
After Sun Ce's death, why did Zhou Yu lead the troops to the funeral? 19 years after Zhou Yu's death, Sun Quan told the reason


Jiangdong hegemony was originally a matter of the Sun family. However, in those stormy years, a person with a foreign surname became the Dinghai Divine Needle of the Sun family. He is Zhou Yu, the word Gongjin. When Sun Ce died, Zhou Yu led the troops to mourn, which seemed ordinary, but in fact it was a hidden mystery. Why did Zhou Yu act the way he did? What's the meaning behind this? It wasn't until nineteen years after Zhou Yu's death that Sun Quan revealed the reason. What is the reason why Sun Quan has such great respect for Zhou Yu? How did Zhou Yu make great contributions to the Sun family in the troubled times? All of this has to start with Sun Ce's deathbed. Let's uncover this long-sealed historical mystery and explore the inextricable links between Zhou Yu and Sun.

Sun Ce's last entrustment

In the fifth year of Jian'an (200 AD), Sun Ce, the overlord of Jiangdong, was in his prime, but suffered a sudden assassination. This year, Sun Ce met Xu Liu, Xu Gong's doorman, on the way out hunting. Xu Liu held a sharp blade in his hand and stabbed Sun Ce in the abdomen while he was unprepared. Although the guards around Sun Ce subdued the murderer in time, Sun Ce was still seriously injured.

After returning to Fuzhong, Sun Ce's injuries worsened. Seeing that the deadline was approaching, Sun Ce's heart was turbulent. He knew that his sudden death would inevitably trigger a power struggle in Jiangdong. In the Sun family, there are many talented brothers, and everyone has their own supporters. If it is not handled properly, it is likely to lead to fratricidal brothers, family splitting, and then burying the Jiangdong foundation he has worked so hard to build.

At this critical moment, Sun Ce had to make a difficult choice. His gaze wandered over his younger brothers, and finally fell on his second brother, Sun Quan. Although Sun Quan is young, he is thoughtful, steady, and quite talented. Sun Ce believed that in this era of wisdom and patience, Sun Quan was more suitable than his other brothers to inherit the great cause.

However, this decision was not without controversy. Zhang Zhao and other old ministers believe that the third brother Sun Yi is more suitable to take over. Their reason is that Sun Yi has a strong personality and is brave, more like Sun Ce himself, and can calm the scene in this era where force is respected. But Sun Ce disagrees. He knew that he ended up like this because he was too stubborn and self-serving, and what Jiangdong needed was a leader who could coordinate the overall situation, not a simple general.

After Sun Ce's death, why did Zhou Yu lead the troops to the funeral? 19 years after Zhou Yu's death, Sun Quan told the reason

So, Sun Ce made an unexpected decision. He summoned Sun Quan to the bedside, handed him the seal, and announced in front of everyone that Sun Quan would inherit his position and rule Jiangdong. This decision immediately caused an uproar in the audience. Many people are puzzled by this, and some even openly oppose it.

In the face of everyone's doubts, Sun Ce had to take some pacification measures. He said to Zhang Zhao: "If Zhongmou does not do anything, you will take it yourself!" This sentence ostensibly gives Zhang Zhao the power to supervise Sun Quan, but in fact it is a hint to Zhang Zhao: If you think Sun Quan is not suitable, you can take over yourself. This is not only a trust in Zhang Zhao, but also a check and balance for him.

Sun Ce's arrangement seems to solve the problem of the heir, but in fact, it buries more hidden dangers. Sun Quan was young, inexperienced, and lacked prestige; Zhang Zhao and other old ministers were not convinced by him; There are still many people in the Sun clan who covet power. In such a complex situation, how can Sun Quan stand firm and inherit his father's and brother's inheritance?

Just when everyone was worried, an unexpected character appeared. He is Zhou Yu, Sun Ce's most trusted advisor and best friend during his lifetime. When Zhou Yu learned the news of Sun Ce's death, he immediately led his troops to mourn. This move, which seems to be out of mourning for old friends, actually contains more far-reaching political significance. What changes will the arrival of Zhou Yu bring to the situation in Jiangdong? How will Sun Quan respond to the challenges that lie ahead? All this will be gradually revealed in the following stories.

Zhou Yu's deep intention of leading the troops to the funeral

The friendship between Zhou Yu and Sun Ce can be described as the most legendary friendship between monarchs and ministers during the Three Kingdoms period. The two met when they met in micro and jointly created the foundation of Jiangdong. When Zhou Yu learned of Sun Ce's assassination, he was inspecting the military affairs of Chaisang (present-day Jiujiang, Jiangxi). When the news came, Zhou Yu was desperate and immediately led the army to Huiji (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang) to mourn.

This move, ostensibly out of mourning for a close friend, actually contains profound political significance. Zhou Yu led the troops to the funeral at this time, not only to express his respect for Sun Ce, but also to show everyone his loyalty to the Sun family at this critical moment.

Zhou Yu knew that Sun Ce's sudden death would cause a huge upheaval in Jiangdong. Although Sun Quan was designated as the heir by Sun Ce, he was young and inexperienced, and his prestige was insufficient, making it difficult for him to serve the public in a short period of time. And in the Sun clan, there are not a few people who covet power. If the situation is not stabilized quickly, Koto is likely to fall into civil strife or even fall apart.

After Sun Ce's death, why did Zhou Yu lead the troops to the funeral? 19 years after Zhou Yu's death, Sun Quan told the reason

Therefore, Zhou Yu's leading troops to the funeral was actually a declaration to everyone: he and his army would firmly support Sun Quan to inherit Sun Ce's position. This move undoubtedly gave Sun Quan great support and confidence.

Zhou Yu's arrival not only deterred those with bad intentions, but also gave Sun Quan a strong ally. Zhou Yu's prestige in the army was extremely high, and his support meant that Sun Quan was embraced by the army. This is undoubtedly an important political capital for Sun Quan, who has just succeeded to the throne.

More importantly, Zhou Yu's actions also sent a clear signal: Sun Ce's core team before his death will continue to support the Sun family's rule. This not only stabilized the morale of the army, but also appeased the people. When the people of Jiangdong saw that important ministers like Zhou Yu were still loyal to the Sun family, they naturally trusted the new ruler more.

However, Zhou Yu's move also aroused suspicion among some people. Some people believe that Zhou Yu's move was to monopolize power and control the young Sun Quan. There are also speculations that Zhou Yu wants to take this opportunity to replace Sun Quan and sit in the position of the lord of Jiangdong himself.

In the face of these suspicions, Zhou Yu's actions gave the best answer. After he arrived in Huiji, he immediately pledged his allegiance to Sun Quan and voluntarily surrendered his military power. This move not only dispelled people's doubts, but also demonstrated Zhou Yu's loyalty and foresight.

Zhou Yu knew that what Jiangdong needed at this time was unity, not division. He chose to fully support Sun Quan, not only out of commitment to his old friend Sun Ce, but also for the long-term interests of Jiangdong. Zhou Yu believed that only under the leadership of Sun Quan could Jiangdong maintain unity and gain a firm foothold in the situation of separation.

Zhou Yu's support gave Sun Quan great confidence. With the assistance of Zhou Yu, Sun Quan quickly stabilized the situation and calmed the morale of the army. Those generals and officials who were originally skeptical about Sun Quan's succession also expressed their allegiance after seeing Zhou Yu's attitude.

However, while Zhou Yu's support has solved the immediate need, Sun Quan's challenge is far from over. The internal contradictions in Koto still exist, and the external threat is becoming increasingly severe. Cao Cao is becoming stronger and stronger in the north, and Liu Biaopan is eyeing Jingzhou, and how Sun Quan survives in the cracks will be the biggest challenge he faces.

After Sun Ce's death, why did Zhou Yu lead the troops to the funeral? 19 years after Zhou Yu's death, Sun Quan told the reason

And what role will Zhou Yu, as Sun Quan's most trusted advisor, play in this process? And how will he help Sun Quan meet these challenges? All this will be gradually revealed in the coming years.

Sun Quan faced internal and external troubles

At the beginning of Sun Quan's succession, the situation in Jiangdong was turbulent. Despite Zhou Yu's help, the young heir still faces many challenges. With clans coveted inside and strong enemies outside, Sun Quan is walking on thin ice, and every step needs to be cautious.

First of all, the discord within the Sun clan became the most direct threat to Sun Quan. When Sun Ce was alive, with his personal charm and military talent, he barely suppressed the contradictions within the clan. But with Sun Ce's death, these contradictions broke out in an instant. Sun Quan's uncle, Sun Jing, always thought that he was more qualified to inherit the throne. He secretly contacted other clansmen in an attempt to overthrow Sun Quan's rule. Even Sun Quan's own brother, Sun Yi, was dissatisfied with his failure to be chosen as the heir, and often quarreled with Sun Quan.

This kind of strife within the clan not only threatened Sun Quan's dominance, but also seriously weakened Jiangdong's overall strength. Sun Quan had to spend a lot of energy balancing family ties, which undoubtedly distracted him from dealing with external threats.

In addition to the clan issue, Sun Quan also faced doubts from the Laochen group. Although Zhang Zhao, Qin Song and others ostensibly accepted Sun Ce's will, they were actually not completely convinced by the young Sun Quan. They believe that Sun Quan is young and inexperienced, and it is difficult to navigate the complex political situation. At a court meeting, Qin Song even openly questioned Sun Quan's decision, sparking a heated debate. In this case, Sun Quan's every decision is subject to strict scrutiny, and the slightest carelessness may cause dissatisfaction among the old ministers.

At the same time, the princes around Jiangdong also eyed this rich land. Cao Cao in the north was in his heyday, having just defeated Yuan Shao and unified the north. His next target is likely to be Koto. To the west, Liu Biao, despite his advanced age, still controls the strategic location of Jingzhou, which could pose a threat to Jiangdong at any time. To the southeast, the remnants of Liu Xuan's forces were also ready to move, in a vain attempt to take the opportunity to regain the lost territory.

Faced with such a situation, Sun Quan had to be vigilant at all times. He needs to find a balance between internal contradictions and external threats, both to appease the internal and to guard against external enemies. This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for a young man who has just succeeded to the throne.

After Sun Ce's death, why did Zhou Yu lead the troops to the funeral? 19 years after Zhou Yu's death, Sun Quan told the reason

To make matters worse, Sun Quan also faced the problem of loyalty to his generals. When Sun Ce was alive, he won the support of the soldiers with his personal charm and military talents. But Sun Quan succeeded to the throne at the beginning and has not yet proven himself on the battlefield. Many generals were skeptical about the young coach and wondered if he would be able to lead everyone on the battlefield like Sun Ce.

In this situation, some ambitious generals began to make a move. They secretly liaise and try to find an opportunity to seize power. There are even rumors that some generals have begun to collude with external forces to overthrow Sun Quan's rule.

In the face of these challenges, Sun Quan showed extraordinary composure and wisdom. He did not rush to express himself, but humbly asked the old ministers for advice, and at the same time paid attention to the voices of the younger generation. When dealing with clan conflicts, he showed due respect and dignity. For those generals with bad intentions, Sun Quan also adopted a strategy of both grace and power, both trusting and secretly monitoring.

However, Sun Quan alone was obviously unable to deal with such a complex situation. He needed a good assistant, a counselor who could help him navigate the situation. And this candidate is naturally none other than Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu's talent and loyalty provided Sun Quan with great support. With Zhou Yu's assistance, Sun Quan gradually stabilized the internal situation, and at the same time began to deal with external threats. But the real challenge is just beginning. With the continuous expansion of Cao Cao's power, a great war related to the fate of Jiangdong is coming. How will Sun Quan and Zhou Yu respond to this crisis? And how will they carve out a way for Jiangdong to survive in this storm? All of this will unfold gradually in the following story.

Zhou Yu helped Sun Quan consolidate his power

Faced with the situation of internal and external troubles, Sun Quan knew that it was difficult to deal with it on his own. At this time, Zhou Yu's talent and loyalty became Sun Quan's most solid backing. Zhou Yu not only had outstanding talents in military affairs, but also had unique views in politics and diplomacy. He assisted Sun Quan in formulating a series of strategies that gradually consolidated Sun Quan's dominance.

First of all, Zhou Yu suggested that Sun Quan adopt a strategy of "keeping things inside and outside". He believes that only by first stabilizing the internal situation can we have sufficient strength to deal with external threats. At Zhou Yu's suggestion, Sun Quan began to deal with the contradictions within the clan. For those who were dissatisfied with him, Sun Quan adopted a policy of gentleness. He gave them certain power and benefits, but at the same time skillfully dispersed them in various places to prevent them from uniting against him.

After Sun Ce's death, why did Zhou Yu lead the troops to the funeral? 19 years after Zhou Yu's death, Sun Quan told the reason

Regarding the ambition of his uncle Sun Jing, Sun Quan, at the suggestion of Zhou Yu, adopted more ingenious means. On the surface, he was respectful to Sun Jing and often consulted him on political affairs. But in fact, in this way, Sun Quan not only showed respect for his elders, but also secretly weakened Sun Jing's influence. Although Sun Jing was unwilling, she could only hold it down temporarily when she could not find a clear reason to oppose Sun Quan.

On the issue of dealing with the Laochen Group, Zhou Yu gave a suggestion of "respecting the virtuous and admonishing the virtuous". He believed that although these old ministers had doubts about Sun Quan, their experience and wisdom were crucial to the stability of Jiangdong. Therefore, Sun Quan began to hold frequent court meetings and invite these old ministers to participate in decision-making. In this process, Sun Quan not only humbly listened to the opinions of the old ministers, but also often adopted their suggestions. This approach not only won the support of the old ministers, but also allowed Sun Quan to quickly accumulate governance experience.

Regarding the loyalty of army generals, Zhou Yu proposed the strategy of "clear rewards and punishments". He suggested that Sun Quan personally inspect the army and understand the needs of the soldiers. Sun Quan took this suggestion and often went deep into the barracks to eat and live with the soldiers. This approach not only shortened the distance between Sun Quan and the soldiers, but also allowed the generals to see Sun Quan's determination and ability. At the same time, Sun Quan, at the suggestion of Zhou Yu, rewarded some generals who made meritorious contributions, and severely punished those who had different intentions. This method of clearly distinguishing rewards and punishments quickly stabilized the morale of the army.

When dealing with external threats, Zhou Yu proposed the strategy of "uniting Liu to resist Cao". He believes that Cao Cao is the biggest threat to Jiangdong, and although Liu Biao is also a threat, he is relatively weak. Therefore, Zhou Yu advised Sun Quan to maintain friendly relations with Liu Biao in order to concentrate his efforts on dealing with Cao Cao's threat. Sun Quan took this advice and sent an envoy to Jingzhou to establish an initial alliance with Liu Biao.

At the same time, Zhou Yu also suggested that Sun Quan strengthen ties with the local wealthy families in Jiangdong. He believes that although these wealthy families are not directly involved in politics, their influence in the local area cannot be ignored. At Zhou Yu's suggestion, Sun Quan began to make frequent contact with these wealthy clans, incorporating them into his ruling system through marriages and granting them official positions. This not only broadened Sun Quan's support base, but also effectively controlled local forces.

On the economic front, Zhou Yu put forward the policy of "emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business". He believed that only by developing agriculture could we provide the army with an adequate supply of grain and grass. Therefore, Sun Quan, at the suggestion of Zhou Yu, began to vigorously promote new agricultural techniques and encourage farmers to reclaim wasteland. At the same time, they also built a large number of water conservancy facilities to improve the conditions for agricultural production. These measures have not only increased agricultural yields, but also won the support of farmers.

Through this series of measures, Sun Quan's dominance was gradually consolidated. He not only quelled internal unrest, but also effectively coped with external threats. With Zhou Yu's assistance, Sun Quan gradually grew from a fledgling young heir to a full-fledged ruler.

However, the real challenge is yet to come. As Cao Cao unified the north, his gaze inevitably turned to the rich land of Jiangdong. A big battle is coming. How will Sun Quan and Zhou Yu deal with this existential crisis? And how will they carve out a way for Jiangdong to survive in this storm? All this will be answered in the Battle of Chibi.

After Sun Ce's death, why did Zhou Yu lead the troops to the funeral? 19 years after Zhou Yu's death, Sun Quan told the reason

The Battle of Chibi laid the foundation for Jiangdong's hegemony

The Battle of Chibi, the great war that changed the pattern of the Three Kingdoms, became the biggest challenge faced by Sun Quan and Zhou Yu. When Cao Cao's army pressed the border, the entire Jiangdong fell into an unprecedented crisis.

On the eve of the war, Cao Cao had already captured Jingzhou and threatened Jiangdong. In the face of Cao Cao's army of 800,000, everyone in Jiangdong was terrified. Many advocated surrender, believing that with the power of Jiangdong, it would be difficult to resist Cao Cao's iron hooves. However, Sun Quan and Zhou Yu have different views.

At a key military meeting, Zhou Yu proposed to Sun Quan the strategy of "uniting Liu to resist Cao". He believes that although Jiangdong's strength is not as good as Cao Cao's, if he can join forces with Liu Bei, he will not be without the strength to fight. Sun Quan took this suggestion and immediately sent Lu Xun to Jingzhou to discuss an alliance with Liu Bei.

Lu Xun's trip can be described as full of difficulties and dangers. On the way, not only did he have to avoid Cao Jun's eyes and ears, but he also had to persuade Liu Bei to believe in Jiangdong's sincerity. After several days of running, Lu Xun finally met Liu Bei. At Zhuge Liang's suggestion, Liu Bei agreed to form an alliance with Sun Quan. This successful diplomatic move laid the foundation for the subsequent victory.

After the alliance was reached, Sun Quan and Zhou Yu immediately began to prepare for war. They knew that in the face of Cao Cao's huge army, it would be difficult to win with conventional methods of warfare. Therefore, Zhou Yu came up with a bold plan: to attack with fire.

The key to this plan was how to deceive Cao Cao into gathering the warships together. Zhou Yu came up with an ingenious solution. He sent someone to pretend to be a surrenderer, and offered advice to Cao Cao that the Jiangdong navy was not accustomed to fighting in large ships, and suggested that the warships should be connected with iron chains to prevent the Jiangdong navy from getting into the ship formation. Cao Cao believed it and acted according to this advice.

At the same time, Zhou Yu also sent Huang Gai to pretend to surrender. Huang Gai is a veteran of Jiangdong and is highly valued by Cao Cao. He came to Cao's camp with a "fire ship" loaded with hay and kerosene, claiming to offer the warship as a sign of sincerity. Cao Cao did not doubt him, and ordered the ships to be docked near the big camp.

After Sun Ce's death, why did Zhou Yu lead the troops to the funeral? 19 years after Zhou Yu's death, Sun Quan told the reason

Just when Cao Cao thought that the victory was in his hands, the fire attack plan jointly planned by Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang began to be implemented. They chose a night when the southeast wind was blowing and ordered Huang Gai to light the "fire boats" filled with flammable materials. The flames spread rapidly by the southeast wind, and Cao's warships were connected together, with nowhere to escape, and turned into a sea of fire in an instant.

The success of the fire offensive gave great encouragement to the coalition forces. Taking advantage of the chaos of Cao's army, Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang respectively led the water and land armies to launch a fierce attack. Although Cao's army was outnumbered, it was already in a panic and unable to organize effective resistance. After a fierce battle, the coalition forces finally won a great victory.

This battle not only shattered Cao Cao's ambition to unify the world, but also laid the pattern of the Three Kingdoms. For Sun Quan and Jiangdong, this victory is even more far-reaching.

First of all, the Battle of Chibi greatly enhanced Sun Quan's prestige in Jiangdong. Previously, many people were still suspicious of the young ruler. But this battle in which the weak defeated the strong proved Sun Quan's courage and determination. After the war, the support for Sun Quan from top to bottom of Jiangdong reached an unprecedented height.

Second, the victory also cemented the foundation of Sun Quan's rule. Before the war, there were many dissident forces within Koto. But in this existential battle, everyone united under the banner of Sun Quan. Those clan members who were once dissatisfied with Sun Quan also had to admit Sun Quan's ability.

Moreover, the Battle of Chibi also won a rare peaceful environment for Jiangdong. After Cao Cao's defeat, it was difficult to go south again in a short time. This gave Sun Quan a rare opportunity for development. He used this time to vigorously develop the economy, enrich the armament, and further consolidate the strength of Jiangdong.

In the end, this battle also brought the relationship between Sun Quan and Zhou Yu to new heights. Zhou Yu's outstanding performance in the battle made Sun Quan trust and rely on him even more. The relationship between the two monarchs and ministers has also been further sublimated into close friends who share weal and benement.

After Sun Ce's death, why did Zhou Yu lead the troops to the funeral? 19 years after Zhou Yu's death, Sun Quan told the reason

However, the victory did not make Sun Quan and Zhou Yu let their guard down. They knew very well that although Cao Cao was defeated, Liu Bei was also developing his power in Xishu. If Jiangdong wants to gain a foothold in the pattern of the Three Kingdoms, it still needs more efforts and planning.

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