
He was thrown into a dung pit, survived to death for 4 generations of emperors and pretended to be stupid for 36 years, and became a dry ancient Ming Jun after ascending the throne


In the long history of ancient China, there was such an emperor, whose fate was full of ups and downs, which is embarrassing. He came from a humble background, and his mother was just an ordinary palace maid. From an early age, he was seen as stupid, bullied and ridiculed. However, the gears of fate are quietly turning in the dark. He experienced the humiliation of being thrown into a dung pit, but miraculously survived. He endured humiliation and humiliation, pretending to be crazy and stupid for 36 years, and survived the rule of four generations of emperors. What has he experienced in these long years? Why do you have to disguise yourself for so long? In the end, when he ascended the throne, how did he become a generation of Ming monarchs? What kind of wisdom and courage does the legendary story of this emperor contain?

In the fifth year of Yuanhe of the Tang Dynasty (810), in a remote and gloomy palace, a cry broke the silence of the night. This newborn baby was the later Tang Xuanzong Li Chen, and his mother Zheng was just an ordinary palace maid.

He was thrown into a dung pit, survived to death for 4 generations of emperors and pretended to be stupid for 36 years, and became a dry ancient Ming Jun after ascending the throne

The Zheng family was originally the concubine of Li Qi, the envoy of Zhenhai Festival. A scholar once predicted that she would give birth to the Son of Heaven in the future, which caught Li Qi's attention. However, Li Qi failed in his rebellion and was sentenced to death. His family members were either exiled or confiscated, and only the Zheng family was fortunate enough to be assigned to the palace as a maid.

After entering the palace, Zheng was cautious and worked diligently, and was soon transferred to serve by Tang Xianzong's original wife, Guo. There were many palace maids around Guo's side, and Zheng was able to rest for a while. At this moment, she was favored by Tang Xianzong and was lucky.

This incident became a thorn in Guo's heart. Even if the Zheng family gave birth to a prince, they did not get the honor and status they deserved. Guo has always made a fuss about Zheng's background, which caused Li Chen to be bullied everywhere in the palace since he was a child.

Although Li Chen was named the King of Light, this did not change the dilemma of him and his mother in the palace. Tang Xianzong's lack of attention, coupled with Guo's deliberate suppression, made it difficult for the mother and son to move an inch in the deep palace. This environment has created Li Chen's taciturn character, he is reluctant to communicate with others, even if he speaks to his biological mother Zheng, he is indifferent and does not say a word.

He was thrown into a dung pit, survived to death for 4 generations of emperors and pretended to be stupid for 36 years, and became a dry ancient Ming Jun after ascending the throne

In the "New Tang Dynasty Book", Li Chen was euphemistically evaluated: "The emperor is obscure on the outside and clear on the inside, seriously silent, and has a peculiar vision, and he thought he was not wise in the palace when he was young." It means that Li Chen doesn't look smart, and even has some symptoms of stupidity. It is precisely because of this performance that Li Chen has been bullied by his brothers since he was a child.

In the harem of the Tang Dynasty at that time, "the son is valued by the mother" was the norm. Zheng's humble status doomed her son to be unable to gain a firm foothold in the harem and among many princes. But Zheng never gave up her expectations for her son, and she often used her meager monthly income to buy books for Li Chen.

Since Li Chen's "stupidity" has spread, the eunuchs and maids in the palace have also begun to torture and ridicule him unscrupulously, taking pleasure in it. Those palace maids and eunuchs who have been suppressed for a long time have a twisted pleasure in their hearts when they bully the emperor's son. Young Li Chen spent every day in this gloomy environment, and even though his father Tang Xianzong knew about this situation, he never said a word for him.

Li Chen's royal brothers also disliked this "stupid" younger brother who was not from a good background. When they saw Li Chen, they would throw stones at him and even hit him with wooden swords. Every night, when Zheng changed Li Chen's clothes, she didn't dare to speak out when she saw the scars on her son's body, so she could only apply ointment to her son with pity, and she covered her mouth alone and cried bitterly late at night.

He was thrown into a dung pit, survived to death for 4 generations of emperors and pretended to be stupid for 36 years, and became a dry ancient Ming Jun after ascending the throne

After experiencing this, the Zheng family completely saw through this cannibalistic palace. She whispered to her son: "People like us who have no backstage and no background can only survive in the palace in two ways: either become stronger, or pretend to be crazy and stupid." Now that his son has been considered a little stupid, Zheng hopes that he will continue to be "stupid". In this way, although you will be bullied and will not get glory and wealth, you can live to the end and die a good death.

However, from the moment the Xiangshi predicted that the Zheng family would give birth to the Son of Heaven, Li Chen's fate was destined to be extraordinary. In the years that followed, he would go through more trials and tribulations, but these difficult childhood experiences also laid the foundation for his future growth and survival.

As Li Chen grew older, his situation did not improve. After Tang Xianzong's death, Tang Muzong succeeded to the throne. The new emperor did not have a good impression of this "stupid" younger brother, and Li Chen's life became more and more difficult. However, the real crisis is yet to come.

After Tang Jingzong ascended the throne, the internal contradictions in the imperial court intensified. In order to consolidate his position, the powerful minister Wang Shoucheng began to secretly purge members of the royal family who might threaten his power. As the emperor's uncle, Li Chen, although he has always been regarded as stupid, is still regarded as a potential threat.

He was thrown into a dung pit, survived to death for 4 generations of emperors and pretended to be stupid for 36 years, and became a dry ancient Ming Jun after ascending the throne

Late one night, several Assassins infiltrated Li Chen's dormitory. They held sharp blades and silently approached the sleeping Li Chen. Just as the assassin was about to attack, Li Chen suddenly woke up and let out a crazy laugh. This sudden move caused the assassins to panic, and they hesitated to give Li Chen a chance to escape. He stumbled out of the dormitory, muttering meaningless words that caught the attention of the palace guards. Seeing this, the Assassins hastily retreated.

Although the assassination failed, Li Chen realized that his situation was even more dangerous. He decided to follow through on the strategy of "pretending to be crazy and stupid" taught by his mother. From that day on, Li Chen began to wander around the palace, sometimes laughing, sometimes crying, and sometimes doing some ridiculous acts. Everyone in the palace decided that this imperial uncle was really crazy.

However, Li Chen's situation did not improve because of this. Once, several palace maids and eunuchs pushed him into a filthy dung pit for amusement. Li Chen was soaked in foul-smelling feces, but he just smirked and let them laugh. This scene was seen by the ministers passing by, who were both sympathetic and contemptuous of the emperor's plight, but no one dared to help.

Li Chen spent day after day in the palace like this. He has to face all kinds of insults and bullying every day, but he always maintains the appearance of "stupidity". Even in the most difficult moments, he did not give up his disguise.

He was thrown into a dung pit, survived to death for 4 generations of emperors and pretended to be stupid for 36 years, and became a dry ancient Ming Jun after ascending the throne

After Tang Wenzong succeeded to the throne, the situation in the imperial court became even more turbulent. Li Chen's situation also deteriorated. Someone proposed to send this "crazy" imperial uncle out of the palace so as not to cause trouble in the palace. So, Li Chen was sent to a remote monastery.

In the monastery, Li Chen was forced to be ordained a monk. His long hair was shaved and he was replaced with a coarse cloth monk's robe. For a member of the royal family, this is undoubtedly a great shame. But Li Chen still maintains his "stupid" image, and seems to be unaware of all this.

Although the life in the temple is poor, compared to the intrigue in the palace, it gives Li Chen some respite. He participated in the work of the monastery every day, cleaning the courtyard, carrying water and chopping firewood. Sometimes, he would sit in the corner of the monastery, staring blankly into the distance, muttering words that no one could understand.

In this way, Li Chen spent several years in the monastery. During this period, Tang Wuzong succeeded to the throne, but this did not change much in Li Chen's life. He is still the "stupid" monk, living silently in a corner of the monastery.

He was thrown into a dung pit, survived to death for 4 generations of emperors and pretended to be stupid for 36 years, and became a dry ancient Ming Jun after ascending the throne

However, the gears of fate turned again. Tang Wuzong died, and there was no one in the court to inherit the unification. At this time, someone remembered the long-forgotten imperial uncle. Minister Qiu Gongwu proposed to welcome Li Chen back to the palace to succeed him.

When the envoys came to the monastery, they saw a monk with an unkempt head and a trance-like expression. Li Chen didn't seem to react to the arrival of the envoy, just staring blankly into the distance. The messengers looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, Li Chen suddenly spoke. His voice was hoarse and deep, but the words he uttered shocked everyone present. He said: "I dreamed of the emperor last night, and told me that there would be a distinguished guest today. This sentence not only proves that Li Chen's mind is actually sober, but also hints at his understanding of the situation in the imperial court.

The envoys were surprised and relieved. They cautiously explained the situation in the imperial court to Li Chen, and invited him to return to the palace to inherit the throne. Li Chen was silent for a moment, then nodded.

He was thrown into a dung pit, survived to death for 4 generations of emperors and pretended to be stupid for 36 years, and became a dry ancient Ming Jun after ascending the throne

In this way, after 36 years of pretending to be crazy and stupid, and surviving the rule of four generations of emperors, Li Chen finally returned to the palace to meet the turning point in his life. However, there will be even greater challenges and trials that await him.

In the second year of the Great Calendar (847), Li Chen returned to Chang'an with the support of his ministers and officially ascended the throne as emperor for Tang Xuanzong. He was 37 years old at the time, which was not young for a newly enthroned emperor. However, 36 years of dormancy have allowed him to accumulate a wealth of experience and deep wisdom.

At the enthronement ceremony, Li Chen changed his image of being "stupid" in the past, behaved solemnly and had an extraordinary bearing. When he received the jade seal, the ministers present were surprised to find that the eyes of the new monarch were like torches, revealing wisdom and perseverance. Only then did many people realize that the "stupid" uncle they once despised and even bullied had actually been playing a role all along.

The first thing after ascending the throne, Li Chen showed his vigorous and resolute behavior. He ordered a thorough investigation of the eunuchs and maids who had bullied him over the years. Those who had pushed him into a dung pit and stoned him were all pulled out. However, to everyone's surprise, Li Chen did not punish these people with capital punishment.

He was thrown into a dung pit, survived to death for 4 generations of emperors and pretended to be stupid for 36 years, and became a dry ancient Ming Jun after ascending the throne

He summoned these people to the front of the emperor and said lightly, "I remember each and every one of you. I remember everything I knew about how you treated me back then. But I am now the king of a country, and I will not kill innocents because of personal grudges. After saying that, he just demoted these people to civilians and expelled them from the palace. This move not only showed his magnanimity, but also shocked the whole palace.

Next, Li Chen began to deal with the government. The first thing he solved was the problem of the eunuch dictatorship, which had accumulated in the DPRK and China for a long time. Liu Hongyi, a eunuch who was once in power, was skillfully transferred out of the core power circle by him and reappointed as Taichangqing. This appointment seems to be a promotion, but in fact it deprives Liu Hongyi of real power.

At the same time, Li Chen began to reuse those who had been excluded from the virtuous people. He appointed Du Yi as the prime minister, and Li Deyu as the left servant of Shangshu. Both of them were talented ministers, but they were demoted because of their political differences and disagreements with the eunuch group of the former dynasty. Li Chen's move not only won the support of the scholar class, but also injected new vitality into the imperial court.

After dealing with the internal affairs of the DPRK and China, Li Chen set his sights on the frontier. For many years, the Tang Dynasty's borders were harassed by the Tibetans. Li Chen decided to take the initiative to attack. He ordered the general Wang Zai to lead the army to attack and regained more than ten states in Longyou in one fell swoop. This victory not only consolidated the western frontier of the Tang Dynasty, but also greatly boosted the morale of the army.

He was thrown into a dung pit, survived to death for 4 generations of emperors and pretended to be stupid for 36 years, and became a dry ancient Ming Jun after ascending the throne

However, Li Chen was not satisfied with this. He is well aware that in order to truly achieve long-term peace and stability in the country, it is not enough to rely on force alone. As a result, he began to implement a series of reform measures.

First of all, he vigorously rectified the rule of officials. Li Chen personally examined the performance reports of officials in various localities and severely punished those officials who were corrupt and oppressed the people. He also created the "fiefdom system", which stipulated that officials must report all their assets to the imperial court after the expiration of their term of office, so as to prevent officials from using their power to enrich themselves.

Second, Li Chen paid attention to the development of agriculture. He ordered the people to pay taxes and encouraged the peasants to reclaim the wasteland. At the same time, he also organized the construction of water conservancy projects to improve agricultural irrigation conditions. These measures have greatly increased agricultural productivity and gradually improved the people's livelihood.

In terms of culture and education, Li Chen has also made a difference. He attached great importance to the cultivation of talents, and repeatedly ordered the school to be rebuilt to encourage students to devote themselves to study. He also personally participated in the marking of the imperial examinations to ensure that truly talented people were selected.

He was thrown into a dung pit, survived to death for 4 generations of emperors and pretended to be stupid for 36 years, and became a dry ancient Ming Jun after ascending the throne

Li Chen's measures made the Tang Dynasty present a thriving scene. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and the court is harmonious. This period was known as the "rule of Dazhong" by later generations, and it was one of the most prosperous periods of the Tang Dynasty since the Kaiyuan Dynasty.

However, Li Chen did not forget his original intention because of these achievements. He always remembered what happened to him, and he never forgot his mother's teachings. Even at the pinnacle of power, he remained cautious and vigilant.

Once, ministers praised Li Chen's ability to govern the country at a court meeting, comparing him to Tang Taizong. After Li Chen heard this, he shook his head and said, "How can I dare to compare with Taizong?" I am just an imperial uncle who was once regarded as stupid, and I can get to where I am today thanks to the assistance of my ministers. These words not only showed Li Chen's humility, but also made the ministers respect him more.

In this way, Li Chen used his wisdom and diligence to not only snow his own shame, but also bring new vitality to the Tang Dynasty. However, the wheels of history are still rolling forward, and new challenges await this emperor who has experienced ups and downs.

He was thrown into a dung pit, survived to death for 4 generations of emperors and pretended to be stupid for 36 years, and became a dry ancient Ming Jun after ascending the throne

After Li Chen ascended the throne, he did not forget his experience because of the acquisition of power. He knew that it would take unremitting effort and wisdom to maintain the stability and prosperity of an empire. As a result, he remained vigilant and cautious to govern this vast empire in a unique way.

In terms of government affairs, Li Chen adopted a series of distinctive measures. He often makes private visits and personally understands the people's suffering. Once, he disguised himself as an ordinary merchant and came to a small village outside the city of Chang'an. There, he meets an old farmer who is worried about high taxes. Li Chen talked with the old farmer and learned more about the local tax situation. Upon his return to the palace, he immediately ordered a partial reduction of taxes in the region and sent officials to investigate the tax situation in other areas.

This kind of people-friendly style enables Li Chen to discover and solve the problems of the people in a timely manner. He also set up a "blunt box" to encourage the people to report problems directly to the emperor. This initiative has solved many people's problems that would otherwise not be able to reach the heavens.

In terms of selecting talents, Li Chen also has uniqueness. He not only attached importance to the imperial examinations, but also paid special attention to those who had practical talents but were not good at taking them. Once, he heard that there was a general named Li Dezhao on the border, although he was not highly educated, but he had extraordinary military talents. Li Chen made an exception and summoned Li Dezhao to personally inspect his abilities. In the end, Li Dezhao was appointed as an important general of the border defense, making a significant contribution to the border security of the Tang Dynasty.

He was thrown into a dung pit, survived to death for 4 generations of emperors and pretended to be stupid for 36 years, and became a dry ancient Ming Jun after ascending the throne

In terms of cultural construction, Li Chen also has unique views. He believes that the strength of a country requires not only military and economic development, but also cultural prosperity. Therefore, he strongly supported the development of literature and art. He often summoned scholars to sing poetry and poetry, and he often participated in them. With his encouragement, Tang Dynasty literature ushered in another period of prosperity. Famous poets such as Li Shangyin and Du Mu wrote a large number of popular poems during this period.

Li Chen also attaches great importance to the recording and inheritance of history. He ordered the compilation of the Huichang Unification Chronicle, which was the first official national geographical chronicle in Chinese history, and provided valuable materials for later generations to study the geography, economy, and culture of the Tang Dynasty.

In foreign relations, Li Chen has adopted a policy of valuing peace. He skillfully handled relations with neighboring countries, both maintaining the dignity of the Tang Dynasty and avoiding unnecessary wars. For example, in his relations with the Uighurs, he adopted a policy of softness, not only avoiding military conflicts, but also increasing mutual understanding through trade.

However, Li Chen did not blindly pursue peace. He can also take decisive military action when national interests are threatened. During his reign, the Tang army repeatedly repelled the invasions of Tibet, regained many lost territories, and consolidated the northwest frontier.

He was thrown into a dung pit, survived to death for 4 generations of emperors and pretended to be stupid for 36 years, and became a dry ancient Ming Jun after ascending the throne

Li Chen's policies and measures made the Tang Dynasty present a prosperous scene under his rule. However, he did not let his guard down because of this. He always remembers what happened to him and reminds himself not to repeat it.

On one occasion, in order to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Li Chen's accession to the throne, the ministers of the DPRK and China proposed to hold a grand celebration. Li Chen politely declined. He said to his ministers: "When I ascended the throne, the treasury was empty and the people were in need. While things are getting better now, we still have a long way to go. Instead of holding a celebration, the money should be used to improve people's lives. These words not only show Li Chen's frugal style, but also reflect his concern for people's livelihood.

Li Chen's attitude also affected the atmosphere of the entire imperial court. Under his leadership, the officials of the Tang Dynasty gradually developed a thrifty and pragmatic style. The phenomenon of embezzlement and corruption has been greatly reduced, and the efficiency of the government has been markedly improved.

However, governing an empire is not an easy task. Although Li Chen worked hard to maintain the stability of the government, as time went on, some new problems gradually emerged. Although the power of eunuchs was weakened, it was not completely eliminated. Some local officials began to abuse their power and oppress the people. These problems need to be paid attention to and solved by Li Chen.

He was thrown into a dung pit, survived to death for 4 generations of emperors and pretended to be stupid for 36 years, and became a dry ancient Ming Jun after ascending the throne

In this way, Li Chen spent thirteen spring and autumn on the throne. He always maintained humility and vigilance, striving to contribute to the prosperity and stability of the Tang Dynasty. However, the years are not forgiving, and as he grows older, Li Chen's physical condition also begins to deteriorate. Despite this, he still insisted on handling the government until the last moment of his life.

In the fourteenth year of Dazhong (860), Li Chen's physical condition deteriorated sharply. After years of hard work and the hardships of his early years, the 50-year-old emperor was already overwhelmed. However, even on the sickbed, Li Chen still insisted on handling the government.

In the final months of his life, Li Chen summoned his most trusted ministers to make final arrangements for the future of the Tang Dynasty. He called the crown prince Li Chen (later Tang Yizong) to the bed and earnestly taught: "As a monarch, you should put the people first and don't forget your original intention." Our ancestors started as farmers, and you should always remember that. "

Li Chen also specially told the crown prince to be vigilant against the dictatorship of eunuchs, to treat civil ministers and military generals well, and to attach importance to border defense. "Although the eunuchs have been weakened, there is still a potential threat," he said. Beware of them coming back to power. The military generals are the pillars of the country, and they should be treated well, but they should not be overly dependent on one person. The frontier is the barrier of the country, and it must be paid attention to at all times. "

He was thrown into a dung pit, survived to death for 4 generations of emperors and pretended to be stupid for 36 years, and became a dry ancient Ming Jun after ascending the throne

After explaining these things, Li Chen died in Chang'an Xingqing Palace on the first day of March in the 14th year of Dazhong. When the news broke, the whole country mourned. According to folklore, on the day of Li Chen's death, a gentle drizzle fell inside and outside Chang'an City, as if even God was crying for this Ming monarch.

Li Chen's funeral was solemnly held in accordance with the tradition of the Tang Dynasty. He was buried in the sun of Fengshan Mountain, and the mausoleum was named Zhenling. Hundreds of officials sent the funeral, and the people along the way spontaneously came to pay respects, and the scene was very spectacular.

After Li Chen's death, the government and the opposition began to comment on his life's merits and demerits. Most people believe that Li Chen is a rare Mingjun. He worked hard to bring the Tang Dynasty back to life; He reused meritocracy to make the government clear; He cared about the people's livelihood and made them live and work in peace and contentment.

However, there are also some who have questioned some of Mr. Li's policies. Some people believe that although Li Chen's suppression of eunuchs was effective, it did not completely solve the problem, but may have buried hidden dangers. It was also pointed out that Li Chen's excessive reliance on a few ministers such as Li Deyu in his later years may have affected the balance of the imperial court.

He was thrown into a dung pit, survived to death for 4 generations of emperors and pretended to be stupid for 36 years, and became a dry ancient Ming Jun after ascending the throne

Among the people, legends about Li Chen began to circulate. Some people say that before Li Chen died, he revealed to the prince the secret that he had been pretending to be stupid for many years, and told the prince that this was a kind of wisdom to protect himself. Some people also said that after Li Chen's death, the poor people he had rescued spontaneously organized memorial activities, and incense continued to burn.

Li Chen's death also aroused the creative enthusiasm of the literati. The famous poet Du Mu wrote the famous sentence of "480 temples in the Southern Dynasty, how many buildings are in the smoke and rain", which is considered to be a reminiscence of the grand occasion of Chang'an under Li Chen's rule. Li Shangyin wrote "In this nocturne, I heard the willows, who can't afford the love of the hometown", which was interpreted as a tribute to Li Chen's efforts to govern and revitalize the Tang Dynasty.

In the records of historical books, Li Chen was evaluated as "diligent in government and love for the people, Kuang Fuzhongxing". It is recorded in the "New Tang Dynasty Book": "Xuanzong ascended the throne, ruled the world with scholars, reformed the evils and suppressed the traitors, worked hard to govern the country, and ruled the sea." Such an evaluation reflects the affirmation of Li Chen's merits by later generations.

However, the evaluation of history is never static. With the passage of time, the evaluation of Li Chen by later historians has also changed. Some people believe that although Li Chen briefly revived the Tang Dynasty during his reign, he did not fundamentally solve the problems faced by the Tang Dynasty, especially the problems of the division of feudal towns and the dictatorship of eunuchs. These problems resurfaced shortly after Li Chen's death, eventually leading to the fall of the Tang Dynasty.

He was thrown into a dung pit, survived to death for 4 generations of emperors and pretended to be stupid for 36 years, and became a dry ancient Ming Jun after ascending the throne

Some scholars have also pointed out that Li Chen's merits should be evaluated in a specific historical context. In the case that the Tang Dynasty was already in decline, Li Chen was able to turn the tide and bring the Tang Dynasty back to life, which was a huge achievement in itself. Although he was unable to solve all the problems completely, his efforts earned the Tang Dynasty valuable respite.

In any case, Li Chen's life left a deep impression on future generations. He went from a despised "stupid" imperial uncle to the throne step by step, and became a generation of Ming monarchs. His experience is not only a legend of personal struggle, but also a magnificent historical epitome.

He was thrown into a dung pit, survived to death for 4 generations of emperors and pretended to be stupid for 36 years, and became a dry ancient Ming Jun after ascending the throne

For a long time after Li Chen's death, people often mentioned the emperor who once changed the fate of the Tang Dynasty. His story was compiled into a script and widely circulated among the people; His policies were studied and borrowed by later rulers; His poems were recited by scholars and scholars. Li Chen, the former "stupid" imperial uncle, finally left a strong mark in the long river of history.