of the same era, Wu Zetian's childhood was not simply playing and learning about female celebrities, but was exposed to poetry and poetry and historical classics. Her intelligence and knowledge are largely due to Yang Peony's education.

And Wu Zetian's political ambition and independent character were also gradually formed under the influence of his mother. She learned from Yang Peony how to find herself and a foothold in the complex court and patriarchal society. This is not only the inheritance of wisdom, but also the awakening of women's self-consciousness.

Wu Zetian's respect and gratitude for her mother is reflected in her various commemorations and respect for her mother after she became the emperor. She knows that without Yang Peony's wisdom and tenacity, she would not be where she is today. Many of the policies promoted by Wu Zetian during his reign regarding the advancement of women can also be seen as a tribute to mothers.

How did Wu Zetian become a generation of empresses? Experts revealed: the key is her mother's marriage age!

Yang Peony's wisdom and courage paved the way to the pinnacle of power for Wu Zetian. It can be said that without such an outstanding mother as Yang Peony, Wu Zetian's story might be completely different. In the long river of history, although Yang Peony is not the protagonist, her influence on her daughter is decisive.

We often say, "dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes", in Wu Zetian, we see how a woman can transcend the limitations of the times and create her own brilliance under the influence of her mother. And it all started with the extraordinary education and unique insights of her great mother, Yang Peony.

In the process of analyzing how Wu Zetian became a generation of empresses, we have to mention the profound influence of her mother Yang Peony on her. Yang Peony not only imparted Wu Zetian's wealth of knowledge and profound political insights, but more importantly, she showed her daughter through her own actions an example of women's independence and wisdom.

Wu Zetian's political career, from an ordinary palace maid to the final ascension to the throne, all seems to be the result of personal struggle, but the influence of Yang Peony is deeply imprinted behind it. Wu Zetian, who was influenced by his mother since he was a child, has a unique strategy and extraordinary courage, which are important assets to gain a foothold in the complex political struggle of the palace.

How did Wu Zetian become a generation of empresses? Experts revealed: the key is her mother's marriage age!

In fact, Wu Zetian's success is inseparable from her unique personality and way of dealing with problems formed under her mother's teachings. What Yang Peony planted in her daughter's heart is not only the seed of knowledge, but also the spark of the soul of independence and self-esteem. This kind of deep psychological construction enabled Wu Zetian to break the shackles of tradition and embark on an extraordinary path with his own strength and wisdom in his later political career.

We can see from Wu Zetian's policies and actions that she vigorously promoted the status of women in society during her reign, and behind these policies was undoubtedly influenced by her mother. Yang Peony's outlook on life and values have been reflected and continued in Wu Zetian's concept of governance. For example, Wu Zetian promoted many female officials, which was extremely rare at the time, and this behavior demonstrated her inheritance of her mother's notions of equality and justice.

Furthermore, Wu Zetian's decisiveness and wisdom in dealing with national affairs also reflect the influence of her education since she was a child. Her ability to thrive in a male-dominated political environment owes much to Yang's early education. Yang Peony not only taught Wu Zetian knowledge and skills, but more importantly, taught her how to maintain independence and clear judgment in complex interpersonal relationships and political struggles.

How did Wu Zetian become a generation of empresses? Experts revealed: the key is her mother's marriage age!

Wu Zetian's mother, Yang Peony, played an irreplaceable role in her upbringing. From the way of education to the attitude to life, from personal cultivation to the strategy of dealing with problems, Yang Peony is undoubtedly the hero behind Wu Zetian's success.

Through the story of Yang Peony, we can see how the mother behind it influenced and shaped the fate of a great woman through her wisdom and strength. This is not only the emotional inheritance between mother and daughter, but also the transmission of wisdom and strength. Wu Zetian's story tells us that every woman has the possibility to write her own legend in her own world.